is it possible to make a connection between a main assembly bom (repeat region) and a part drawing so that the information from the assembly drawing would be shown in the part drawing which is in another sheet ?
Thanks in advance
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Yes, sort of. You can load the assembly model into your part drawing, then place and filter just the repeat region into the drawing while your assembly is set as an active model/rep.
Yes, sort of. You can load the assembly model into your part drawing, then place and filter just the repeat region into the drawing while your assembly is set as an active model/rep.
Thanks Jakub, and can i use some filter by rule to get rid of all those rest rows in the bom?
I would need to make a relation between the "cep.prt" in the repeat region filter and ptc_common_name of the current part in this sheet of assembly drawing, is it possible?
The filter could be something like &asm.mbr.name == cep
Can't remember from the top of my head, sorry.
To preserve the rpt.index value you can use Fix Index first before applying the filtering rule. Well, in case you use the rpt.index param.
I think we dont understand each other. I just need to make a variable from the right side of the filter rule. The variable would ensure the current drawing sheet (repeat region) contains only one part (in this case cep) which is on that sheet.
Is it possible to write in czech? My english is not good...........
Jo. Proměnná je v podstatě uživatelem definovaný parameter, nebo systémem definovaný parameter na úrovni kteréhokoliv modelu. Příkladem systémové proměnné je jak jsem uvedl asm.mbr.name.
Pokud chceš specifikovat filtr pro uživatelem definovanou proměnnou, tak můžeš použít ten samý fíltr co uvádíš na obrázku. Jen musíš tento parameter definovat na úrovni modelu. Tzn. parameter XXX je string a hodnota je cep.prt.