Hi, i'm using mosquitto to MQTT Broker
How many devices are connected to the mosquitto?
Does it depend on system specifications?
How many devices can efficiently connect and subscribe to a value when using 4 gigam ram?
Is there a table like this?
The intent of these questions is that the device values through MQTT will not be subscribed smoothly if the specifications of the PC running ThingWorx are not appropriate.
Devices using Wi-Fi transmit data every 10 to 30 seconds.
However, in some cases, the value may be subscribed after 5 to 10 minutes.
I only connected only 5 devices for testing!
We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
seonho Cha: We do not have a table or standard documentation related to the query. However, for specification on Mosquito you can refer the official documentation, wiki available on : https://mosquitto.org/ .