You've seen everything I have - the two relevant responses I got were posted
to the group. Thanks Tom and Doug. again. Here they are:
"I recently switched from WF2 to WF5, and it seems like intent edge
selection has suffered greatly. WF5 almost never gives the intent
edge/chain option that used to be available for most every command and
feature. I haven't taken the time to figure out why, but it's very
noticeable and annoying."
"Intent chains have been around a long time, maybe since release 2001. At
first I think you had to enable them with a config option, now they should
just work.
There is one caveat, however. If your file is from a release prior to when
intent chains were implemented, they won't work. That includes build from
an old start part. I still see files that won't allow intent chains from
time to time.
The good news is it's easy to fix. Simply roll back the model using the
model player (tools menu), make sure 'Regenerate Features' is checked and
roll back to the end. Intent chains should now work."
Surely it is possible that the start part I am using is pre 2001 - may even
be a throw-back to before 18.0 (!) I verified that if I create a new part
using an "empty" start part (Pro/E default?), I do get intent chains. I
also tried Doug's tip on rolling back and regenerating the model using model
player. This was unsuccessful for me - not sure if I am doing something
wrong. I tried it a few times / ways. both on my start part and on existing
Let me / us know if there are other ideas or thoughts on this.
I am convinced that this functionality is reason enough to create a new and
fresh start part using WF5 - a simple endeavor - but it sure would be nice
if I could make it work on legacy stuff.
Thanks again!