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I use this trick a lot. I've got my "standard" search path file ( that I load up whenever I start Creo. It has all the paths to the things I need for almost every job, like standard hardware, etc.
For specific projects, I have a second set of files at the top level of the directories that contain the project files. Once I've started up Creo and made my working directory the one I want to work in, I import that second configuration file and it calls up the local search path file. This appends the new directories called for in the search file to the ones I've already loaded.
If it's of interest, I've also made myself a little DOS batch file that builds both the config file (I call it and search path file ( by traversing the directory structure starting from wherever it is called. It's included below.
I did all this stuff because I've been working on a lot of large assemblies and wanted to organize things into nice small sub-assemblies or other groups of part files. Otherwise I was having to sift through hundreds of files to find a part file if I'd forgotten what it was called, etc.
If you're trying to remove your search paths and then load different ones, I don't know how to do that. I don't know of any way to get rid of the current search path list.
Search paths are cumulative. You can keep adding and adding search paths, I don't know of any way to remove a search path other than shutting down and restarting Pro/E.
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I've been told that attaching a ".bat" file is not a good idea, since e-mail servers block things like that, so here's a thinly disguised (renamed) copy of the same file.