Hi, I would like to insert geolocation positions into a google map in the mashup.
1/ I start to get the data from my service with output INFOTABLE
2/ I insert a googlemap widget into the mashup and I inseted all returned data into the googlemap widget:
Should I choose Location type from the data shape for the fields?
Hi David, you will need to convert the separate fields into a single location type field. You can do this via service and using the following structure for location type...
var location = new Object();
location.latitude = 0;
location.longitude = 0;
location.elevation = 0;
location.units = "WGS84";
Hi Adam,
Could you check this with please :
I got this when I choose data shape type as location.
Could you post (or message me) the service code? Or is this coming from an external (to Thingworx) data source? This would be the quickest way to assist.