is there any way to have the top level menu (horizontal) as Icons only but the sub menu (vertical) as icons & text (or just text).
You should be able to create a menu item without a title.
thanks for the reply. I can create a top level menu without text by leaving the 'Title' parameter blank. The problem with that is that you then don't get any tooltip text when you hover over the menu item & so the user has to guess what the icon means, or try it blind. I can also configure the menu to show only icons, but then this setting is applied to all the sub menus also.
I was hoping there might be a way that the top level menu had just Icons (with a tooltip when you hover) and the sub menu items could have text (or text & icons).
I did try setting the style definition to have no foreground colour, hoping that although the title was present it wouldn't show, but it shows regardless.