Customer has several organizations and each organization have "Form login" pages.
Customer wants to redirect to form login pages (<servername>/Thingworx/FormLogin/<Organization Name>) after timeout occur.
Is there any way to set several redirect URLs after timeout occur with condition user/organization?
Chikashi, you can redirect users to a specific URL using this REST call:
You would need to write a custom service around it though.
Hi Aanjan
If we use services, I guess we need to know the current session idle time.
I saw the "CurrentSessionInfo" and "UserManagementSubsystem", but could not find way to know the current session idle time.
The default idle timeout is "30", and I think the tomcat monitor it with JSESSION ID cookie.
Is there anyway to know the current session idle time?
Can not really be done based on Time Out, however if they are using SSO, with the Authenticator at least when a re-auth comes up, it should be able to pick that up and re-direct to the proper page.