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I have a problem , i want to modify path of my templates
when i create a new drawing creo goes on standard templates
How set path to my template if i have on desktop
I want when i create a new drawing creo goes on my templates
In picture before i put what i want creo to display me
did you tried following options?
Also, you can go to ...\Creo 2.0\Common Files\M070\templates directory, move system drawing templates somewhere else and place your templates there.
Also try pro_format_dir.
There are a number of config options that control default locations. SOme point to specific files, others to a folder containing the files:
bom_format - text file for the internal BOM function (model tab in assy mode)
drawing_setup_file - default drawing setup file
mdl_tree_cfg_file - model tree config file
pro_colormap_path - folder containing color map files
pro_dtl_setup_dir - folder for drawing setup files
pro_format_dir - folder for drawing formats
pro_group_dir - folder for user defined feature files
pro_library_dir - folder for the standard parts library
pro_material_dir - folder for material files
pro_note_dir - folder for standard drawing notes
pro_sheet_met_dir - folder for sheet metal bend tables
pro_symbol_dir - folder for drawing symbols
start_model_dir - folder for model templates or "start parts"
template_designasm - default assy template
template_sheetmetalpart - default sheet metal part template
template_solidpart - default part template
There isn't one, oddly, for drawing templates. There is for formats, but not for templates. I believe it defaults to the specification for start_model_dir.