Creo View 11.1 and Creo Illustrate 11.1 have Released!
The Visualization family of products, Creo View, Creo View Adapters, Creo View Toolkits and Creo Illustrate have released.
When considering updates to any of these products, it is recommended to update all Visualization products to maintain compatibility across the Enterprise.
Key Highlights
Creo View 11.1 (Client & Toolkits)
- Annotation set ribbon for quick access to features
- Fit height and fit width in the native PDF viewer
- Support for displaying table annotations from CAD systems
- Navigating a 3D model with a section cut dragger
Creo View Adapter 11.1
- Introducing the Creo View adapter for Creo+
- Support for table annotations for Creo parametric
- Windchill managed CAD configuration for Creo parametric
- PVSOptimize improvements to shrinkwrap generation
- PVSOptimize with mesh reduction
- Adapter for Solidworks – Improved support for PDF as additional output
- DWG/DXF output single file for multi-sheet drawing as additional files for Creo and Solidworks
Creo Illustrate 11.1
- Enhanced link between 3D & 2D figures
- Support for creating and editing callouts in 2D figures
- Support for formatted text when exporting to PDF
- Support for copy/paste of text from Microsoft office
- Ability to ungroup Insets, Callouts & Explode lines in 2D figures
- In-figure item list support for 3D figures
- Additional callout alignment options
Support Matrices