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Hi ThingWorx Enthusiast,
Which service, resource to use to decrypt the property value which is encrypted using below snippet?
var params = {
data: "<Some_Value>" /* STRING */
// result: STRING
var result = Resources["EncryptionServices"].EncryptPropertyValue(params);
I didn't find relevant decrypt service under EncryptionServices resource and wonder how to get back the original value.
Hello @ShirishMorkhade ,
Have you tried the following approach:
var property= me.Prop;
var params1 = {
data: property /* STRING */,
key: "FEDCBA98765432100123456789ABCDEF" /* STRING */
// result: STRING
var result1 = Resources["EncryptionServices"].EncryptWithCustomKey(params1);
var params2 = {
encryptedData: result1 /* STRING */,
key: "FEDCBA98765432100123456789ABCDEF" /* STRING */
// result: STRING
var result = Resources["EncryptionServices"].DecryptWithCustomKey(params2);
Hope it helps,
Hi @ShirishMorkhade , Please mark the solution as accepted if it worked for your query.
Yes we already tried this approach but use case don't allow us to rely on any key due to security measures.
Hence I was very specifically in the question about EncryptPropertyValue.
Hello @ShirishMorkhade ,
It seems there isn't a direct way to decrypt, however, you can use the following from the Extension SDK: BaseTypes.ConvertToPrimitive, PasswordPrimitive.convertFromObject, PasswordPrimitive.getDecryptedValue
More information can be found on the ThingWorx Help Center Encryption
.Hope it helps,