Hi Guys,
I have a problem with the Trial Version of the Studio. It somehow doesn’t work to get my Experience working with my app. I think there is a Auto Configure Login Failure maybe happening. Always when I try to Login under http://localhost:3000/, it just wont work. There is neither a success or error message, but when I click on Login, just nothing happens.
Anyways, I am able to publish my experience but it wont show up when scanning the ThingMark in the View app.
I already tried various different networks, public and private, different browsers, different computers and shut of my virus scanner. I also tried it with a new trial license, but the issue is the same. My Username is max.we261@gmail.com and my Experience Service is https://3aebc24a57eb50a5.studio-trial.vuforia.io (which I am able to verify).
Thanks so much in advance!
[07/08/2018 17:42:40] error: [twx-studio:proxy] Proxy error { Error: connect ETIMEDOUT [07/08/2018 17:42:40] at Object._errnoException (util.js:1021:11) [07/08/2018 17:42:40] at _exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1043:20) [07/08/2018 17:42:40] at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1175:14) [07/08/2018 17:42:40] code: 'ETIMEDOUT', [07/08/2018 17:42:40] errno: 'ETIMEDOUT', [07/08/2018 17:42:40] syscall: 'connect', [07/08/2018 17:42:40] address: '', [07/08/2018 17:42:40] port: 443 } null 200 [07/08/2018 17:42:40] error: [twx-studio:proxy] twx server proxy error... [07/08/2018 17:42:40] error: [twx-studio:proxy] message=connect ETIMEDOUT, stack=Error: connect ETIMEDOUT [07/08/2018 17:42:40] at Object._errnoException (util.js:1021:11) [07/08/2018 17:42:40] at _exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1043:20) [07/08/2018 17:42:40] at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1175:14), code=ETIMEDOUT, errno=ETIMEDOUT, syscall=connect, address=, port=443 [07/08/2018 17:42:40] [0mGET /ExperienceService/viewcommandhost [31m500 [0m21018.705 ms - -[0m [07/08/2018 17:42:40] [0mGET /ExperienceService/viewcommandhost [31m500 [0m6.136 ms - 1780[0m [07/08/2018 17:42:40] TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of null
@Max_we: The auto-configuration will work for the initial email that the server is associated with for the trial. Do you know if your https://studio.vuforia.com account has this server( 3aebc24a57eb50a5.studio-trial.vuforia.io ) listed?
Also, do you have any proxy server as in the error shared there are errors related to it.
Meanwhile, I am checking internally to get more details regarding your Trial account.
Hi Durgesh,
Thansk so much for the fast reply!
Best regards!
@Max_we Thank you for confirming and I m checking internally to see if there is any issue with your Trial instance.
Any news about the status already 🙂 ?