Hi there,
I have the following problem, when I start as an orgadmin I create a Text Document and start the Problem report. When I look in the Problem report workflow i ve put as Change Admins I 3 participants: orgadmin, user A and user B. I sign in as user A i can see the problem report but can't approve the same as user B. I can approve only as orgadmin. For user A and B the routing options are grayed out so they can't bring any decision like Fast track approval, clarify, reassign etc... but i want also approve as user A and user B why is that not possible?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hey Marco i've solved the problem, the solution is as follows: I deleted the organisation from the users accidently so they are not participating in a organisation so they don't have routing options shown in picture:
HI @EC_10581209
Can the users A and B finish the task?
I would suspect that the users do not have correct access to the system based on ACL definition.
User A and B can't finish the task, but I ve put user A & B as change admins I role they can see the problem report but approval option is grayed out. User A has the Windchill advanced licence and user B has the Basic licence
Hi @EC_10581209
Have you put them to the roles on the context after the task has been created?
This can explain a lot.
If the users do not own the task that they can see in the home page, can not finish them
Only the workflow task owner can do that.
I guess that they are not part of the workflow team.
How do I put them in the Workflow team?
In the Team Administration through Org or Site admin.
I am doing simple problem report. So I've already put the users in the Team and created a txt file that will go trough problem reporting, Binu (user A) will be the one who is going to approve the problem report. When i log as Binu (user A) the routing options are grayed out eventhou he is Change Admin I. I 've put some pictures for better understanding
Hi @EC_10581209
It seams that users do not have right permissions defined by ACL.
To investigate the issue I would add full control to ALL objects by ACL and check if options are not grayed out.
This can eliminate that the issue is cased by ACL definition.
One thing i would like to add is that as an orgadmin I can approve these tasks, but i want approve as user A and B, what is the easiest way to investigate ACL definition?
As the admin is there a Team created under Utilities for the workflow and are the users there?
You mean Team template?
After selecting an object, if you click on Actions and then Edit Access Control, you can check what you can do for each role defined in the context.
Hi @Marco_Tosin
It is not so easy.
The ACL what he needs to check are on the Task object and the menu does not contain the Edit Access Control action
@EC_10581209 needs to contact administrator to work with ACL rules.
Go to the Policy Adimistration add a new ACL for specific user and specific object type (the workflow Task ) add full control and check if the user can finish the task.
The point is that there can be private access on private domain. or another domain .
Administrator need to play with ACL for the specific user on different levels to find the correct one.
could you explain the steps for ACL defitnition?
what if I give a specific user full permission on WT Object, will he be able to approve then? I am doing this for experimental purposes
I've given the user Binu full control of WT Object but still the Task Completion is grayed out when i log as user Binu, that should not be or am I mistaken?
Do users use the same licenses?
License profiles enable some commands and disable others.
This could be the problem
Hey Marco good question, I've checked the licence user Binu has the Windchill advanced Licence so the orgadmin have the same licence. When i create a problem report as Binu i can as orgadmin approve but it doesn't work vice versa
Hi Marco,
in the picture as I can see the user Binu has the Windchill advanced licence and he should be able to coplete the Task
i've put the user on Site as Change Admin for Problem reports
but the options are grayed out still
Hi @EC_10581209
If you change ACL for user, you need to remove the user from cache in Participant administration
Because the ACL rule is not applied instantly.
OK lets give it a try, i will reply with feedback
i've purged the users cache and restored profile settings and checked the actions for the roles (see pic)
but it is still grayed out
got the role Change Admin I with full control
so the user did not have the correct acl rights based on the missing organization
In what other role is user Binu present in the context?
If he is in a role such as guest or other similar role, that TAKES rights, he can also be manager of the context and not have rights to do some actions.