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Welcome to the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community! The ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps are easy to deploy, pre-configured role-based starter apps that are built on PTC’s industry-leading IoT platform, ThingWorx. These Apps provide manufacturers with real-time visibility into operational information, improved decision making, accelerated time to value, and unmatched flexibility to drive factory performance.   This Community page is open to all users-- including licensed ThingWorx users, Express (“freemium”) users, or anyone interested in trying the Apps. Tech Support community advocates serve users on this site, and are here to answer your questions about downloading, installing, and configuring the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps.     A. Sign up: ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community: PTC account credentials are needed to participate in the ThingWorx Community. If you have not yet registered a PTC eSupport account, start with the Basic Account Creation page.   Manufacturing Apps Web portal: Register a login for the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps web portal, where you can download the free trial and navigate to the additional resources discussed below.     B. Download: Choose a download/packaging option to get started.   i. Express/Freemium Installer (best for users who are new to ThingWorx): If you want to quickly install ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps (including ThingWorx) use the following installer: Download the Express/Freemium Installer   ii. 30-day Developer Kit trial: To experience the capabilities of the ThingWorx Platform with the Manufacturing Apps and create your own Apps: Download the 30-day Developer Kit trial   iii. Import as a ThingWorx Extension (for users with a Manufacturing Apps entitlement-- including ThingWorx commercial customers, PTC employees, and PTC Partners): ThingWorx Manufacturing apps can be imported as ThingWorx extensions into an existing ThingWorx Platform install (v8.1.0). To locate the download, open the PTC Software Download Page and expand the following folders:   ThingWorx Platform | Release 8.x | ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Extension | Most Recent Datacode     C. Learn After downloading the installer or extensions, begin with Installation and Configuration.   Follow the steps laid out in the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Setup and Configuration Guide 8.2   Find helpful getting-started guides and videos available within the 'Get Started' section of the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Portal.     D. Customize Once you have successfully downloaded, installed, and configured the Manufacturing Apps, begin to explore the deeper potential of the Apps and the ThingWorx Platform.   Follow along with the discussion and steps contained in the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps and Service Apps Customization Guide  8.2   Also contained within the the 'Get Started' page of the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Portal, find the "Evolve and Expand" section, featuring: -Custom Plant Layout application -Custom Asset Advisor application -Global Plant View application -Thingworx Manufacturing Apps Technical Lab with Sigma Tile (Raspberry Pi application) -Configuring the Apps with demo data set and simulator -Additional Advanced Documentation     E. Get help / give feedback / interact Use the ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Community page as a resource to find documentation, peruse past forum threads, or post a question to start a discussion! For advanced troubleshooting, licensed users are encouraged to submit support tickets to the PTC My eSupport portal.
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I've been working with the 7.x and 8.x versions of Thingworx over the last several months doing integrations. So I have a few development instances I've been working with. I'd like to go over some of the issues I've encountered and provide some potential best practices around how you work with Thingworx in development mode and transition to production. Typically, I'll create an instance and develop the integration using the Administrator user which is the only user created as you start up Thingworx instances. Lately, I've been having trouble with a lot of authentication failures as I build. Problem number 1: The new User Lockout feature. Around 7.2 a new User Lockout feature was added to Thingworx to help prevent brute-force cracking of passwords. You now are allowed only so many authentication failures in a given period of time before the user is automatically put in lock mode for a number of minutes. Unfortunately, (but realistically in a more secure manner), a lockout appears as more authentication failures. In reality, it is because the user you have just successfully authenticated to has been automatically locked. I came very close to wiping out an entire instance because I just couldn't get signed in. Then I remembered the lockout, so I worked on something else for a while and then tried to get back into the server and I was successful because the lock timeout had expired. To see the settings in your system, look at the User Management Subsystem configuration page. The Account Lockout Settings default to 5 failures in a 5 minute period that will result in a 15 minute lockout. One note is that setting the lockout to 0 doesn't disable it, it permanently locks out the account. It will have to be reset by a member of the administrators group. The screenshot below shows Problem number 2: AppKeys There is a new setting in the PlatformSubsystem that by default prevents the use of AppKeys in a URL. This setting is present because it is more secure. If you use an appKey as a query parameter in a URL, the appKey will be logged as clear text in your web browser's access log. This is a security risk - an AppKey, especially one not using a whitelist setting might make it possible for someone to gain access to your system by managing to see the access log for your system (maybe via some log analysis tool you feed your logs to). You can disable this setting, but it is not recommended for production - you may have to for a while because you may have code that uses this technique that must be updated before you can enforce the policy. You should deal with this in your production systems as soon as practical. See the graphic below on where this setting shows up. Problem number 3: REST API testing ​As a Thingworx developer, you're probably aware of tools like Curl, Postman and even the Web Browser that can let you exercise a REST API as you develop your code so you can validate your functionality. The REST guidelines specify that you should use the GET method to retrieve data, PUT to create data, POST to update data, etc. The issue is that it is easiest to test an API call if you can execute it from a web browser. However, the web browser always uses the GET method to make a request. This means that PUT and POST (along with other methods) will not work from your browser. Thingworx originally interpreted the incoming request and would internally reroute incoming requests to the POST or PUT functionality. This is also insecure because it makes it too easy to execute services from a browser. A setting was added to the PlatformSubsystem allow for a gradual transition to the more secure configuration. Turn this on in developer mode to simplify your testing of REST calls, but you should not leave it on in production mode as it provides a potential attack vector for your server. So I have some recommendations: 1) Set up an additional Administrative user upon installation If you only have one user defined and it gets locked out, you're stuck until the lockout times out. Worse, if for some reason you set the timeout value to 0, you're locked out forever by Thingworx. You're only choice will be to hack the database to unlock the user or to wipe out the instance and start over. I just went through a situation where I did create the second user and forgot to add it to the Administrators group. So I did something else for 20 minutes to make sure the lockout had cleared. Then I added the user to the Administrators group but got distracted and never pressed the Save button so it locked up again. Make sure you have the user created and functional immediately upon installing the instance - don't wait until you're getting locked out by some loop that's not authenticating properly. Even if you were logged in as your Administrator user, the lockout will cause a failure the next time you try to do something in Composer, like turn off the lockout checkbox! 2) Test your REST Calls with Curl or Postman - not the web browser Don't test your code in a loop until you've tested it in isolation to be sure it's not going to fail authentication for some reason (which may include violating the PlatformSubsystem settings above). Don't use the browser to do the testing - it will require disabling the secure settings. Use Curl or even better, Postman or a similar tool to test your REST calls - it will give you better formatted output than Curl. And you can easily put appKey in as a header (where it should be) instead of a parameter on the URL or in the body. 3) Tighten up your appKeys where possible. Since an appKey is effectively a user/password replacement, you should protect them in the same manner - keep them out of log files by not allowing them as URL parameters, and use the whitelist to keep them from being used for other purposes. If you have a server to server connection, whitelist the server who will be making the calls to you. What I'm not sure of is just whether this is really IP addresses only or if you can use a DNS name and it will look up the IP address and insure it is in fact coming from the expected source. Someone else might be able to comment on this. 4) Test with the PlatformSubsystem settings off Make sure you can run your server without the method redirect or appKey as parameter settings in the PlatformSubsystem. Those settings are potential security vulnerabilities. You may find some Thingworx code that requires one or the other of those settings. Please be sure to report this through PTC Tech Support so it can be fixed.
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The AddStreamEntries​ snippet does not offer too much information, except that it needs an InfoTable as input. It is however based on the InfoTable for the AddStreamEntity service.     To use the AddStreamEntries table, an InfoTable based on sourceType, values, location, source, timestamp​ and ​tags​ must be used.   In this example, I started with a new Thing based on a ​Stream​ template and the following DataShape:     This DataShape must be converted into an InfoTable with is used as the ​values​ parameter. It's important that the ​timestamp​ parameter has distinct values! Otherwise values matching the same timestamp will be overwritten!   We don't really need the sourceType​ as ThingWorx will automatically determine the type by knowing the source and which kind of Entity Type it is.   I created a new ​MyStreamThing​ with a new service, filling the InfoTable and the Stream. The result is the following code which will add 5 rows to the Stream:     // *** SET UP META DATA FOR INFO TABLE ***   // create a new InfoTable based on AddStreamEntries parameters (timestamp, location, source, sourceType, tags, values)   var myInfoTable = { dataShape: { fieldDefinitions : {} }, rows: [] };   myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['timestamp']  = { name: 'timestamp', baseType: 'DATETIME' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['location']  = { name: 'location', baseType: 'LOCATION' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['source']    = { name: 'source', baseType: 'STRING' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['sourceType'] = { name: 'sourceType', baseType: 'STRING' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['tags']      = { name: 'tags', baseType: 'TAGS' }; myInfoTable.dataShape.fieldDefinitions['values']    = { name: 'values', baseType: 'INFOTABLE' };   // *** SET UP ACTUAL VALUES FOR INFO TABLE ***   // create new meta data   var tags = new Array(); var timestamp = new Date(); var location = new Object(); location.latitude = 0; location.longitude = 0; location.elevation = 0; location.units = "WGS84";   // add rows to InfoTable (~5 times)   for (i=0; i<5; i++) {       // create new values based on Stream DataShape       var params = {           infoTableName : "InfoTable",           dataShapeName : "Cxx-DS"     };       var values = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params);       // add something to the values to make them unique       // create and add new row based on Stream DataShape     // only a single line allowed!       var newValues = new Object();     newValues.a = "aaa" + i; // STRING - isPrimaryKey = true     newValues.b = "bbb" + i; // STRING     newValues.c = "ccc" + i; // STRING       values.AddRow(newValues);       // create new InfoTable row based on meta data & values     // add 10 ms to each object, to make it's timestamp unique     // otherwise entries with the same timestamp will be overwritten       var newEntry = new Object();     newEntry.timestamp = new Date( + (i * 10));     newEntry.location = location;     newEntry.source =;     newEntry.tags = tags;     newEntry.values = values;       // add new Info Table row to Info Table           myInfoTable.rows = newEntry;       }       // *** ADD myInfoTable (HOLDING MULITPLE STREAM ENTRIES) TO STREAM       // add stream entries in the InfoTable       var params = {           values: myInfoTable /* INFOTABLE */     };       // no return       Things["MyStreamThing"].AddStreamEntries(params);   To verify the values have been added correctly, call the ​GetStreamEntriesWithData​ service on the ​MyStreamThing​
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Please refer to the release notes: PTC Here are some common questions and answers in regards to the Uprade change: Extension: The removal of dependencies was almost impossible. Do the changes allow extension updates without removal? That is correct Is uninstalling extensions "easier" possible? For example, having extensions with many dependencies which results in a struggle when manually deleting all include would be great to have just 1 uninstall function. Unfortunately, that is still the case when one is uninstalling extension Is there an easy way to see all entity dependencies on an extension (vs. on any one template etc)? Not currently at the extension level.  That's certainly something to be considered adding If one made a mistake on changing an extension mashup, how do  they recover? Is it necessary to remove and then import newer extension? Yes, at the moment that is the only recourse.
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This blog post provide information on the technical changes in Thingworx 8.0, New Technical Changes in ThingWorx 8.0.0 Here are some common questions and answers in regards to the Licensing change: Does that mean all the extensions in the marketplace won't be free anymore? Depends on the extensions. The main extensions we are licensing for 8.0 are Navigate, Manufacturing and Utilties. We are not licensing the MailExtension on the marketplace, for example. Partners and customers can still import their custom apps/extensions If TWX connects to RP(remote platform) which has its own subscription based Flexera license (InService, for example), how does this interaction works- license validation.  Is server to sever connection counts as user login direct to PTC product? License files are per TWX instance. For RP, each would have their own license files. User counts (if entitled and enforced) are generic to each system.
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This article and the blog post provide information on the technical changes in Thingworx 8.0, New Technical Changes in ThingWorx 8.0.0 Here are some common questions and answers in regards to the change. Is there any way that one could lose access to the Appkey keystore? (restore a backup, etc) Yes, it is possible to  lose the key store. If one for some reason simply deletes it or renames it, the existing application keys would no longer be able to be decrypted - thus unusable. Is there a way to back up the appkey store and any necessary secrets such that it can be recovered then? Yes, but this would be handled at the file system, not inside of ThingWorx. We do have some best practices documented for managing the keystore. For developers who configure Edge applications and Connectors to connect to the platform, where do they copy the app key from? Are they copyring the encrypted version of the app key? They would do the same as before. We are not encrypting the app key in the UI, only on disk. Is there any way to get a summary of appkeys that are being used via URL? We do have some requirements for highlighting "repeat offenders". In 8.0, one can query the logs to find those app keys. We don't log the app key id, only the app key name.
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Let us consider that we have 2 properties Property1 and Property2 in Thing Thing1 which we want to update using UpdatePropertyValues service. In our service we will use a system defined DataShape NamedVTQ which has following field definitions: In Thing1 create a custom service like following: var params1 = {      infoTableName : "InfoTable",      dataShapeName : "NamedVTQ" }; // CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(NamedVTQ) var InputInfoTable = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params1); var now = new Date(); // Thing1 entry object var newEntry = new Object(); newEntry.time = now; // DATETIME - isPrimaryKey = true newEntry.quality = undefined; // STRING = "Property1"; // STRING newEntry.value = "Value1"; // STRING InputInfoTable.AddRow(newEntry); = "Property2"; // STRING newEntry.value = "Value2"; // STRING InputInfoTable.AddRow(newEntry); var params2 = {      values: InputInfoTable /* INFOTABLE */ }; me.UpdatePropertyValues(params2);
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This is using the simplest structure to do a look through an infotable.  It's simple but it avoids having to use row indexes and cleans up the code for readability as well.   //Assume incoming Infotable parameter names "thingList" for each (row in thingList.rows) {      // Now each row is already assigned to the row variable in the loop      var thingName =; }   You can also nest these loops (just use a different variable from "row").  Also important to note to not add or remove row entries of the Infotable inside the loop.  In this case you may end up skipping or repeating rows in the loop since the indexes will be changed.
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Recently, was retired. The content has not yet been fully migrated to Thingworx Community, though a plan is in place to do this over the coming weeks. Attached, please find OneNote 2016 and PDF attachments that contain the content that was previously available on the Axeda Mentor website.
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Thingworx provides a library of InfoTable functions, one of the most powerful ones being DeriveFields (besides that I use Aggregate and Query a lot and ... getRowCount) DeriveFields can generate additional columns to your InfoTable and fill that with values that can be derived from ... nearly anything! Hard coded, based on a Service you call, based on a Property Value, based on other values within the InfoTable you are adding the column to. Just remember for this Service (as well as Aggregate), no spaces between different column definitions and use a , (comma) as separator. Here are some two powerful examples: //Calling another function using DeriveFields //Note that the value thingTemplate is the actual value in the row of column thingTemplate! var params = {   types: "STRING" /* STRING */,   t: AllItems /* INFOTABLE */,   columns: "BaseTemplate" /* STRING */,     expressions: "Things['PTC.RemoteMonitoring.GeneralServices'].RetrieveBaseTemplate({ThingTemplateName:thingTemplate})" /* STRING */ }; // result: INFOTABLE var AllItemsWithBase = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].DeriveFields(params); //Getting values from other Properties //to in this case is the value of the row in the column to //Note the use of , and no spaces //NOTE: You can make this even more generic with something like Things[to][propName] var params = {     types: "NUMBER,STRING,STRING,LOCATION" /* STRING */,     t: AllAssets /* INFOTABLE */,     columns: "Status,StatusLabel,Description,AssetLocation" /* STRING */,     expressions: "Things[to].Status,Things[to].StatusLabel,Things[to].description,Things[to].AssetLocation" /* STRING */ }; // result: INFOTABLE var AllAssetsWithStatus = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].DeriveFields(params);
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The following is a set of custom objects that will trigger from an Expression Rule, and cause a file uploaded by a remote agent to be sent on to the Thingworx platform instance of your choice once completed.  The expression rules should be configured as so: ​Type: ​File ​IF: ​1 == 1 ​THEN: ​ExecuteCustomObject("SendUploadedFiles") SendUploadedFiles.groovy: import import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.*"Executing AsyncExecutor") //Spawn async thread for each upload compressedFile.getFiles().each {   UploadedFile upFile ->     // last parameter is a timeout for the execution measured in seconds (200 minutes)     customObjectBridge.initiateAsync("SendToThingWorx",                                     [                                       fileID:,                                       hint: parameters.hint,                                       deviceID:                                     ], 200 * 60) }     SendToThingworx.groovy: import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import* import com.axeda.sdk.v2.exception.* import import static* import static* import*  // UploadedFileFinder stuff. import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 def retStr = "this is a sample groovy script. your username: ${parameters.username}\n" def context = Context.getAdminContext() def thingName = 'ExampleThing' def thingworxHost = '' def twxApplicationKey = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000' def fileid = parameters.fileID def finder = new UploadedFileFinder(context) finder.setId( new Identifier( fileid.toLong()) ) UploadedFile uf = finder.find() def is = new FileInputStream( uf.extractFile() ) retStr += "UF: ${} ${uf.fileSize} ${uf.actualFileName}\n"  "UF: ${} ${uf.fileSize} ${uf.actualFileName}\n" def bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream() int b = 0 int count = 0 while ( (b = != -1  ) {     count ++     bOut.write(b) } is?.close() byte[] bRes = bOut.toByteArray() "Length: ${bRes.length}" retStr += "Count: ${count}  Length: ${bRes.length}\n" def b64 = new Base64() def outputStr = b64.encodeBase64String(bRes) retStr += "Length of base64 string: ${outputStr.length()}\n" "Length of base64 string: ${outputStr.length()}\n" "===========================================" outputStr "===========================================" def http = new HTTPBuilder("https://${thingworxHost}") http.request(POST, JSON) {     uri.path = "/Thingworx/Things/${thingName}/Services/SaveBinary"     body  = [path:, content: outputStr ]     headers = [appKey: twxApplicationKey ,                       Accept: 'application/json',                       "content-type": "application/json"             ]     response.success = { resp ->         println "POST response status: ${resp.statusLine}" "POST RESPONSE status: ${resp.statusLine}"     }     response.failure = { resp -> "RequestMessage: ${resp.statusLine}" "Request failed: ${resp.status}"     } } return retStr    
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Sometimes M2M Assets should poll the platform on demand, such as in the case of avoiding excessive data charges from chatty assets.  A mechanism was developed that instructs the Asset to contact (poll) the platform for actions that the Asset needs to act on such as File Uploads, Set DataItem, etc. The Shoulder Tap SMS message is the platform’s way of contacting the Asset – tapping it on the shoulder to let it know there’s a message waiting for it.  The Asset responds by polling for the waiting message.  This implementation in the platform provides a way to configure the Model Profile that is responsible for sending an SMS Shoulder Tap message to an M2M Asset.  The Model Profile contains model-wide instructions for how and when a Shoulder Tap message should be sent. How does it work? The M2M asset is set not to poll the Axeda Platform for a long period, but the Enterprise user has some actions that the Asset needs to act upon such as FOTA (Firmware Over-the-Air).       Software package deployed to M2M Asset from Axeda Platform and put into Egress queue.       The Shoulder Tap mechanism executes a Custom Object that then sends a message to the Asset through a delivery method like SMS, UDP, etc.       The Asset’s SMS, etc. handler receives the message and the Asset then sends a POLL to the Platform and acts upon the action in the egress queue How do you make Shoulder Tap work for your M2M Assets? The first step is to create a Model Profile, the model profile will tell Asset of this model, how to communicate. For Example, if the Model Profile is Shoulder Tap, then the mechanism used to communicate to the Asset will imply Shoulder Tap.  Execute the attached custom object, createSMSModelProfile.groovy, and it will create a Model Profile named "SMSModelProfile". When you create a new Model, you will see  “SMSModelProfile“ appear in the Communication Profile dropdown list as follows: The next step is to create the Custom Object Transport script which is responsible for sending out the SMS or other method of communication to the Asset.  In this example the custom object is be named SMSCustomObject​.  The contents of this custom object are outside the scope of this article, but could be REST API calls to Twilio, Jasper or to a wireless provider's REST APIs to communicate with the remote device using an SMS message.   This could also be used with the IntegrationPublisher API to send a JMS message to a server the customer controls which could then be used to talk directly with custom libraries that are not directly compatible with the Axeda Platform. Once the Shoulder Tap scripting has been tested and is working correctly, you can now directly send a Shoulder Tap to the Asset from an action or through an ExtendedUI Module, such as shown below: import; final ServiceFactory sFact = new ServiceFactory() def assetId = (Long)parameters.get("assetId") def stapService = ServiceFactory.getShoulderTapService() stapService.sendShoulderTap( assetId ) See Extending the Axeda Platform UI - Custom Tabs and Modules for more about creating and configuring Extended UI Modules. What about Retries? maxRetryCount  - This built in attribute’s value defines the number of times the platform will retry to send the Shoulder Tap message before it gives up. retryInterval -The retry interval that can be used if the any message delivery needs to be retried. Retry Count and Interval are configured in the Model Profile Custom Object like so: final DeliveryMethodDescriptor dmd = new DeliveryMethodDescriptor(); fdmd.setMaxRetryCount(2); fdmd.setRetryInterval(60);
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Objective Learn how the Scripto Web Service helps you to present platform information in your HTML with JavaScript and dynamic page updating.  After this tutorial, you will know how to create Axeda Custom Objects that return formatted results to JavaScript using XmlHttpResponse, and how a very simple page can incorporate platform data into your browser-based user interface. Part 1 - Simple Scripto In Using Scripto, you learned how Scripto can be called from very simple clients, even the most basic HTTP tools. This tutorial builds on the examples in that tutorial. The following HelloWorld script accepts a parameter named "foo". This means that the caller of the script may supply a value for this parameter, and the script simple returns a message that includes the value supplied. import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import* import com.axeda.sdk.v2.exception.* return "Hello world, ${}" In the first part of this tutorial, we'll be creating an HTML page with some JavaScript that simply calls the HelloWorld script and puts the result on the page. Create an HTML File Open up your favorite text editor and create a blank document. Paste in this simple scaffold, which includes a very simple FORM with fields for your developer platform email and password, and the "foo" parameter. <html> <head> <title>Axeda Developer Connection Simple Ajax HelloWorld Example</title> </head> <body> <form name="f1">         Platform email (login): <input name="username" type="text"><br/>         Password: <input name="password" type="password"><br/>         foo: <input name="foo" type="text"><br/> <input value="Go" type="button" onclick='JavaScript: callScripto()'/></p> <div id="result"></div> </form> </body> </html> Pretty basic HTML that you've seen lots of times. Notice the form onclick refers to a JavaScript function. We'll be adding that next. Add the JavaScript Directly under the <title> tag, add the following <script language="Javascript"> var scriptoURL =""; var scriptName ="HelloWorld2"; </script> This defines our JavaScript block, and a couple of constants to tell our script where the server's Scripto REST endpoint is, and the name of the script we will be running. Let's add in our callScripto() function. Paste the following directly under the scriptName variable declaration: function callScripto(){ try{       "UniversalBrowserRead"); }catch(e){ // must be IE }    var xmlHttpReq =false;    var self =this;    // Mozilla/Safari    if(window.XMLHttpRequest){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new XMLHttpRequest();    }// IE elseif(window.ActiveXObject){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }    var form = document.forms['f1'];    var username = form.username.value;    var password = form.password.value;    var url = scriptoURL + scriptName +"?username="+ username +"&password="+ password;   'POST', url,true);             self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');             self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange =function() {       if(self.xmlHttpReq.readyState ==4){                     updatepage(self.xmlHttpReq.responseText);       }    }    var foo =;    var qstr ='foo='+escape(foo);    self.xmlHttpReq.send(qstr); } That was a lot to process in one chunk, so let's examine each piece. This piece just tells the browser that we'll be wanting to make some Ajax calls to a remote server. We'll be running the example right off a local file system (at first), so this is necessary to ask for permission. try{       "UniversalBrowserRead"); }catch(e){ // must be IE } This part creates an XmlHttpRequest object, which is a standard object available in browsers via JavaScript. Because of slight browser differences, this code creates the correct object based on the browser type. var xmlHttpReq =false; var self =this; // Mozilla/Safari if(window.XMLHttpRequest){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new XMLHttpRequest(); } // IE elseif(window.ActiveXObject){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } Next we create the URL that will be used to make the HTTP call. This simply combines our scriptoURL, scriptName, and platform credentials. var form = document.forms['f1']; var username = form.username.value; var password = form.password.value; var url = scriptoURL + scriptName +"?username="+ username +"&password="+ password; Now let's tell the xmlHttpReq object what we want from it. we'll also reference the name of another JavaScript function which will be invoked when the operation completes.'POST', url,true);     self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');     self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange =function(){ if(self.xmlHttpReq.readyState ==4){             updatepage(self.xmlHttpReq.responseText); } } Finally, for this function, we'll grab the "foo" parameter from the form and tell the prepped xmlHttpReq object to post it. var qstr ='foo='+escape(foo);     self.xmlHttpReq.send(qstr); almost done. We just need to supply the updatepage function that we referenced above. Add this code directly before the </script> close tag: function updatepage(str){             document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = str; } Try it out Save your file as helloworld.html and open it in a browser by starting your browser and choosing "Open File". You can also download a zip with the file prepared for you at the end of this page. If you are using Internet Explorer, IE will pop a bar asking you if it is OK for the script inside this page to execute a script. Choose "Allow Blocked Content". Type in your platform email address (the address you registered for the developer connection with) and your password. Enter any text that you like for "foo". When you click "Go", the area below the button will display the result of the Scripto call. Note that if you are using Mozilla Firefox, you will be warned about the script wanting to access a remote server. Click "Allow". Congratulations! You have learned how to call a Custom Object-backed Scripto service to display dynamic platform content inside a very simple HTML page. Next Steps Be sure to check out the tutorial on Hosting Custom Applications to learn how you can make this page get directly served from your platform account, with its very own URL. Also explore code samples that show more sophisticated HTML+AJAX examples using Google Charts and other presentation tools.
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Expression rules are the heart of the Axeda Platforms processing capability. These rules have an If-Then-Else structure that's easy to create and understand. We think they're like a formula in a spreadsheet. For example, say your asset has a dataitem reading for temperature: IF: temperature > 80 THEN: CreateAlarm("High Temp", 100)                      This rule compares the temperature to 80 every time a reading is received. When this happens, the rule creates an alarm with name "High Temp" and severity 100. Dataitems represent readings from an asset. They are typically sensors or monitoring parameters in an application. But also think of dataitems as variables. The rule can be changed to IF: temperature > threshold                      so that each asset has its own threshold that can be adjusted independently. Look at the complete list of Expression Rule triggers - the events that trigger a rule to run variables - the information you can access in an expression functions - the functions that can be used within an expression actions - these are called in the Then or Else part of an expression to make something happen A rule can calculate a new value. For example, if you wanted to know the max temperature IF: temperature > maxTemperature THEN: SetDataItem("maxTemperature" temperature) To convert a temperature in celsius to fahrenheit IF: temperature THEN: SetDataItem("tempF", temperature*9/5 + 32) The If simply names the variable, so any change to that variable triggers the rule to run. There may be lots of other dataitems reported for an asset, and changes to the other dataitems should not recalculate the temperature. When rules should run only when an asset is in a particular mode or state, or when there is a complex sequence to model, read about how State Machines come to the rescue. Creating and Testing an Expression Rule ​ We're going to create a simple Expression Rule and show it running in a few steps. Above, you saw a rule that created an alarm when temperature > 80. Now, we will make one that converts a temperature in F to one in C. An Expression Rule consists of a few things: Name Description - an optional field to describe the rule Trigger - what makes this rule run? The trigger tells the rule if it applies to Alarms, Data, Files, or many others. If - the logic expression for the condition to evaluate Then - the logic to run if the condition is true Else - the logic to run if the condition is false To begin, log into an Axeda Platform instance. Navigate to the Manage tab Select ​New​, then ​Expression Rule​ Enter this Expression Rule information Name: TempConvert Type: Data Description: Enabled: Leave checked If: TempC Then: SetDataItem("TempF", TempC*9/5 + 32) If you click on functions or scroll down for actions in the Expression Tree, you will see a description in Details. Click the Apply to Asset​ button to select models and specific assets to apply this rule to. Now that you have an Expression Rule, lets try it. Testing the Expression Rule (NEEDS UPDATING) You can test the expression rule by simulating the TempC data using Axeda Simulator, as instructed below. Or, you can use the Expression Rules Debugger to simulate the reading and display the results. For information about using the Expression Rules Debugger, see the Expression Rules Debugger documentation in the on-line Help system.Simulate a TempC reading Launch the Axeda Simulator The Axeda Simulator will launch in a new browser window Enter your registered email address, Developer Connection password, and click Login.       Select asset1 from the Asset dropdown. Under the Data tab, enter the dataitem name TempC, and a value like 28: Then Click Send. To see the exciting result, go back to the Platform window and navigate to the Service tab: and you should see that 28C = 82.4F. You created an Expression Rule that triggers when a value of TempC is received, and creates a new dataitem TempF with a calculated value. This rule applies to your model, but if you had many models of assets, it could apply to as many as you want. You could change the rule to do the conversion only If: TempC > 9 and simulate inputs to see that this is the new behavior. Further Reading Read about how Rule Timers can trigger rules to run on a scheduled basis. (TODO)
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This example shows how a file can be retrieved via Scripto and then displayed on a Web page. Precondition is that an asset has an uploaded file. This script assumes the file is there and that it is not extremely large (under 1 megabyte). This example uses base64 encoding to convert the file into a string. Future versions of Scripto will support other data streams so that base64 encoding will not be necessary. import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder // This script requires parameter "id" Context ctx = Context.create(parameters.username); def response = '' try {     DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(ctx, new Identifier( as Integer));     Device device = deviceFinder.find();     UploadedFileFinder uff = new UploadedFileFinder(ctx)     uff.device = device     uff.hint = 'photo'     def ufiles = uff.findAll()     UploadedFile ufile     if (ufiles.size() > 0) {         ufile = ufiles[0]         File f = ufile.extractFile()         response = getBytes(f).encodeBase64(false).toString()     } } catch (Exception e) {;     response = [             faultcode: 'Groovy Exception',             faultstring: e.message     ]; } return ['Content-Type': 'data:image/png;base64', 'Content': response]; static byte[] getBytes(File file) throws IOException {     return getBytes(new FileInputStream(file)); } static byte[] getBytes(InputStream is) throws IOException {     ByteArrayOutputStream answer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // reading the content of the file within a byte buffer     byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[8192];     int nbByteRead /* = 0*/;     try {         while ((nbByteRead = != -1) { // appends buffer             answer.write(byteBuffer, 0, nbByteRead);         }     } finally {         is.close()     }     return answer.toByteArray(); }
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This groovy script creates an xml output of the audit log filtered by the User Access category, so dates of when users logged in or logged out. Parameter: days - number of days to search import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.ModelFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Model import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.DeviceFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.device.Device import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditCategoryList import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditCategory import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditEntryFinder import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.SortType import com.axeda.drm.sdk.audit.AuditEntry import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder /* * AuditEntryList.groovy * * Creates an xml output of the audit log filtered by the User Access category, so dates of when users logged in or logged out. * * @param days        -   (REQ):Str number of days to search. * * @author Sara Streeter <> */ def writer = new StringWriter() def xml = new MarkupBuilder(writer) try {     def ctx = Context.getUserContext()     ModelFinder modelFinder = new ModelFinder(ctx, new Identifier(1))     Model model = modelFinder.find()     DeviceFinder deviceFinder = new DeviceFinder(ctx, new Identifier(1))     Device device = deviceFinder.find()     AuditCategoryList acl = new AuditCategoryList()     acl.add(AuditCategory.USER_ACCESS)     long now = System.currentTimeMillis()     Date today = new Date(now)     def paramdays = parameters.days ? parameters.days: 5     long days = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * Integer.valueOf(paramdays)     AuditEntryFinder aef = new AuditEntryFinder(ctx)     aef.setCategories(acl)     aef.setToDate(today)     aef.setFromDate(new Date(now - (days)))     aef.setSortType(SortType.DATE)     aef.sortDescending()     List<AuditEntry> audits = aef.findAll() // assemble the response     xml.Response() {         audits.each { AuditEntry audit ->                   Audit() {                 id(audit?.id.value)                 user(audit?.user?.username)                 date(audit?.date)                 category(audit?.category?.bundleKey)                 message(audit?.message)             }         }     } } catch (def ex) {     xml.Response() {         Fault {             Code('Groovy Exception')             Message(ex.getMessage())             StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();             PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);             ex.printStackTrace(pw);             Detail(sw.toString())         }     } } return ['Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'Content': writer.toString()]
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JavaMelody is an open source (LGPL) application that measures and calculates statistical information based on application usage. The resulting data can be viewed in a variety of formats including evolution charts, which track various operations and server attributes over time. There are also robust reporting options that allow data to be exported in either HTML of PDF formats. Installation Installation is fairly simple and can be done in just a few minutes. Download the distribution from JavaMelody Wiki and extract the javamelody.jar, available at Step 1: Download the java melody file (in unix, use the following command*): wget Note: Ensure the latest version available at the link provided above before executing the unix command, modify the version accordingly. Step 2: Extract the zip file (using the following command in unix, note the version from step 1); unzip Step 3: Copy the javamelody.jar and jrobin-x.jar from the javamelody installable to the WEB-INF/lib directory of the war file deployed in the tomcat using the following command in unix: cp -pr javamelody-1.49.0 jrobin-x.jar /opt/tomcat/server/webapps/<application name>/WEB-INF/lib Step 4: Edit the web.xml file from WEB-INF directory of the war file deployed in the tomcat and add the following lines in the web.xml before the description of the mostly at the starting of the web.xml file.                 <filter> <filter-name>monitoring</filter-name>                <filter-class>net.bull.javamelody.MonitoringFilter</filter-class>        </filter>        <filter-mapping>                <filter-name>monitoring</filter-name>                <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>        </filter-mapping>        <listener>                <listener-class>net.bull.javamelody.SessionListener</listener-class>        </listener> Step 5: Restart the tomcat server after editing the web.xml and access the javamelody page using the following url pattern: http://<hostname on which tomcat is configured>:<Port number on which the application is accessed>/<application name>/monitoring The url can be customized in the configuration file. Reports can be viewed in weekly, daily, or monthly formats. They can also be downloaded or can be sent over email in pdf format. iText library for WebApps and Java’s Mail and Activation libraries are required on the server in order to use the mail session. The report provides the same information that can be found in monitoring web page with both high-level and detailed information. CPU&Memory usage: Detailed SQL Information: SQL Statistics: Server Requests: System threads, caches: Data Caches: System Overhead ​On the JavaMelody Wiki,​ one can find a healthy discussion about system overhead. It seems that the general consensus is that  the overhead cost caused by JavaMelody is very low and that the feature is safe to enable full-time in QA environment. ->JavaMelody records only statistics and not events, so the overhead of memory is quite minimal. ->No  I/O on the wire and minimal I/O on disk. If no problem arises, it can be considered to enable JavaMelody on the production environment as well. Using a tool like JavaMelody can lead to valuable insights on how to optimize servers or uncover otherwise hidden issues, providing value that exceeds the overhead cost.
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Background: Axeda Agents can be configured with standard drivers to collect event-driven data, which is then sent to the Platform. Axeda provides many standard event-driven data (EDD) drivers for use with the Axeda Agent (as explained in Axeda® Agents EDD Toolkit Reference (PDF)). All EDD  drivers are configured by an xml file and enabled in Axeda Builder, through the Agent Data Items configuration. You can configure an EDD driver to send important information from your process to the Agent, including data items, events and alarms. The manner in which you configure your drivers will affect the ability for your project to operate efficiently. Recommendation: Use drivers to reduce the amount of data sent to the platform. Instead of sending data items to the Platform, which then generates an event or alarm, it is possible to use the drivers to scan for specific data points or conditions and send an event or alarm. Before you can configure your agents, you first need to determine how often you will need your agent to send data to the Enterprise server. Two example workflows and recommendations: If you want to monitor a data item every second or two, configure the Agent to do the monitoring If you want to trend information once per day, perform that logic at the Enterprise Server. These examples may address your actual use case or your needs may fall somewhere in between. Ultimately, you want to consider that time scale (how often you want to monitor or trend data) and resulting data volume should drive how your system handles data. More data is available at the Agent, and at a higher frequency, then that needed at the Platform. Processing at the Agent ensures that only the important results are communicated to the Platform, leading to a “cleaner” experience for the Platform. Using this guidance as a best practice will help reduce network traffic for your customers as well as ensure the best experience for Enterprise users using server data in their dashboards, reports, and custom applications. Need more information? For information about the standard EDD Drivers, see the Axeda® Agents: EDD Drivers Reference (PDF).
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