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Problems saving to PDF


Problems saving to PDF

When trying to save a .DRW to .PDF I have text and symbols jumping around. Curently I have WF 4.0 and Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro. Other team members only have Adobe reader and do not have this problem. I have been using the stroke fonts options in Adobe but it tends to crash my sessions quite often. Any ideas? Also I am restricted to the use of downloads and was hoping to fix either Adobe or possibly a setting in WF 4.0.
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Hi Mike, See my thread, I have / had a similar issue to yours. I also had the problem with dxf and dwg formats too. I have found a work around for my issue, which relate to misplaced and indescriminately replaced fonts. If you are using native proe fonts or proe ttf fonts, please make a post there as I will be putting my workround on there when I have fully tested, (So far the tests seem to be a good workround.) Paul. Thread : pdf dxf dwg fonts Thread : maximum number of drawing sheets

Mike, I have one way to fix this problem if you have Acrobat 8.0 Pro installed. Anyway PTC technical support says go to M090 as that is the official build that has these problems are resolved. Good Luck,

Ok I do have M092 and Acrobat 8.0 installed on a 64 bit system. I am still having problems with extra spaces on some of my text mainly after text symbols. I can fix this with the stroke fonts option in Adobe but this changes my prints pen layouts, the same happens if I print to pdf. We prefer to use the save to PDF button, any other ideas.

Mike, I've solved this problem by downloading and using a TTF font like Arial in my drawing setup. Arial seems to reliably print to .PDF with no spacing issues. Another method is to print to a postscript file and distill it (if you have Acrobat distiller).

We are having similar problems with Wildfire 5.0. We use ttf, but have issues when we use symbols also, such as squircles, plus/minus, etc. We also get occasional stray lines off the edge of the drawing. They are not in the model, not on the drawing, but appear on the pdf. And we need pdf's because WF5.0 does not support our HP DEsignjet 4000. Just a huge frustrating pain at times... Bruce

I had an issue with text and stuff jumping around on PDF's on WF4. When I updated from M080 to M110 it seemed to fix the problem. What version are you running?

I have other problem. I use otf font for my drawings and I got huge pdfs (30Mb is normal size, when drw size is 301kb and font size is 23kb) I try understand why it so and find this: in PDF.png I draw only one symbol called "period" that mean point. Saved it pdf, opened Inkscape and explode it. Also I open original geometry in fontforge. Pro/E genetrate a lot parasite geometry in fonts. Do we have some rules for otf/ttf? Maybe its a mistakes in font? Or if it mistake in Pro/E it must be resolved. P.S. WF4-130

"Joseph Lord" wrote:

I had an issue with text and stuff jumping around on PDF's on WF4. When I updated from M080 to M110 it seemed to fix the problem. What version are you running?

I suppose i could only help someone who had WF4 M080, then I could tell them to upgrade to M110, sorry...

"Joseph Lord" wrote:

I suppose i could only help someone who had WF4 M080, then I could tell them to upgrade to M110, sorry...

24-Ruby II

Vitaliy, ProE WF4 strokes all texts written using TTF/OTF font. This means every character is replaced with the set of 2D entities. If you save PDF from ProE WF4, then this is probably the cause of your problem. In ProE WF5 you can configure PDF export to contain texts written using TTF/OTF font "as text". Maybe you can test some kind PDF printer to get PDF from ProE drawing. Martin

Martin Hanák

Here is where i am running into my problem, please see the attached. Is there a better way to save/print to PDF and keep what is on the screen?

anonymous wrote:

Maybe you can test some kind PDF printer to get PDF from ProE drawing.


No I can't becouse I need layers for my work. No other printers work with layers or can make layered PDF from non layered PS files that Pro/E send to them for print.

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