While launching Thingworx dev environment,I get below error.
"Server error. Please confirm, if your portal environment is running." on the screen.
Portal environment is in running state.
Kindly help me with this!
Hi @KN_9954684
Is this instance hosted by PTC Cloud? If so, it will be necessary to open a case for the Cloud team with the url of the affected instance.
Yes,but we have access to remote desktop where it is installed.
We have full access to debug.
Hi @KN_9954684
A case will still be needed if you're unable to resolve the issue yourself.
Yes ,We are directly in touch with PTC.
But they are not able to resolve the issue.
I don't see any tomcat/Thingworx related logs as check in rdp
Hi @KN_9954684
Please private message me with the case number or PTC contact you are working with so I can follow up. I will also need the url of your instance.