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hi expert ,
i can not solve problem , please how to solve problem
var params = {
FileRepository:"filetest/" /* THINGNAME */,
Rotated90Deg: false /* BOOLEAN */,
AppKey: "8204jef3-7l1f-45b7-a2cd-jf55547e7c0e"/* STRING */,
ServerAddress:"" /* STRING */,
OutputFileName: "FileName.pdf" /* STRING */,
Resolution:"1240*1775"/* STRING */
Error executing service pdfRenderingcreate. Message :: Could not launch browser. Build info: version: '2.52.0', revision: '4c2593cfc3689a7fcd7be52549167e5ccc93ad28', time: '2016-02-11 11:22:43' System info: host: 'PTC-DEV-SERV-AWS', ip: '', 'Windows Server 2019', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '10.0', java.version: '11.0.14' Driver info: driver.version: JBrowserDriver - See Script Error Log for more details.
jBrowserDriver has issues with OpenJDK 11. So I never managed to get the pdf-extensio running with Thingworx 9.x and OpenJDK 11.
I now created another similar extension, that uses playwright web test library instead:
atondorf/twx.pdf.extension (
Any suggestions and optimisations are welcome ...
Hi @atondorf
you share github link download then export your file(pdfextention) means ,thingworx returning error Anonymous:@unknown,please reffer to another pdf extension
Hi Hariharasutha, can you give me some more details on your comment ...
At github it's only the rough project, yet.
hi @atondorf
i try export pdf extension in my thingworx9.3 version but not update .
blow the code
i can not solve problem , please how to solve problem
var params = {
FileRepository:"filetest/" /* THINGNAME */,
Rotated90Deg: false /* BOOLEAN */,
AppKey: "8204jef3-7l1f-45b7-a2cd-jf55547e7c0e"/* STRING */,
ServerAddress:"" /* STRING */,
OutputFileName: "FileName.pdf" /* STRING */,
Resolution:"1240*1775"/* STRING */
Error executing service pdfRenderingcreate. Message :: Could not launch browser. Build info: version: '2.52.0', revision: '4c2593cfc3689a7fcd7be52549167e5ccc93ad28', time: '2016-02-11 11:22:43' System info: host: 'PTC-DEV-SERV-AWS', ip: '', 'Windows Server 2019', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '10.0', java.version: '11.0.14' Driver info: driver.version: JBrowserDriver - See Script Error Log for more details.
Hi @Hariharasuthan, that's the other extension using jBrowser driver. I had the same issue, that's the reason, why i made my own one ...
hi @atondorf
i try export your pdf extension in my thingworx9.3 version but not update my widgets, how to add your extension in my widget,
Hello @atondorf , thank you for sharing your github repository. I am also looking for a pdf extension that works on the newer versions of Thingworx.
So I tried importing your extension, but it gives me dependency error with twx.playwright.extension:0.0.0. Could you provide some guidance?
hi @atondorf , I tried to import the extension but this errror occurred, any idea?
Hi pcheah,
yes, you are right ... I normally use the version with Playwright extension already installed and so I did not discovered it.
I forgot to remove the dependency on plawright extension from the "".
I fixed it, get it again and try again ...
I you have some expreirence in Java, you are welcome to share optimise this ...
Hi @atondorf ,
I'm have imported your extension, but when I tried to "Execute" it run for quite some time (1~2min) and then if I check Application Log afterwards, it shows the below error,
Error: Failed to create driver.
Found some related error:
For your info, my ThingWorx Platform is hosted in VM without Internet Access and it's installed in
I'm not sure if these is affecting it?
Do you have any idea how to resolve it?
Thank you so much, @atondorf!! A lot of our clients really needed this funcionality and your extension worked for us (Twx 9.3.0).
Hopefully, PTC adresses this need and makes a native extension.