I want to keep our Windchill server as the homepage in our embedded browser.
Is there a way to spawn a 2nd tab with the Creo 4 help page every time Creo starts? I think this would encourage our users to read the help.
current config.pro setting
web_browser_homepage http://server.com/Windchill/
these 2 setting do exactly what I want, except they go to fixed URLs that I cannot control.
enable_3dmodelspace_browser_tab yes
enable_partcommunity_tab yes
The setting I WISH existed:
enable_browser_tab https://support.ptc.com/help/creo/creo_pma/usascii/index.html#page/introduction%2Fabout_PTC_creo_help.html
You can actually create a mapkey to open a new tab, enter an address, and select the "go" button. Create a trail file to run at startup that runs the mapkey. You can also create the mapkey to use FILE > HELP > CREO PARAMETRIC HELP which will launch a separate browser window for the help pages.
Dan N.