I managed to install thingworx foundation 8.5 on CentOS using the Red Hat installer. However when I try install the Full installer which includes both foundation and flow or run the flow installer after installing Foundation first, it fails.
The following message is displayed:
Installing ThingWorx Flow for PostgreSQL
0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
Warning: A problem occurred during installation that may cause an unsuccessful
flow Installation Failed
Press [Enter] to continue:
Setup has finished installing ThingWorx Flow for PostgreSQL on your computer.
Error: There has been an error.
ThingWorx Flow for PostgreSQL installation failed. Please check the logs.
However no files or logs are found in /opt/ThingWorxFlow-8.5.0. Has anyone else had success with CentOS and Flow?
ThingWorx Flow is officially supported only on Windows Server 2016 (Administrator access) & RHEL 7.5.
I have not tried to install on CentOS. However, while installing on Windows a file named ThingWorxPostgres_install.log is created during the installation. You may check this file for any hint.
Hi rjanardan
Thats what is strange. It gets to 100 % and fails but does not leave any log files.
Hello @BradC,
Sorry, I don't have a solution, but you might want to try running this right after the failure:
find / -mmin -10 -ls
It will show you all files modified on your system within the last 10 minutes, maybe you'll be able to find some relevant logs this way...
Or try to check systemd logs in the background:
/ Constantine
Hey , any solution here after 4 years
Hi @NSS.
Decisions regarding the platforms supported are determined by assessing those operating systems in greatest use by our customer base. At this point in time, there are no plans to support CentOS.
Hi @BradC.
If one of the previous responses answered your question (even if it wasn't the answer you wanted), please mark the appropriate one as the Accepted Solution for the benefit of others with the same question.