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I'm a newbie here and i have some problems with running SteamSensor example. I have sucessfully crosscompiled the Edge C SDK for my IoT Gateway (MIPS architecture with OpenWrt OS) and i am currently able to run SteamSensor example on my platform. I have configured (importing the SteamSensor example XML file) a SteamSensor Thing on the Cloud platform. When i run SteamSensor example binary on my gateway i can clearly seethe Thing connected on the cloud . But if i look my console output on my gateway i can see also some internal server errors that appear periodically. The error is this:
[TRACE] 2020-05-22 15:33:52,830: Recv'd Msg <<<<<<<<<
Message Details:
Version: 1
RequestID: 5
SessionID: -1
Multipart: 0
Reason: Entity SteamSensor does not exist or is not yet associated with a Thing
Result Type: NOTHING
Maybe the error is the response of the following request:
[TRACE] 2020-05-22 15:33:52,414: Sending Msg >>>>>>>>>
Message Details:
Version: 1
Method/Code: 0x3 (POST)
RequestID: 5
SessionID: 1133309117
Multipart: 0
EntityType: THING
EntityName: SteamSensor
CharacteristicType: SERVICES
CharacteristicName: GetPropertySubscriptions
Parameter Type: INFOTABLE
What could be the problem?
Did i miss some configurations?
Thank You
Have you imported the steamsensor entity into your platform? Seems like it doesn't exist/can't be found and the autobind fails.