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Issue with primary attachment component not displaying properly


Issue with primary attachment component not displaying properly

Hello, I'm currently practicing Windchill Customization by referring to the Windchill Customization Guide. 
I'm trying to attach a Primary Attachment to a Pet, but even when I refer to the guide's examples, the primary attachment component doesn't appear. 
Other attributes, includeing the attachment wizard step, are displayed correctly. 
Here's my code. 
petCreate.jsp : 
<%@taglib prefix="jca" uri=""%>
<%@taglib prefix="attachments" 
<%@include file="/netmarkets/jsp/components/beginWizard.jspf"%>
<%@include file="/netmarkets/jsp/components/includeWizBean.jspf"%>
<jca:wizard formProcessorController="com.form.TestFormProcessorController">
   <jca:wizardStep action="petDefineItemAttributesWizStep" type="pet"/>
   <jca:wizardStep action="attachments_step" type="attachments"/>
<%@include file="/netmarkets/jsp/util/end.jspf"%>
pet-actions.xml : 
<objecttype name="pet" class="com.Pet" resourceBundle="com.jca.testManagerResource">
<action name="create">
<command class="com.form.CreatePetFormProcessor" url="jsp/ootb/petCreate.jsp" method="execute" windowType="popup"/>
<action name="modify">
<command class="com.ptc.core.components.forms.DefaultEditFormProcessor" url="jsp/ootb/petModify.jsp" windowType="popup"/>
<action name="petDefineItemAttributesWizStep" afterVK="setAttributesWizStep" preloadWizardPage="true" required="true">
<command url="jsp/ootb/petCreateAttrWizStep.jsp" windowType="wizard_step"/>
petCreateAttrWizStep.jsp :
<%@taglib uri="" prefix="mvc"%>
<%@include file="/netmarkets/jsp/util/begin_comp.jspf"%>
<%@taglib prefix="attachments" 
<jsp:include page="${mvc:getComponentURL('com.builder.PetSetAttributePanelBuilder')}"/>
<attachments:primaryAttachment/>       <------- Where I want the component to appear, but noting happened.
<%@include file="/netmarkets/jsp/util/end_comp.jspf"%>
If there's anywhere I've made a mistake, please let me know. Thank you.

Accepted Solutions

The issue was resolved.

While debugging the source of com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.tags.attachments.PrimaryAttachmentsTag, I found that the Tag was not working because the "createType" attribute value was missing in the servlet request object.

View solution in original post


Hi HK_9132704,

Thank you for your question. 
I’d like to recommend to bring more details and context to your initial inquiry

It also helps to have screenshot(s) to better understand what you are trying to do in your process. 

This will increase your chances to receive meaningful help from other Community members. 


Community Moderation Team.

The issue was resolved.

While debugging the source of com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.tags.attachments.PrimaryAttachmentsTag, I found that the Tag was not working because the "createType" attribute value was missing in the servlet request object.


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