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Multiple thingmarks with the same address


Multiple thingmarks with the same address


I'd like to float two thingmarks with the same address within a project in vuforia studio, is there a way?

If it is impossible, please let me know if it is possible to float two thingmarks with different addresses.


Hello @zZzzZ,

what means to float in your case. Possibly to clarify more detailed.

Here a general Information:

You can associate a thing mark to a project. Thingmark with syntax  domainName:<nubmer>

Example: 15614:21 so you can assign this Thingmark to a specific project but also you can assignee it to serveral projects. When the thingmark is scanned it will try to scan to the server which is registered on PTC GXI service to the specific domain e.g. 15614 – here  is this an old PTC trial server. And it  will call the project or will provide a list of all projects published on this server and associated to this thingmark number 21

  • This is the one usage -  to scan it in view and to call the corresponding projects.
  • The second usage of the Thingmark is to use it as target in the view. So, the thingmark target when it scanned and recognized as such – then it determines the Root Coordinate postion of the all augmentation shown on  specific view (View widget). Thingmark target inside the View widget could be used without specification - this case   Studio will suppose that the required Thingmark is the Project thingmark - that what you scanned for the call of the project. But you can specify the thingmark in the Target widget. In this case  Studio will recognize only the specified Thingmark (eg. 15614:21)as target  in this case. When you scan e.g. 15614:22 there will no effect. But you can also specify in the target widget explicitly 15614:22 – in this case it will be found when scanned
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