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We have created a analytic server according to recommendation. On my PC i had TW 7.0, which was upgraded to 7.3. I do the setting configuration in the Builder. Verifying the configuration from the Landing page, works fine. But when i switch over to the Data tab i get the following error:
Error invoking service: Wrapped com.thingworx.common.exceptions.InvalidRequestException: Execution error in service script [TW_ML_Helper GetDatasetStatus] : Error retrieving upload jobs for dataset 'DemoTest': TypeError: Cannot find function RetrieveDatasetUploadedJobs in object com.coldlight.thingworx.thing.MachineLearningAllThing@5f6f2c76. (GetDatasetStatus#22) Cause: Execution error in service script [TW_ML_Helper GetDatasetStatus] : Error retrieving upload jobs for dataset 'DemoTest': TypeError: Cannot find function RetrieveDa
Is there anyone who can help me?
I am running version 7.3 of thingworx. My collegue do the same. His configuration works fine. This is a clean new one, while my is an upgrade from 7.0 to 7.3
Could you post a screenshot of the version of your extensions, mostly showing the *ML* extensions ?
In ThingWorx Import/Export and select Manage under the Extension category.
I have a lot of extension installed. Here is a screenshot of Machine Learning and other analytic package installed. Please let me know if you need more.
Its all installed from MED-61147-CD-522_F000_ThingWorx-Analytics-Extensions-52-2
Here is a summary of the actions we took offline:
- the error reported here is due to some inconsistency between an old version of the extension (ThingWorx_MachineLearning_Extension) and the new ones ThingWorx_Analytics_* .
In order to address it the following step were taken:
This error got away after that but a new one appeared:
Error invoking service: Wrapped com.thingworx.common.exceptions.InvalidRequestException: Execution error in service script [TW_ML_Helper GetDatasetStatus] : Error retrieving upload jobs for dataset 'DemoTest': JavaException: java.lang.Exception: com.coldlight.thingworx.neuron.DataIngestService.listDataUploadJobs(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/json/JSONObject; (GetDatasetStatus#22) Cause: Execution error in service script [TW_ML_Helper GetDatasetStatus] : Error retrieving upload jobs for dataset 'DemoTest': JavaException: java.lang.Except
This error is due to the use of ThingWorx 7.3 which is not officially supported with ThingWorx Analytics 52.2.
Using ThingWorx 7.2.4 did resolve this error.