How can I change font size for tolerance in drawing? In the same drawing I have two different font sizes and I don't know how to fix it.
P.S. Drawing and model were made in Wildfire 4 or 5, but now I have Creo 3.
your situation is strange. I always thought, that tolerance display cannot be set individually.
Tolerance display is driven by following drawing configuration options, their default value is STANDARD
Suggestion: Update drawing using commands from Review tab.
Hi, sorry for late response, but I'm very busy and this problem is the smalest from what I have.
I tried to regenerate, update sheets, draft, dawing view, tables, but it's not working.
Tolerance display I have set on standard value.
Any suggestions?
Sorry, no other ideas.
If it is specific to model from old releases, did you try 'update_drawing all'?
You're also welcome to file an SPR and I'll look at why the two dimensions behave differently.