Just adding some extra info from @NERaj,
In KepServerEx, the Tag address becomes a bad quality in the following scenarios:
When there is bad quality, no data will be received by KepServerEx. Therefore, it will not be sending any data to Thingworx. The quality of the signals in the Thingworx will also be in the Bad Quality. If you have bonded to the Remote thing, you can write a logic to check which Signal is down.
How did you determine this? Any data that is actually read and triggers a transmission in kepware should arrive in ThingWorx with said quality.
In kepware we used to see data with good/bad quality. For good we are receiving the data from Kepware to ThingWorx but for bad quality we are not receiving, is this an expected behavior. some the tag values are not changing rather timestamp is changing, Is that possible to take timestamp values?
Not 100% sure what you are asking.
However if you set datachange to 'always' you would always trigger a datachange event when a value is updated even if the value stays the same (but only the timestamp changes)
I was under the impression that all value changes (good bad unknown) should be transmitted though.
You may need to file a support ticket.
Indeed, this is the anticipated behavior. Low-quality data will not be received within ThingWorx. Depending on data change properties like 'Always/Value,' the value will then be stored in the designated value stream.
Hi @MSK.
If you are still having issues and have not already opened a ticket, please let us know and we can open a ticket on your behalf.
Thanks for the information.
Hi @MSK.
Were you able to resolve your issue? If so, please share your solution with the community.
Just adding some extra info from @NERaj,
In KepServerEx, the Tag address becomes a bad quality in the following scenarios:
When there is bad quality, no data will be received by KepServerEx. Therefore, it will not be sending any data to Thingworx. The quality of the signals in the Thingworx will also be in the Bad Quality. If you have bonded to the Remote thing, you can write a logic to check which Signal is down.
i can solve this issue by create tag to capture bad quality connection. For example
tag A = bad quality address
bad quality by my experience sometimes creating value 4,8,24.
good quality will always send value 192
Hi @DH_9170547 ,
I usually get all the Kepware Signals from HMI(Boolean, SHORT,.. ), the bad signal that you are mentioning, needs to be created manually. or how?
Thanks Shashi