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ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Setup and Configuration Guide 8.2 ThingWorx Manufacturing and Service Apps Customization Guide 8.2
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Video Author:                     Polina Osipvoa Original Post Date:            June 10, 2016 Applicable Releases:        ThingWorx   Description: This is a video tutorial on creating a Media Entity, and importing and displaying an image.      
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This expert session goes over some basic backup and recovery principles, and provides details on how these principles can be applied to backing up a ThingWorx Server. Backup methods for the ThingWorx PostgreSQL, Neo4J and H2 releases are discussed.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Dive back into the mashup builder and learn about advanced widgets and layout options.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Introduction to the mashup builder, mashup types, widget and how to add services to a mashup as well as connecting data from the services to widgets and how to use events in mashups.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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Configuring Navigate search using Common Tailoring and configuring access permission on apps from role perspective.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Setup and Configuration Guide 8.1.0 ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps Customization Guide  8.1.0
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This design session introduces a real-world product scenario along with requirements for developing a related IoT-based application. You will also be introduced to core ThingWorx terminology and concepts that will help to map out an efficient design plan for the model hierarchy.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This Expert Session consists of the general overview for platform export and import. It discusses the available options for safely exporting and importing entities, data, and extensions. It also provides information on the use of exported entities during the system upgrading and/or moving from QA to production server.  It’s assumed that the audience is familiar with the Composer and its navigation.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This Expert Session will provide you with an in depth explanation behind how Signals are calculated in ThingWorx Analytics, what purpose they serve, and why we use them.  Some basic mathematical concepts are discussed so viewers will have a better idea of how ThingWorx Analytics operates behind the scenes.     For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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How to enable ThingWorx Performance Advisor Applies To ThingWorx 7.2+ Description How to enable ThingWorx Performance Advisor Resolution In the ThingWorx Composer, go to Systems > Subsystems, select the PlatformSubsystem and choose Configuration In the Metrics Reporting Service Configuration Select the "Enable Metrics Reporting" checkbox to activate Performance Advisor reporting Enter your current PTC credentials (username and password) for either the customer support portal or the developer portal After providing those details, use the Request button to request an Authorization Key. Customer Number and Name will be filled automatically and an Authorization Key is generated which allows the server identifying itself to the PTC environment. Those fields are read-only. ThingWorx is now ready to send Performance Advisor data and metrics to PTC Related FAQ - Performance Advisor for ThingWorx | PTC…
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This Expert Session is about platform sizing with dependency on the type of environment and correlated scalability options. It talks about federation and high availability as well as provides visual diagrams to understand the architecture of different ThingWorx solutions.   For full-sized viewing, click on the YouTube link in the player controls.   Visit the Online Success Guide to access our Expert Session videos at any time as well as additional information about ThingWorx training and services.
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This is using the simplest structure to do a look through an infotable.  It's simple but it avoids having to use row indexes and cleans up the code for readability as well.   //Assume incoming Infotable parameter names "thingList" for each (row in thingList.rows) {      // Now each row is already assigned to the row variable in the loop      var thingName =; }   You can also nest these loops (just use a different variable from "row").  Also important to note to not add or remove row entries of the Infotable inside the loop.  In this case you may end up skipping or repeating rows in the loop since the indexes will be changed.
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The following is a set of custom objects that will trigger from an Expression Rule, and cause a file uploaded by a remote agent to be sent on to the Thingworx platform instance of your choice once completed.  The expression rules should be configured as so: ​Type: ​File ​IF: ​1 == 1 ​THEN: ​ExecuteCustomObject("SendUploadedFiles") SendUploadedFiles.groovy: import import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.*"Executing AsyncExecutor") //Spawn async thread for each upload compressedFile.getFiles().each {   UploadedFile upFile ->     // last parameter is a timeout for the execution measured in seconds (200 minutes)     customObjectBridge.initiateAsync("SendToThingWorx",                                     [                                       fileID:,                                       hint: parameters.hint,                                       deviceID:                                     ], 200 * 60) }     SendToThingworx.groovy: import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import* import com.axeda.sdk.v2.exception.* import import static* import static* import*  // UploadedFileFinder stuff. import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 def retStr = "this is a sample groovy script. your username: ${parameters.username}\n" def context = Context.getAdminContext() def thingName = 'ExampleThing' def thingworxHost = '' def twxApplicationKey = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000' def fileid = parameters.fileID def finder = new UploadedFileFinder(context) finder.setId( new Identifier( fileid.toLong()) ) UploadedFile uf = finder.find() def is = new FileInputStream( uf.extractFile() ) retStr += "UF: ${} ${uf.fileSize} ${uf.actualFileName}\n"  "UF: ${} ${uf.fileSize} ${uf.actualFileName}\n" def bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream() int b = 0 int count = 0 while ( (b = != -1  ) {     count ++     bOut.write(b) } is?.close() byte[] bRes = bOut.toByteArray() "Length: ${bRes.length}" retStr += "Count: ${count}  Length: ${bRes.length}\n" def b64 = new Base64() def outputStr = b64.encodeBase64String(bRes) retStr += "Length of base64 string: ${outputStr.length()}\n" "Length of base64 string: ${outputStr.length()}\n" "===========================================" outputStr "===========================================" def http = new HTTPBuilder("https://${thingworxHost}") http.request(POST, JSON) {     uri.path = "/Thingworx/Things/${thingName}/Services/SaveBinary"     body  = [path:, content: outputStr ]     headers = [appKey: twxApplicationKey ,                       Accept: 'application/json',                       "content-type": "application/json"             ]     response.success = { resp ->         println "POST response status: ${resp.statusLine}" "POST RESPONSE status: ${resp.statusLine}"     }     response.failure = { resp -> "RequestMessage: ${resp.statusLine}" "Request failed: ${resp.status}"     } } return retStr    
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Sometimes M2M Assets should poll the platform on demand, such as in the case of avoiding excessive data charges from chatty assets.  A mechanism was developed that instructs the Asset to contact (poll) the platform for actions that the Asset needs to act on such as File Uploads, Set DataItem, etc. The Shoulder Tap SMS message is the platform’s way of contacting the Asset – tapping it on the shoulder to let it know there’s a message waiting for it.  The Asset responds by polling for the waiting message.  This implementation in the platform provides a way to configure the Model Profile that is responsible for sending an SMS Shoulder Tap message to an M2M Asset.  The Model Profile contains model-wide instructions for how and when a Shoulder Tap message should be sent. How does it work? The M2M asset is set not to poll the Axeda Platform for a long period, but the Enterprise user has some actions that the Asset needs to act upon such as FOTA (Firmware Over-the-Air).       Software package deployed to M2M Asset from Axeda Platform and put into Egress queue.       The Shoulder Tap mechanism executes a Custom Object that then sends a message to the Asset through a delivery method like SMS, UDP, etc.       The Asset’s SMS, etc. handler receives the message and the Asset then sends a POLL to the Platform and acts upon the action in the egress queue How do you make Shoulder Tap work for your M2M Assets? The first step is to create a Model Profile, the model profile will tell Asset of this model, how to communicate. For Example, if the Model Profile is Shoulder Tap, then the mechanism used to communicate to the Asset will imply Shoulder Tap.  Execute the attached custom object, createSMSModelProfile.groovy, and it will create a Model Profile named "SMSModelProfile". When you create a new Model, you will see  “SMSModelProfile“ appear in the Communication Profile dropdown list as follows: The next step is to create the Custom Object Transport script which is responsible for sending out the SMS or other method of communication to the Asset.  In this example the custom object is be named SMSCustomObject​.  The contents of this custom object are outside the scope of this article, but could be REST API calls to Twilio, Jasper or to a wireless provider's REST APIs to communicate with the remote device using an SMS message.   This could also be used with the IntegrationPublisher API to send a JMS message to a server the customer controls which could then be used to talk directly with custom libraries that are not directly compatible with the Axeda Platform. Once the Shoulder Tap scripting has been tested and is working correctly, you can now directly send a Shoulder Tap to the Asset from an action or through an ExtendedUI Module, such as shown below: import; final ServiceFactory sFact = new ServiceFactory() def assetId = (Long)parameters.get("assetId") def stapService = ServiceFactory.getShoulderTapService() stapService.sendShoulderTap( assetId ) See Extending the Axeda Platform UI - Custom Tabs and Modules for more about creating and configuring Extended UI Modules. What about Retries? maxRetryCount  - This built in attribute’s value defines the number of times the platform will retry to send the Shoulder Tap message before it gives up. retryInterval -The retry interval that can be used if the any message delivery needs to be retried. Retry Count and Interval are configured in the Model Profile Custom Object like so: final DeliveryMethodDescriptor dmd = new DeliveryMethodDescriptor(); fdmd.setMaxRetryCount(2); fdmd.setRetryInterval(60);
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Objective Learn how the Scripto Web Service helps you to present platform information in your HTML with JavaScript and dynamic page updating.  After this tutorial, you will know how to create Axeda Custom Objects that return formatted results to JavaScript using XmlHttpResponse, and how a very simple page can incorporate platform data into your browser-based user interface. Part 1 - Simple Scripto In Using Scripto, you learned how Scripto can be called from very simple clients, even the most basic HTTP tools. This tutorial builds on the examples in that tutorial. The following HelloWorld script accepts a parameter named "foo". This means that the caller of the script may supply a value for this parameter, and the script simple returns a message that includes the value supplied. import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import* import com.axeda.sdk.v2.exception.* return "Hello world, ${}" In the first part of this tutorial, we'll be creating an HTML page with some JavaScript that simply calls the HelloWorld script and puts the result on the page. Create an HTML File Open up your favorite text editor and create a blank document. Paste in this simple scaffold, which includes a very simple FORM with fields for your developer platform email and password, and the "foo" parameter. <html> <head> <title>Axeda Developer Connection Simple Ajax HelloWorld Example</title> </head> <body> <form name="f1">         Platform email (login): <input name="username" type="text"><br/>         Password: <input name="password" type="password"><br/>         foo: <input name="foo" type="text"><br/> <input value="Go" type="button" onclick='JavaScript: callScripto()'/></p> <div id="result"></div> </form> </body> </html> Pretty basic HTML that you've seen lots of times. Notice the form onclick refers to a JavaScript function. We'll be adding that next. Add the JavaScript Directly under the <title> tag, add the following <script language="Javascript"> var scriptoURL =""; var scriptName ="HelloWorld2"; </script> This defines our JavaScript block, and a couple of constants to tell our script where the server's Scripto REST endpoint is, and the name of the script we will be running. Let's add in our callScripto() function. Paste the following directly under the scriptName variable declaration: function callScripto(){ try{       "UniversalBrowserRead"); }catch(e){ // must be IE }    var xmlHttpReq =false;    var self =this;    // Mozilla/Safari    if(window.XMLHttpRequest){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new XMLHttpRequest();    }// IE elseif(window.ActiveXObject){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }    var form = document.forms['f1'];    var username = form.username.value;    var password = form.password.value;    var url = scriptoURL + scriptName +"?username="+ username +"&password="+ password;   'POST', url,true);             self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');             self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange =function() {       if(self.xmlHttpReq.readyState ==4){                     updatepage(self.xmlHttpReq.responseText);       }    }    var foo =;    var qstr ='foo='+escape(foo);    self.xmlHttpReq.send(qstr); } That was a lot to process in one chunk, so let's examine each piece. This piece just tells the browser that we'll be wanting to make some Ajax calls to a remote server. We'll be running the example right off a local file system (at first), so this is necessary to ask for permission. try{       "UniversalBrowserRead"); }catch(e){ // must be IE } This part creates an XmlHttpRequest object, which is a standard object available in browsers via JavaScript. Because of slight browser differences, this code creates the correct object based on the browser type. var xmlHttpReq =false; var self =this; // Mozilla/Safari if(window.XMLHttpRequest){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new XMLHttpRequest(); } // IE elseif(window.ActiveXObject){                 self.xmlHttpReq =new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } Next we create the URL that will be used to make the HTTP call. This simply combines our scriptoURL, scriptName, and platform credentials. var form = document.forms['f1']; var username = form.username.value; var password = form.password.value; var url = scriptoURL + scriptName +"?username="+ username +"&password="+ password; Now let's tell the xmlHttpReq object what we want from it. we'll also reference the name of another JavaScript function which will be invoked when the operation completes.'POST', url,true);     self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');     self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange =function(){ if(self.xmlHttpReq.readyState ==4){             updatepage(self.xmlHttpReq.responseText); } } Finally, for this function, we'll grab the "foo" parameter from the form and tell the prepped xmlHttpReq object to post it. var qstr ='foo='+escape(foo);     self.xmlHttpReq.send(qstr); almost done. We just need to supply the updatepage function that we referenced above. Add this code directly before the </script> close tag: function updatepage(str){             document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = str; } Try it out Save your file as helloworld.html and open it in a browser by starting your browser and choosing "Open File". You can also download a zip with the file prepared for you at the end of this page. If you are using Internet Explorer, IE will pop a bar asking you if it is OK for the script inside this page to execute a script. Choose "Allow Blocked Content". Type in your platform email address (the address you registered for the developer connection with) and your password. Enter any text that you like for "foo". When you click "Go", the area below the button will display the result of the Scripto call. Note that if you are using Mozilla Firefox, you will be warned about the script wanting to access a remote server. Click "Allow". Congratulations! You have learned how to call a Custom Object-backed Scripto service to display dynamic platform content inside a very simple HTML page. Next Steps Be sure to check out the tutorial on Hosting Custom Applications to learn how you can make this page get directly served from your platform account, with its very own URL. Also explore code samples that show more sophisticated HTML+AJAX examples using Google Charts and other presentation tools.
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Expression rules are the heart of the Axeda Platforms processing capability. These rules have an If-Then-Else structure that's easy to create and understand. We think they're like a formula in a spreadsheet. For example, say your asset has a dataitem reading for temperature: IF: temperature > 80 THEN: CreateAlarm("High Temp", 100)                      This rule compares the temperature to 80 every time a reading is received. When this happens, the rule creates an alarm with name "High Temp" and severity 100. Dataitems represent readings from an asset. They are typically sensors or monitoring parameters in an application. But also think of dataitems as variables. The rule can be changed to IF: temperature > threshold                      so that each asset has its own threshold that can be adjusted independently. Look at the complete list of Expression Rule triggers - the events that trigger a rule to run variables - the information you can access in an expression functions - the functions that can be used within an expression actions - these are called in the Then or Else part of an expression to make something happen A rule can calculate a new value. For example, if you wanted to know the max temperature IF: temperature > maxTemperature THEN: SetDataItem("maxTemperature" temperature) To convert a temperature in celsius to fahrenheit IF: temperature THEN: SetDataItem("tempF", temperature*9/5 + 32) The If simply names the variable, so any change to that variable triggers the rule to run. There may be lots of other dataitems reported for an asset, and changes to the other dataitems should not recalculate the temperature. When rules should run only when an asset is in a particular mode or state, or when there is a complex sequence to model, read about how State Machines come to the rescue. Creating and Testing an Expression Rule ​ We're going to create a simple Expression Rule and show it running in a few steps. Above, you saw a rule that created an alarm when temperature > 80. Now, we will make one that converts a temperature in F to one in C. An Expression Rule consists of a few things: Name Description - an optional field to describe the rule Trigger - what makes this rule run? The trigger tells the rule if it applies to Alarms, Data, Files, or many others. If - the logic expression for the condition to evaluate Then - the logic to run if the condition is true Else - the logic to run if the condition is false To begin, log into an Axeda Platform instance. Navigate to the Manage tab Select ​New​, then ​Expression Rule​ Enter this Expression Rule information Name: TempConvert Type: Data Description: Enabled: Leave checked If: TempC Then: SetDataItem("TempF", TempC*9/5 + 32) If you click on functions or scroll down for actions in the Expression Tree, you will see a description in Details. Click the Apply to Asset​ button to select models and specific assets to apply this rule to. Now that you have an Expression Rule, lets try it. Testing the Expression Rule (NEEDS UPDATING) You can test the expression rule by simulating the TempC data using Axeda Simulator, as instructed below. Or, you can use the Expression Rules Debugger to simulate the reading and display the results. For information about using the Expression Rules Debugger, see the Expression Rules Debugger documentation in the on-line Help system.Simulate a TempC reading Launch the Axeda Simulator The Axeda Simulator will launch in a new browser window Enter your registered email address, Developer Connection password, and click Login.       Select asset1 from the Asset dropdown. Under the Data tab, enter the dataitem name TempC, and a value like 28: Then Click Send. To see the exciting result, go back to the Platform window and navigate to the Service tab: and you should see that 28C = 82.4F. You created an Expression Rule that triggers when a value of TempC is received, and creates a new dataitem TempF with a calculated value. This rule applies to your model, but if you had many models of assets, it could apply to as many as you want. You could change the rule to do the conversion only If: TempC > 9 and simulate inputs to see that this is the new behavior. Further Reading Read about how Rule Timers can trigger rules to run on a scheduled basis. (TODO)
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