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Hello Team,
Is this any way to get the latest version iteration data list for the Windchiill object I am using this query and it gives me latest for all the Version I am looking for only latest version values
see the screen shot
for example if I have part of version A,B,C then I want only C version data
select WTPartMaster.WTPARTNUMBER "Number" , as "Name", wtpart.VERSIONIDA2VERSIONINFO ||'.'|| wtpart.ITERATIONIDA2ITERATIONINFO as "Version" from wtpart, WTPartMaster
where wtpart.IDA3MASTERREFERENCE = WTPartMaster.ida2a2 and WTPartMaster.wtpartnumber = 'W-00002' and wtpart.LATESTITERATIONINFO = 1;
Solved! Go to Solution.
Use max of branchiteratiooninfo
select WTPartMaster.WTPARTNUMBER as PartNumber , as "Name", wtpart.VERSIONIDA2VERSIONINFO ||'.'|| wtpart.ITERATIONIDA2ITERATIONINFO as "Version" from wtpart, WTPartMaster,
(SELECT MAX(wp.branchIditerationInfo) AS max, wp.idA3masterReference
FROM wtpart wp GROUP BY wp.idA3masterReference
) branchmax
where wtpart.IDA3MASTERREFERENCE = WTPartMaster.ida2a2 and wtpart.LATESTITERATIONINFO = 1 and wtpart.branchiditerationinfo in (branchmax.max) order by PartNumber ;
Thank you,
Binesh Kumar
Medtronic - MITG
Use max of branchiteratiooninfo
select WTPartMaster.WTPARTNUMBER as PartNumber , as "Name", wtpart.VERSIONIDA2VERSIONINFO ||'.'|| wtpart.ITERATIONIDA2ITERATIONINFO as "Version" from wtpart, WTPartMaster,
(SELECT MAX(wp.branchIditerationInfo) AS max, wp.idA3masterReference
FROM wtpart wp GROUP BY wp.idA3masterReference
) branchmax
where wtpart.IDA3MASTERREFERENCE = WTPartMaster.ida2a2 and wtpart.LATESTITERATIONINFO = 1 and wtpart.branchiditerationinfo in (branchmax.max) order by PartNumber ;
Thank you,
Binesh Kumar
Medtronic - MITG
Binesh Kumar wrote:
Use max of branchiteratiooninfo
select WTPartMaster.WTPARTNUMBER as PartNumber , as "Name", wtpart.VERSIONIDA2VERSIONINFO ||'.'|| wtpart.ITERATIONIDA2ITERATIONINFO as "Version" from wtpart, WTPartMaster, (SELECT MAX(wp.branchIditerationInfo) AS max, wp.idA3masterReference FROM wtpart wp GROUP BY wp.idA3masterReference ) branchmax where wtpart.IDA3MASTERREFERENCE = WTPartMaster.ida2a2 and wtpart.LATESTITERATIONINFO = 1 and wtpart.branchiditerationinfo in (branchmax.max) order by PartNumber ;
How do we know that branchiditerationinfo is guaranteed to be "in order"? It will probably always be in order but I wouldn't think it would be guaranteed to be. After all branchiditerationinfo is only the unique id of the controlbranch table. I would think to be guaranteed, you have the latest Version, you would want to sort by wtpart.versionsortida2versioninfo.
In query builder Latest Iteration is a direct selection, but Latest Revision requires a sub-select that finds the max of VERSIONSORTID (there are multiple CS articles on this). May be helpful to examine the resulting SQL from such a query builder report.
The below query gives the latest object information
select distinct
t2.versionida2versioninfo +'.'+
t2.iterationida2iterationinfo iteration_id,
wtdocument t2,
wtdocumentmaster t1,
t2.ida3masterreference=t1.ida2a2 and
l1.ida2a2=t2.ida3containerreference and
and t2.latestiterationinfo = 1 AND
t2.ida2A2 NOT IN ( select CB1.IDA3C5
from controlbranch CB1
where cb1.classnamekeyb5 = 'wt.doc.WTDocumentMaster'
AND t1.ida2a2 = cb1.ida3b5)