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Change Color of a ModelItem


Change Color of a ModelItem

What I want to do is to have a button, which when clicked changes the part color during the experience.

I have applied model item widget to the part for which I want the color to change. given the desired color . Placed a toggle button and binded it to the model item color property.  But in the preview it doesn't work.

Alos, I followed the steps in the Article - CS251748 ​and still couldn't achieve my goal .

Kindly assist.


Hi Abihishek,

I tested the suggested techniques in article  and it was working fine:

There the example shows e:

1.)slider value changed the value of app parameter

HERE the binding of the parameter has an filter defined as return 'rgba(' + value+ ',0,0,0.4);'; - which means it is the value of the paramter

So far I know it could has a value of 0-240 if we follow the user interface

2.)parameter is binded to the value of the Model Item property

So when we change the now the slider from 0-240 value it will change the red color

So back to your question in your case the click of your button should change for example the value of the parameter

app.params['ItemColor']between value of 1 and 0

in this case you can define a filter  e.g.:

if(value ==1)

return 'rgba(240,0,0,0.5);';


return 'rgba(0,0,240,0.3);';

This will change  the color depending of this if the button is clicked or not

Hi Roland,

Thank You very much. It's working know.

I was missing out the "Filter" part


Hi everyone,

I'm trying to follow your steps and especially the version not using a slider.

As i have a set of 4 different colors to switch between for my modelitems, i'd like to create 4 différents buttons so i cans switch the colors directly from that.

I'm trying to use what you've described earlier :

app.params['ItemColor']between value of 1 and 0

if(value ==1)

return 'rgba(240,0,0,0.5);';


return 'rgba(0,0,240,0.3);';

But it seems that i miss something to set the itemcolor between 0 and 1 or to bound it to the fact that the button is cliked or not.

Any detailed steps or screenshots will be really appreciated.


use the below  script


$scope.color1 = function(val) {
switch(val) {
case 1:
$scope.view.wdg['modelItem-3'].color = 'rgba(152,191,16, 1)';
case 2:
$scope.view.wdg['modelItem-3'].color = "";


call color1(1); for pressed event 


call color1(2); for unpressed event 


Similarly create color2, color3, color4 for the different color set and call them in there respective toggle buttons. 




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