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You don't have to go to but you do have to go to Options:
File/Options/Sketcher/Sketcher Grid/Snap to Grid
Yes, it is about the most boneheaded basic Detail option one could think of in any of the ProE/WF/Creo implementations. Creo in fact brought this to a whole new level of inconvenient places since they removed the "Environment" window and replaced it with "Options".
What in the heck does Sketcher have to do with a drafting grid anyway? (!)
Tom, we are talking about turning "snap" on and off in in a drawing.
In sketcher (Creo) you get the option of turning the grid on and off, but not snapping.
Same holds true for drawings.
Whynot simply add the snap option to the grid menus?
Tom, thanks... your pictures come through better in emails than they do on the forum.
Creo is definitely different. That "Sketcher Preference" window is not available in the model or assembly ribbon. You don't have to access specifically, but the option window that has nearly all the environment setup selections put in one place (file/options).
You did highlight one I was not yet aware of. In the drawing, the Sketcher Preference dialog (notice how they are named the same but have different interfaces) where they call "Grid Snap" "Grid Intersection". <= even more unneccesary confusion! This one will be more useful in general while working on drawings.
I am not fully versed on WF and did not use the WF5 ribbon adaptation. I am old school from 2000i. I did find the old Environment menu in Creo when editing symbols of all things. That is where we use to set snap to grid.
So now we have 3 places you can change the grid snap. Odd however is that the drawing sketcher Grid Intersection does not toggle the or Sketcher option settings. It seems to be a local toggle only, which is fine by me.