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I had this happen to me recently as well. I turned off “Enable Desktop Composition” in the SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe dialog box. This turns off the transparency in windows but it prevented Windows from switching between the Aero and Classic color schemes which is what is causing the flickering.
Essentially, what I'm getting (and still do with an updated graphics driver), is the toggling of that setting. It's on, but when a CAD application launches (All flavors of Creo, roe, SW and Draftsight), it turns it off then back on again. I could turn it off full time, as you've done, but I like having it on and everything runs fine except for the flicker at launch.
What's odd is that it didn't do this with my old setup which was a single external LCD plus my laptop display. Same laptop, same graphics drivers, just new screens.
Similar issue. My setup was working fine until IT took my machine to install a new hard drive. After getting it back I had the issue. I tried lots of different drivers with no luck. It lasted ~30 seconds on my machine (less on some of my colleagues machines) and reordered all of my windows which made it really irritating.
If I turn off one of my non-laptop screens the issue goes away as well, but that is more painful.
After a year and a half of flashing screens, including several graphics drivers and builds of Creo, I installed the latest video driver from Dell (353.82) this morning and the screen flashing is now gone.