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How to duplicate (copy/paste) parts in Creo Illustrate?


How to duplicate (copy/paste) parts in Creo Illustrate?


Is there any way to duplicate (copy & paste) a certain part or assembly in a Creo Illustrate file? E.g. if you need a screw 10 times in a drawing, but it is only included once in the original assembly.

Accordind to the help files I think this should be possible as described below, but I can't find the Advanced Editing menu anywhere.

Any help would be highly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

To Copy and Paste Nodes

You can select more than one part to copy and paste. The steps below describe the workflow using the shortcut menu, but you can also access the commands from the ribbon.

1.Click Structure > Edit Structure. The Structure Edit tab opens.

2.Select one or more parts to copy, and then click Advanced Editing. A message to warn you that you can lose unsaved changes appears. Select Save or Discard to proceed.

3.In the Structure Tree, right-click and choose Copy.

4.To insert the parts, select a node, or multiple nodes, right-click and choose Paste. The copied parts are pasted onto the selected node or nodes. Copied parts can be pasted multiple times in different locations throughout the structure tree.

5.Click Close Edit. The Structure Edit tab closes.



There is no 'Advanced editing' option in illustrate, this is an unfortunately error in the help that has been corrected in the latest release (3.1).

The cut and paste is really to help the user move nodes around in the structure (there is no 'copy') and doesn't duplicate nodes.

Currently there is no way to duplicate parts in the sBOM.

Hope this helps.

While you cannot copy and paste, you can go to the Edit Structure, select your parts in the eBOM, and drag them to the sBOM to get multiple "copies". They come in at their eBOM location, but you should be able to assemble them where ever you need to using the Assemble function. If you need parts that are not in the eBOM, simply Import them.

copy the file outside of Creo and name it


Then bring her in


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