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It seems there is a bug in this latest release, the preview does not seem to register any "Click" actions on 3D object. So I have JS actions for click on 3D images and model items and i can't get any of them to work on the preview, they do work on device.
This is a massive problem for developing experiences. Can anyone else confirm this issue?
Looking at the debug window on preview. When i click on a model item all i see is "Tap on twx-dt-view element at pageX = 154, pageY = 123" (with the coords of the click) previously this would display the ID path of the model item you clicked on by default.
So some of my 3D images are clickable in preview but only on part of the image. I can't find and patter to the part that is clickable. Some only work in 1/4 or corner of the image, other work everywhere but one corner.
Still nothing for modelItem
Hi @jmikesell
I haven't been able to reproduce this locally - I tested a model, model item, 3D image, 3D label, and 3D gauge click event. All have invoked the JS functions I have tied to the event.
What is your JS function doing?
@tmccombie The function displays a card and changes some visibility. But the first line of the function is a console.log and i don't even see that.
So it seems that i can click on modelItems until i play a sequence. My need is specifically showing spare parts info, so I run an explode sequence and then you can touch the parts to get details. I've been using this method for a year across a half dozen experiences without issue.
See if you can play a sequence and then click on the parts after the sequence plays but before you reset it. Historically you could click on parts while the sequence was running also.
@jmikesell I just tested this and I am able to click on the parts/modelitems during and after a sequence playback.
Is this happening for all of your projects, or just this one in particular?
All, I have gone back an previewed some projects from last year that have not changed and they behave the same.
Here is this behavior in an old project previewing in 8.4.3, You can see the ghost click register in the console when you try to pick them purring a sequence. But when not in the sequence they pick as intended.
Thanks for the video - this will help. I went back to some older projects and was able to intermittently reproduce with 3D images. I'm going to open a ticket with our dev team to take a deeper look at this and should have more info next week. If needed, I'll open a case on your behalf so that we can track this issue appropriately.
@tmccombie is there an official way to roll back to an older build of Studio? I'm on deadline to get an experience done by Thursday and this is going to slow me down if I can't trust/use the Preview.
@jmikesell Are you on a Windows machine? If so, to restore Studio to the last version you had installed do the following:
I am on Windows and that worked perfectly to take me back to 8.4.2. Which does not exhibit the problem with click action on ModelItems in a sequence. AKA works as expected
@tmccombie just to make this is the Preview bug thread. In 8.4.2 I found an issue with 3D Images in preview. The preview window is not respecting "visibility" when it comes to click actions. As in when you set and item to visibility=false it should not longer be clickable. This is not true in 8.4.2 preview. Even when an item is not visible it is still receiving clicks and worse it is blocking items behind it from receiving clicks.
Best example of this is to stack 2 3D images and given them each and right some JS to toggle visibility of the items. As in you click image1 and it is hidden and image2 is shown, then click 2 to hide it and show 1 again. If you have image 1 slightly on top it will also receive the click even when visibility=false and you can never click image2.
Needles to say but if you have been using visibility to control actions in an experience this breaks a lot of stuff as you have all these invisible items in the viewport that are clickable and blocking things behind them you might be trying to click on.
@jmikesell The issue you found in 8.4.2 is a known bug that was fixed in 8.4.3. This fix may have impacted model-items/3D assets' click event in preview. I'll keep you updated with our investigation on this 8.4.3 issue.