I am passing the below code in configuration json of grid. And I pass the selected row data in the tree grid for every mashup load. But autoscrolling is not happening.
"rows": { // Optional
"selection": "single", // *{string} row selection setting. Options: 'none, 'single', 'multi'
"defaultSelectedRows": "1", // *{string} default row selection setting starting with row 1. Options: '1', '1,2,3', '1-5,10'
"minHeight": "56", // {string} row height setting in px.
// "maxHeight": "100",
"autoScroll": true//, // {boolean} scroll to the selected rows on update or resize
//"singleLine": true
Thingworx version is 9.1
I have attached the duplicate mashup of the original mashup in which tree grid is used.
when the Configuration property is configured to Grid widget, many other properties must also be set inside the Configuration property, such as ParentIDFieldName, IDFieldName, HasChildrenFieldName.
Please export your mashup entity as xml file so we can verify it locally.
Hi @AP_10343008
It seems you are using Tree Grid Advanced(id : treegridadvanced-358) , not standard Grid widget.
As you did not share the data source thing, I can not check the Json content of Configuration property.
You can download the Advanced Grids Samples File from below link, open the XML file and search keyword "autoScroll".
Compare those sample Json value with yours, hopefully you can find the reason.
I attached you the txt file of js code (Configuration JSON code which passed to treegrid widget). Kindly have a look and let me know
The attachment is a function which dynamically generate the JSON code.
Can you try direclty setting JSON to a legacy Tree Grid widget?
The service <GetPartsConfiguration> of thing <GridAdvancedExampleServices> is a good example for how to write JSON with autoscroll setting.
Please take a reference for the code first.
This Thing GridAdvancedExampleServices is not present in my composer.
Iam using Thingworx version 9.1.0-b10877
@AP_10343008 you need to download the xml file from below link, import into your Thingworx instance, then you can see GridAdvancedExampleServices Thing.
I compared the json from xml file with the json i passed to tree grid. Both looks similar. I couldnt find the difference based on the autoScroll keyword. Can you check once.
Sorry for late reply.
Through local testing, I found that the autoScroll attribute does not work stably on the treegridadvanced widget.
As treegridadvanced is a legacy widiget which will be deprecated in a future release, we will no longer improve or fix errors for it.
I recommend using standard widgets such as Tree or Grid which are currently under standard support.
Hi @AP_10343008 ,
I wanted to follow up with this post to see if your question has been answered.
If so, please mark the appropriate reply as the Accepted Solution for the benefit of other members who may have the same question.
Of course, if you have more to share on your issue, please let the Community know so that we can continue to support.