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In WF5, I have the config option of regen_failure_handling set to resolve_mode so that when features fail it goes into Failure Mode like it did in WF4. Now when I get into failure mode it opens a created backup model to go back to. However this doesn't always help if there were items suppresed before the failure. The way around this is to go into Edit/Regeneration Manager/Preferances and uncheck the Create Backup Models option. If I do this, then when I enter failure mode I can open up the last saved copy of the part and use that as my back-up model. However I need to reset this option evertime I open the part. I tried save preferances in the Regeneration Manager after unchecking the option. But it doesn't seem to stick. Is there a config option or something else I need to do to keep this option unchecked?
A little off target but, I usually save a copy of the part, with a new name,I am about to revise before making the changes. I bring that part and my "real" part into session simultaneously. Ifa feature fails I can switch windows and see the original refs, etc...
Sometimes I bring them into an assembly, superimposedto compare surface tweaks, curvature maps, highlights etc...
I like this better than bringing in the "Backup model" within Resolve mode.