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Hello everyone - My reference lines are not coincident with my axis despite being defined correctly. This is making it very hard to work on my projects - with all construction lines being graphed on the reference lines plane while all actual objects are being graphed on the actual axis planes. This is easiest seen in the attached screenshot where the dotted construction rectangle is on the reference axis and the actual object rectangle is on the plane axis. Apologies if the terminology is incorrect - I am a beginner. I've also included my reference line definitions. Please offer any advice - I have tried redefining my references, reinstalling the program (multiple times), importing properly defined part files (whose sketches end up looking the same way in my environment with construction lines on the reference planes and objects on the axis planes), and options / configurations from a properly working Creo parametric environment.
Specs - Windows 10 environment through VMWare Fusion, Creo Parametric student edition.
I think because of your terminology, it's really hard to follow what you are asking.
How are you getting your "dotted construction rectangle"? Sketching, importing, where is the rectangle coming from? If you are importing something, it's coordinate system is "askew" from the default coordinate system in creo.
Maybe include the model tree in your screen shot so we can see what you have done so far. Normally I would ask for you to upload the model, but I can not open educational software files in the commercial version so it wouldn't help me but there are some on here who do have access to the educational version.
We are having the exact same issue. I am thinking that it has to do with VMware but have not totally confirmed that. Did you ever figure out the issue?