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I am using Creo Parametric Release 5.0 and Datecode5.0.4.0
The software crashes when opening and exporting models in Creo workspace. The model can be opened normally when downloaded to the local computer by other means
Translated text from Simplified Chinese to English using google translate:-
Subject - Creo工作区中打开及导出模型出现软件闪退
Body - Creo工作区中打开及导出模型出现软件闪退,模型通过其他方式下载到本地可以正常打开
- By Community Moderation Team.
Hi @明刘_10864550
Thanks for your question. I recommend giving more details and context about the problem you have in mind (ex: screenshots...). Please refer to this guideline to make your questions more likely to receive a quick and useful answer.