Picture Markup
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Picture Markup
Dear Community
I've just watched a video about a F35 demo, that was presented at the Paris air show.
It includes a picture markup function (added screenshot), that would be a great addition for inspection use cases.
Could this experience, or just the code be shared here?
Best wishes
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Hi @AlexK ,
It is important to know what is the possible business case and the requirement in your particular application case if such applicaiton is planed next time /or if you have some specific customers’ requirements
I want to point that this functionality is working fine in the Vuforia Chalk on video conferencing there but not availible in Studio yet. Depending on the your application case possibly you can use vuforia chalk instead.
I reported this requirement now to PTC R&D as Jira Ticket VTS-1876 as enhancement request
Thanks , BR
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Hello Roland,
I saw the video linked above and I would like to ask you a couple of things:
- How was the airflow developed? It's interesting.
- How was the canvas developed with colors and lines?
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Hi Roland
Is there any news regarding the Ticket?
We have a customer interested in making annotations.
Best wishes
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I checked the ticket VTS-1876 and VM-77 but unfortunately there is no informaiton about what of new functionality we can expect and when it will be released. Therefore requested update on the both ticket. I will let you when there is R&D feedback to that tickets. Thanks
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Hi Roland, what about
- How was the airflow developed? It's interesting.
- How was the canvas developed with colors and lines?
Is it something you know?
Thanks a lot
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Hello @aletenti ,
In regards to your questions,
As discussed in the video the air flow is was created in Creo Parametric.
@RolandRaytchev may know more about the process.
Please let us know what information you need.
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Hello @PEHOWE ,
thanks for the reply.
I would like to know how things made with "CFD Analysis" Creo Parametric tool could be imported into Vuforia Studio, like the air flow in the video.
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Hi @AlexK ,
so back to https://ptc.seismic.com/Link/Content/DCj4j4CXb6jVH84G4V6HCH6c8JfP
the related status /picture what you mean is that:
- To be able to do something like that we need to have CFD analysis. So I believe in Creo Parametric the module Applicaitons>Flow Analysis
- We need to execute the CFD analys and have the results. https://www.ptc.com/en/support/article/CS173869
- the analysis should be define and runned and the we should have some results
- -when we have the resutls of the Creo CFD Flow analysis it should be exported to some format - I need to check what of format is that here whant to refer to tutorial -example https://support.ptc.com/help/creo/creo_pma/usascii/index.html#page/tutorials_pma%2FCS_AnalyzingResults.html%23wwconnect_header
- -furhter I checked in the internal database and found that issue saying "Project>export [results iso surface] to .obj or.pvz is not scaled correctly when re-imported to Creo models." so means that it seems that when we have the CFD analyis resutls then we can export the results - iso surface to obj or pvz. When we have that in pvz we can of course visulize it in a modelWidget in Vuforia STudio
So seams the mean points are
- have a model Creo Parametric with Flow analysis license
- define CFD analysis Flow
- execute and display the results
- export the restults to pvz
- show the pvz into Creo Vuforia Studio model Widget.
So I never did that in the past. I did some simulation Mechanica ,structure and dynamic but never did CFD. For Mechanica I could remember that I was ablo to expoort the displaymend plot with strain color display in Vuforia Studio therefore I think that should work there also.
Possibly if you need help I could try the steps mentioned above but need some time to figure it out...
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Hi Roland
Visualizing the CFD-model is very cool, but the use case that I have in mind needs the markup functionality. Example: the user draws a circle around an issue in a inspection and the person who has to fix it can access this information at a later stage.
It is shown in the screenshot in my original post here.
Best wishes
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Hi @AlexK ,
ok , sorry , that was the mixup from my side. the Post was more addressed to the comment of @aletenti about CFD. Therefore possily it is always a good idea when we splitt some points where different topic are asked / related but different/. OK
To your quesiton- I could not remember that point and need to look again on the video to see what are the issue. I will check and will let you know my findings, thanks
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Alex, I checked it further e.g. the functionality:
So when you post that question I reported that as a Jira Ticket VTS to R&D team VTS-1876. So checked now the ticket an it seems that this functionality is not part of the product currently. So the team what developed the project /PTC Vuforia Velocity team has some specific developments which is not shared internaly. So possibly the dev could share some points but you need to address your quesiton directly on the channel where the video is posted so - e.g. the option ask a question which will be address to the vuforia velocity team.
So regarding to R&D answer:
R&D will keep this as an feature request.
For now, I think we can do two things:
1) We are working on an API update on the userPick event that will return the actual picking point and normal-vector. With that an experienced experience creator might be able to add annotations at runtime to the 3D object and display them directly there.
2) Maybe we can publish the example code for the picture markup as it was used in the demo within our help-center, so that customers are able to recreate it themself.
The product team added the improvement request to their backlog and used the newly created and linked ticket for prioritization. Questions could be asked in this ticket
The new Enhancement Request ticket is VPM-77 -status is still under development.
I think point1 is already implemented in the current release. Usepick has the coordinates of the click - so we move a donut part e.g. to have a markup - that point where to clicked (userpick) that is one simple solution what comes to mind first . please refer to https://support.ptc.com/help/vuforia/studio/en/#page/Studio_Help_Center%2FAdvanced_Geometric_Mapping.html
Point to 2 is not implemeted yet. But we can use some drawing - svg format - on the current Canvas panel. something like that https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Games/Tutorials/2D_Breakout_game_pure_JavaScript/Create_the_Canvas_and_draw_on_it
But it could be a device specific soluton - probably not working e.g. on HoloLens 2
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Hello @AlexK ,
It looks like @RolandRaytchev has provided answers your question. For the benefit of other Community Members who may have the same question, it would be great if you could designate it as the Accepted Solution.
In the event that this response did not answer your question, please post your current status so that we can continue to support.
Thanks for using the PTC Community!