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We use a Combo Chart in Thingworx 9.6.
I sent the widget the minimum timestamp value.
However, the widget uses a different minimum timestamp value, in general it seems to use an indefinite value of about 10 minutes.
Does anyone have any solutions?
Hi @dbologna,
I'm not sure but I guess this can a bug of Combo Chart. What if you don't bind and set XAxisMinimumValues and XAxisMaximumValues?
Just query and return the datasets that fall in the specified timestamp range and populate it to the combo chart, let the system calculate the min and max x value automatically to see if the chart plotted meets your requirement.
Thank you Tony,
if I do not assign the values XAxisMinimumValues and XAxisMaximumValues, the widget presents empty areas on both the left and right of the graph as in the attached figure.
I don't understand the problem (unless it is a bug), the strange thing is that on the right-hand side XAxisMaximumValues works correctly.
Thank you
Hi @dbologna,
Okay... Thank you for trying. I would suggest you raise a support ticket providing reproducible entities and data for further investigation.
One thing I don't get is why you chose to use Combo chart. You are showing 2 series in Line, not like you are displaying multiple series each with different type (Line + Bar + Area for example)
Does line chart displaying 2 series in 2 lines meet your requirement?
If XAxisMinimumValues is working correctly in Line Chart, then using Line Chart can be the solution or workaround to this issue.