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I have come across this challenge that sometimes when we load the experience on our Tabs/Phone, it flickers a lot.
While the same experience would have loaded properly and does not flicker at all.
I am not able to find the root cause for this flickering.
Is the flickering the entire time you use the experience or just when the model is loading? Are you doing anything in javascript that changes the display of the components in the experience?
Hello Rusty,
Thanks for the kind response. Yes it flickers most of the times irrespective of which model. As of now am just using one JS for showing description of the assembly/disassembly sequence from illustrate.
On which devices are you running View? In View, at the top right, on the header bar, there is a set of concentric hexagons. If you press on these hexagons, a bar will appear at the top of the screen; that bar will show the frame rate. Can you check what the frame rate is when the experience is flickering and post it here?
Hello Rusty,
Using iPhone for the running the view. It shows 26 Frames per second.
26 frames per second is low; on an iPhone it should be at least 30 frames per second. Which iPhone model is it?
Are you doing a lot of processing in JS? Can you run a test for me? Remove all the Javascript and republish the experience so you can see what the frame rate is without anything running. You can copy the javascript to a text editor so that you can put it back after the test.
Also, how large is the pvz file? Did you run the CAD optimizer when you imported the pvz? If so, did you use the _high, _medium, or _low version of the pvz as the resource on the model widget?
I made the suggested modifications but still No Change in the Frames per second count.
I am using the .pvz file itself not the optimized ones, but the overall data size while publishing is just about 5.8 MB.
Avinash Gangaiah Rusty Abernathy Internet latency may also be an issue. I see the low frame count when my device is connectivity to slow network.
Latency would account for the low frame rate, but not for the flickering (at least in my experience when I've had latency, I've never seen flickering of the model).