In a collection widget, any default property is available to enable few tiles and to disable few tiles of single collection widget.
If you need such a property, why don't you simply add a boolean that can disable or enable the mashup, such as adding a transparent sidebar which blocks the whole mashup content, making the widgets unclickable.
Yes. @posipova @zyuan1
1. I added a boolean value column(named "Enable") and made some of them are checked and some of them are uncheked in infotable.
2. Passed all datas of the infotable to collection widget & passed "Enable" from selected rows to new validator Functions as input.
3. On clicking collection cells, Validator gets triggered.
Validator has a code :
if(Enabled === true)
Output =true;
Output =false;
4. I binded Output: true to one navigation widget. And Output:false to another navigation widget.
But the validator is not working.
I tried to trigger validator from the selectedrowschanged of a service. That also doesnt worked.
Could you please elaborate on your use case and what you are trying to do? That would give us a better idea on how to help you.