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ProE is redrawing my entire part when I click on anything


ProE is redrawing my entire part when I click on anything

The problem appeared when we started using WF 4.0 (Currently on the M060 date code)and this happens on all of our seats.

I have narrowed down my problem to having a layer with "solid geometry" assigned to it and hiding the layer.I do this when I am working with quilts and the solid part becomes a hinderance.

Once I do this, every mouse click for a selection will cause my entire part to be redrawn. What I mean by this is, ProE will draw every line of what appears to be the wireframe. Once it does this I can finally make another selection.

As you can imagine, this causes a great amount of delay on a complicated part and becomes quite infuriating.

Here is what I have tried to solve the issue so far:

After talking to tech support, they insisted it was a config setting which was no longer valid with WF 4.0. But when I run without a config I still have the problem.

I have found that if I delete the layer which has the "solid geometry" then my issue goes away. This means I have to create and delete the "solid geometry" layer everytime.

I shouldn't have to work like that. I did not have this issue with WF 3.0.

To all who read this, thank you for taking the time.

Casey Stahl

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UPDATE: I am still having this issue. It is directly related to the solid geometry bring assigned to a layer. When that layer is selected is when the issue begins. It continues until I either delete the layer or close out of the part file, erase my not displayed, and reopen the file.

Thank you for the suggestion of using the fast_highlight config option. This helps speed things up considerably. But I woud still like to fix the problem. Any other suggestions?

Casey Stahl

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