Just going through the forums I have tried this procedure: " Click tools - program.. - Edit design then you'll find this: INPUT END INPUT Now, between the imput lines is where you tell the program which parameters values will come from an outside reference, in your case an excel file (by the way same as mine, I've been working this way almost three years ago, and there is a huge potential in this tool, only is a bit awkwward to master) Parameters need to be declared in a specific way, for example HOLE_DIAMETER NUMBER PATTERN YES_NO BOLT_NAME STRING Those for the 3 kind of parameters Pro/e recognizes Then you close the program, say yes, you want to include changes, and then you tell the program where you want to read the info from. Now the thing is that pro/program only reads .txt files. This file needs a specific structure, the first colom is the parameter name, the second colom is an = ,and the thrid colom is the param value. As soon as the program finds a blank row in the file it stops reading it. So you have to manage the excel file to have this format, and then save that sheet in a txt file. Then when pro/e asks you the file from where it should read th data, you write down te .txt filename complete, including the .txt (this is viable with a fine excel macro) It will only read it from the working directory, nor anywhere else, so make sure you create or copy the txt file into that directory. " Unfortunately when I put in a parameter string such as "Code" and the value as "LP" in the text file as the procedure above describes, I get a blank in the value once I regenerate and hit Tools -> Parameters... Suggestions?