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I am newbie to Thingworx and C SDK.
I would like to know how to debug the C SDK code using gdb.
I use SteamSensor C SDK as a hands-on exercise. This SteamSensor use C SDK and it connect to Things from Thingworx and register property and services.
I compile the main.c by using
"make" command. Then inside the folder "linux/bin/gcc-linux-x86-64/debug/" there is a binary file called "SteamSensor". When I command "gdb SteamSensor", it can debug the C SDK but the problem is that while I am debugging the main.c C SDK code, the thingworx is not connected so I cannot debug the thingworx part.
May I know how can I debug the C SDK code using gdb in order to debug both C SDK and Thingworx?
Thank you.
Hi @AM_9977001.
Is this the guide you are using? If not you can take a look at this to see if it can point you in the right direction for resolving your issue. If you have an error message, you can try searching for solutions in our Knowledge Base.
Hi @AM_9977001.
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