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Hello All,
Our requirement is to fetch from Windchill, the dropdown values of ThingWorx UI for certain attributes, (Enumeration data)
The idea ...
1. write a Infoengine task (webject) in windchill (getObjectAttributes.xml), that returns all attributes for a given object type.
2. And then in ThingWorx, "load" the XML in a javascript service, parse XML and show attribute values in UI
But when I "load" the XML in my javascript service using LoadXML snippet, it expects username/password. Is it possible to use the user-context or user-session to LoadXML, because the user will be already logged-in to the system and also its not right approach to pass user credentials through code.
Hi Avinash,
You can use the Windchill Connector to invoke an I*E task and get back an Infotable.
WindchillConnector exposes the Generic Windchill SOAP Web Service ( and more :
ApplyService, CancelCheckOut, CheckIn, CheckOut, CompleteWorkItems, Create, CreateContentHolder, DelegateAction, DelegateWorkItems, Delete, DeleteContent, DescribeTypes, ExecuteTask, Fetch, GetDownloadHandles, GetIterationHistory, GetLifecycleHistory, GetUploadHandles, GetVersionHistory, GetWorkList, Link, ListContent, ListTypes, Move, Navigate, Query, Revise, StartWorkflow, SubscribeToEvent, UnsubscribeObjectEvents, Update
Note that you need to install a patch on the Windchill server to enable the ThingWorx integration (in WNC 11.0 M010 and later, it may work without if you just use the I*E base services listed above).
The Windchill Connector is part of the PTC Windchill Extension available in the Marketplace
Hello Stephane,
Thanks for the quick response.
I tried Windchillconnector.ExecuteTask() that gives output as STRING to a datashape.
Challenge is if an attribute tag has multiple values, the string can hold only the last value. Perhaps if I can set a datashape field with BaseType as Array, the ExecuteTask() might store all the values of the particular attribute, but arrays are not allowed I guess.
Eg. <severity><value>high</value><value>medium</value><value>low</value></severity>. For the attribute "severity", if there are 3 enumerated values, then ExecuteTask is able to hold only the last value "low", because of overwriting the same datashape field "severity". Please advise.
I suspect that ExecuteTask() does not handled multi-values attribute.
As alternative, you can maybe concatenate all the attribute values into a single string (csv or other) in the I*E task directly
For example :
smaMVString is the source multi value attribute
smaMVStrings contains the resulting comma separated values
<%@page language="java" access="http|soap|internal"%>
<%@taglib uri="" prefix="ie"%>
<ie:webject name="Get-Properties" type="MGT">
<ie:param name="ATTRIBUTE" data=""/>
<ie:param name="GROUP_OUT" data="properties"/>
<ie:webject name="Query-Objects" type="OBJ">
<ie:param name="INSTANCE" data="$(properties[0][0])"/>
<ie:param name="TYPE" data="wt.doc.WTDocument"/>
<ie:param name="WHERE" data="name=MVDoc"/>
<ie:param name="ATTRIBUTE" data="name,smaMVString" delim=","/>
<ie:param name="GROUP_OUT" data="output"/>
Group g = getGroup("output");
int hits = g.getElementCount();
String mystrs="";
Enumeration items = g.getElements();
while (items.hasMoreElements())
Element theItem = (Element)items.nextElement();
Enumeration tempstrs = theItem.getAtt("smaMVString").getValues();
while( tempstrs.hasMoreElements() ) {
mystrs += tempstrs.nextElement();
if( tempstrs.hasMoreElements() ) mystrs += ",";
theItem.addAtt( new Att( "smaMVStrings", mystrs));