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Community Tip - You can change your system assigned username to something more personal in your community settings. X

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Let us consider that we have 2 properties Property1 and Property2 in Thing Thing1 which we want to update using UpdatePropertyValues service. In our service we will use a system defined DataShape NamedVTQ which has following field definitions: In Thing1 create a custom service like following: var params1 = {      infoTableName : "InfoTable",      dataShapeName : "NamedVTQ" }; // CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(NamedVTQ) var InputInfoTable = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params1); var now = new Date(); // Thing1 entry object var newEntry = new Object(); newEntry.time = now; // DATETIME - isPrimaryKey = true newEntry.quality = undefined; // STRING = "Property1"; // STRING newEntry.value = "Value1"; // STRING InputInfoTable.AddRow(newEntry); = "Property2"; // STRING newEntry.value = "Value2"; // STRING InputInfoTable.AddRow(newEntry); var params2 = {      values: InputInfoTable /* INFOTABLE */ }; me.UpdatePropertyValues(params2);
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This example is to achieve to update objects in Windchill thru extensions. It is really hard to find a resource for Windchill extension's services to take an advantage of them. So, I wrote a simple example to update objects in Windchill from Thingworx.   There are three data shapes needed to do this. One is "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids" which has only "value" field (String) in it and another is "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartCheckedOutDS" which has a "ufid" field (String). Last one is "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartPropertyDS" which has a "ufid" field (String) and fields for "attributes". For an instance of the last data shape, there might be three fields as "ufid", "partPrice" and "quantity" to update parts. In this example, this data shape has two fields which are "ufid" and "almProjectId".   In this example, this needs two input parameters. One is ufid (String) and almProjectId (String). If you need to have multiple objects to update at once, you can use InfoTable type as an "ufid" input parameter instead of String type.   Note that this is an example code and need to handle exceptions if needed.     // To var params = {     infoTableName : "InfoTable",     dataShapeName : "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids" };   // CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids) var ufids = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params);   // PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids entry object var newValue = new Object(); newValue.value = ufid; // STRING   ufids.AddRow(newValue);   // Check out var params = {     ufids: ufids /* INFOTABLE */,     comment: undefined /* STRING */,     dataShape: "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartCheckedOutDS" /* DATASHAPENAME */ };   // checkedOutObjs: INFOTABLE dataShape: "undefined" var checkedOutObjsFromService = me.CheckOut(params);   var params = {     infoTableName : "InfoTable",     dataShapeName : "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids" };   // CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids) var checkedOutObjs = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params);   try {     var tableLength = checkedOutObjsFromService.rows.length;       for (var x = 0; x < tableLength; x++) {         var row = checkedOutObjsFromService.rows;               // PTC.PLM.WindchillPartUfids entry object         var checkedOutObj = new Object();         checkedOutObj.value = row.ufid.substring(0,row.ufid.lastIndexOf(":")); // STRING               //logger.warn("UFID : " + checkedOutObj.value);         checkedOutObjs.AddRow(checkedOutObj);           /* Update Objects in Windchill */         var params = {             infoTableName : "InfoTable",             dataShapeName : "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartPropertyDS"         };           // CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(infoTableName:STRING("InfoTable"), dataShapeName:STRING):INFOTABLE(PTC.ALM.WindchillPartPropertyDS)         var wcInfoTable = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params);           // PTC.ALM.WindchillPartPropertyDS entry object         var newEntry = new Object();         newEntry.ufid = checkedOutObj.value; // STRING         newEntry.almProjectId = almProjectId; // STRING           wcInfoTable.AddRow(newEntry);           var params = {             objects: wcInfoTable /* INFOTABLE */,             modification: "REPLACE" /* STRING */,             dataShape: "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartCheckedOutDS" /* DATASHAPENAME */         };           // result: INFOTABLE dataShape: "undefined"         var result = me.Update(params);     }   } catch(err) {     logger.warn("ERROR Catched");     var params = {         ufids: ufids /* INFOTABLE */,         dataShape: "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartCheckedOutDS" /* DATASHAPENAME */     };       // result: INFOTABLE dataShape: "undefined"     var result = me.CancelCheckOut(params);  }   var params = {     ufids: checkedOutObjs /* INFOTABLE */,     comment: undefined /* STRING */,     dataShape: "PTC.PLM.WindchillPartCheckedOutDS" /* DATASHAPENAME */ };   // result: INFOTABLE dataShape: "undefined" var result = me.CheckIn(params);
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User Localization vs. Browser Localization Localization in ThingWorx is mainly based on Localization Tables and tokens which are used as a placeholder for the actual word / phrase in a particular language. There's a blog at which is explaining in-application localization in detail. Language preferences are however only considered by the user's settings. For the organization login pages at http://<server>/Thingworx/FormLogin/<organizationName> there's no defined user yet. As the user has not logged in yet, ThingWorx will have no user preferences to identify the need for a specific language. Instead the browser language is used. The login / password-reset page is constructed at runtime via .jsp templates. Via JavaScript the browser language is detected and language specific configuration files are considered. When such a configuration file is present, its tokens will be used to replace the data-i18n placeholders in the .jsp files. Customizing the login related localizations The localization files are stored in <Tomcat>\webapps\Thingworx\Common\locales\ For each language there's a subfolder - by default this is "en" for English. The language and therefore folder to be used will be determined by the user's browser settings. Whatever is top in the language list will be considered first. If a folder, e.g. for German (de), French (fr) or Spanish (es) exists, ThingWorx will use this for localization. In the folder, there's the translation-login.json file. It holds all the tokens required for the login relevant translations / localizations. The FormLogin.jsp holds e.g. the token [placeholder] This is a placeholder (which means text to be overwritten in a textfield in case the textfield is empty). The actual localization can be found in the translation-login.json going down the json object structure to "tw" > "login" > "labels" > "name" which results as Name in the English translation. tw.login.labels.password-title would result in the following String: Password must be at least 5 characters Creating custom languages To create a custom language besides English, copy the en folder and rename it to the correct language short name, from Afar (aa) to Zulu (zu). A list of Language Code References can be found at After copying the folder, open the translation-login.json and alter the resulting Strings into the correct language variant. As soon as the correct translation-login.json is created, it will be considered for localization. No need to restart Tomcat.
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Hello! I have just written a tutorial on how to set up Lua to be run from the command line. As many already know, there is no good way to debug Lua scripts as they are used in package deployment in Software Content Manager, and building such a debugger is a vast and difficult undertaking. As an alternative, running small portions of code in the command line to ensure they will work as expected is one way to verify the validity of the Lua syntax prior to attempting a deployment. Here are the steps to set up Lua as a command line tool:   Grab the GCC compiler called TDM-GCC Run the exe file and follow the install instructions Remember the install directory for this, as the attached install script will need to be configured in a later step Default location in the install file is "C:\Program Files\TDM-GCC\" Note: leaving the "Add to PATH" selected will allow you to compile C code on the command line as well by typing "gcc" (this is not required for this set-up) Download the Lua source code ​This comes as a ".tar.gz" file, which can be tricky to extract in Windows Download 7zip for freeware which can unzip this type of archive Extract the Lua source code and navigate to the top level directory which should just contain one folder named like "lua-x.x.x" where the x's refer to the version Download and extract the attached zip file containing the build file Copy the "build.cmd" file from this to the top level directory of the Lua source code Modify the configuration as needed: Version number default is 5.3.4 (parameter is called lua_version) GCC install path default is "C:\Program Files\TDM-GCC\bin" (parameter is called lua_build_dir) Double click the "build.cmd" file A console window will appear with installation details If you see the following, then it worked successfully: The "lua\" directory will be created in the same folder as the "build.cmd" file Copy the "lua\" directory to "C:\Program Files\" Open "Computer" > "System Properties" > "Advanced system settings" Click "Environment Variables" > "New..." Call the variable "LUA" and make the value "C:\Program Files\lua\bin" Find the "Path" variable and click "Edit..." At the end of what is already there (do NOT delete anything that is already there), add "%LUA%" (make sure there is a ";" between the previous path and this entry) Click "Ok" Open a new command prompt (has to be new to load the new path) and type "lua" to see if it works Example syntax test from Lua command line:   I hope this is helpful to people! Let me know if you have any questions!
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In the following scenario (for redhat in this case), running the dbsetup script results in the error: ./ psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:1: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ":" LINE 1: CREATE TABLESPACE :"tablespace" OWNER :"username" location :... ^ psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:3: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ":" LINE 1: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLESPACE :"tablespace" to :"userna... ^ psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:5: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ":" LINE 1: GRANT CREATE ON TABLESPACE :"tablespace" to public; ^ psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:14: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ":" LINE 1: CREATE DATABASE :"database" WITH ^ psql:./thingworx-database-setup.sql:16: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ":" LINE 1: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE :"database" to :"username"; Given that the installed components match the requirements guide (tomcat 8, Postgresql 9.4.5+ for Thingworx 7.x), run the following command: Run this directly from bin directory of postgres deployment – psql -q -h localhost -U twadmin -p 5432 -v database=thingworx -v tablespace=thingworx -v tablespace_location=/app/navigate/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage -v username=twadmin That must get into command line interface. From there  run the following with full qualified path to the sql file on disk (replace FULLPATH with the path to sql file ) \i ./FULLPATH/thingworx-database-setup.sql If you are experiencing the above-mentioned syntax error, then likely the output will be: psql: FATAL:  database "twadmin" does not exist. Then from postgres bin directory, run the following: ./psql postgres \set Then the second command; \q psql -q -h localhost -U twadmin -p 5432 -v database=thingworx -v tablespace=thingworx -v tablespace_location=/app/navigate/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage -v username=twadmin \set   We see the following outputs: ./psql postgres Password: psql.bin (9.4.11) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \set AUTOCOMMIT = 'on' PROMPT1 = '%/%R%# ' PROMPT2 = '%/%R%# ' PROMPT3 = '>> ' VERBOSITY = 'default' VERSION = 'PostgreSQL 9.4.11 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-55), 64-bit' DBNAME = 'postgres' USER = 'postgres' PORT = '5432' ENCODING = 'UTF8' postgres=# \q -bash-4.1$ psql -q -h localhost -U twadmin -p 5432 -v database=thingworx -v tablespace=thingworx -v tablespace_location=/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage -v username=twadmin Password for user twadmin: twadmin=# \set AUTOCOMMIT = 'on' QUIET = 'on' PROMPT1 = '%/%R%# ' PROMPT2 = '%/%R%# ' PROMPT3 = '>> ' VERBOSITY = 'default' VERSION = 'PostgreSQL 8.4.20 on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-17), 64-bit' database = 'thingworx' tablespace = 'thingworx' tablespace_location = '/ThingworxPostgresqlStorage' username = 'twadmin' DBNAME = 'twadmin' USER = 'twadmin' HOST = 'localhost' PORT = '5432' ENCODING = 'UTF8' Note, even though Postgresql 9.4.5 has been installed by the system administrator, there are still traces of Postgresql 8.4.20 present in the system that cause the syntax error issue (possibly as part of  the default OS packaging). Removing the 8.4.20 rpms will resolve the problem.
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Sampling Strategy​ This Blog Post will cover the 4 sampling Strategies that are available in ThingWorx Analytics.  It will tell you how the sampling strategy runs behind the scenes, when you may want to use that strategy, and will give you the pros and cons of each strategy. SAMPLE_WITH_REPLACEMENT This strategy is not often used by professionals but still may be useful in certain circumstances.  When you sample with replacement, the value that you randomly selected is then returned to the sample pool.  So there is a chance that you can have the same record multiple times in your sample. Example Let’s say you have a hat that contain 3 cards with different people’s names on them. John Sarah Tom Let’s say you make 2 random selections. The first selection you pull out the name Tom. When you sample with replacement, you would put the name Tom back into the hat and then randomly select a card again.  For your second selection, it is possible to get another name like Sarah, or the same one you selected, Tom. Pros May find improved models in smaller datasets with low row counts Cons The Accuracy of the model may be artificially inflated due to duplicates in the sample SAMPLE_WITHOUT_REPLACEMENT This is the default setting in ThingWorx Analytics and the most commonly used sampling strategy by professionals.  The way this strategy works is after the value is randomly selected from the sample pool, it is not returned.  This ensures that all the values that are selected for the sample, are unique. Example Let’s say you have a hat that contain 3 cards with different people’s names on them. John Sarah Tom Let’s say you make 2 random selections. The first selection you pull out the name Tom. When you sample without replacement, you would randomly select a card from the hat again without adding the card Tom.  For your second selection, you could only get the Sarah or John card. Pros This is the sampling strategy that is most commonly used It will deliver the best results in most cases Cons May not be the best choice if the desired goal is underrepresented in the dataset UPSAMPLE_AND_SAMPLE_WITHOUT_REPLACEMENT This is useful when the desired goal is underrepresented in the dataset.  The features that represent the desired outcome of the goal are copied multiple times so they represent a larger share of the total dataset. Example Let’s say you are trying to discover if a patient is at risk for developing a rare condition, like chronic kidney failure, that affects around .5% of the US population.  In this case, the most accurate model that would be generated would say that no one will get this condition, and according to the numbers, it would be right 99.5% of the time.  But in reality, this is not helpful at all to the use case since you want to know if the patient is at risk of developing the condition. To avoid this from happening, copies are made of the records where the patient did develop the condition so it represents a larger share of the dataset.  Doing this will give ThingWorx Analytics more examples to help it generate a more accurate model. Pros Patterns from the original dataset remain intact Cons Longer training time DOWNSAMPLE_AND_SAMPLE_WITHOUT_REPLACEMENT This is also useful when the desired goal is underrepresented in the dataset. In downsample and sample without replacement, some features that do not represent the desired goal outcome are removed. This is done to increase the desired features percentage of the dataset. Example Let’s continue using the medical example from above.  Instead of creating copies of the desired records, undesired record are removed from the dataset.  This causes the records where patients did develop the condition to occupy a larger percentage of the dataset. Pros Shorter training time Cons Patterns from the original dataset may be lost
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One of topics that are usually of interest when entering the ThingWorx world is integration with third-party systems. Disclaimer: the following guide is intended to be rather comprehensive and guide you in achieving the best integration with your desired system ( !=quick and dirty ). For example, from my experience, customers many times ask: -how can I connect to my hardware device -how can I connect to this device cloud so I can get data from it? -how can I connect to my ERP? With some luck, I hope that at the end of this article I will provide a generic workflow that will help you on achieving the best integration solution for your use-case. We need to write down some requirements (they are not in order; depending on the usecase might not be worth to be answered): 0. What is the usecase (detailed description) ?.      This is by far one of the most important aspects of any software development project.      Please document your usecase with all possible future uses.      For example:           - I want to send information from sensors to the ThingWorx Server, and I want to do TCP Tunnelling to the device and/or Remote Desktop. Or maybe only sending information from sensors and nothing else. Do I need in the future Software Updates or not?           - I want to read the Customer information from my CRM AND also update that information (read/write). 1. Write down system specification for the hardware or software system.           -Available RAM for user apps           -Available Disk Space for User Apps           -Does it have a TCP IP Stack?           -Operating System           -Installed runtimes (Java/.NET - which versions?) 2. Can I access the system or device directly from the ThingWorx Server?      This means answering the question: is my system directly accessible from my server? Or is there a firewall which stops incoming connections?      Another question to answer, is: can I modify my firewall to allow incoming connections? 3. What protocol is my device or system capable of supporting for data transfer?      Example: I have a device which is capable of outputting information through TCP only.                     I have a device who can only do HTTP callbacks to a HTTP server.                     I have Microsoft SQL, to which I can connect through ADO.NET or JDBC.                     I have a third party service billing provider who supports interfacing via HTTP Webservices (SOAP or REST).                     I have a device supporting CoAP.      Typically all third party software systems support communication via Webservices. 4. Can I configure and/or deploy new software to my device or system?      We need to have this question answered, because on some cases it might make more sense to write some logic on the system or device.      For example if I want to access data from an SQL server and my usecase might require some processing for which that SQL server is better suited to do, it might be much more efficient to have that logic stored as a Stored Procedure there and I just call it from ThingWorx.       Or in the case of Windchill, it might make more sense to write an InfoEngine task to do my functionality than writing that on the ThingWorx side.      Possible example answers:                     -My device is already deployed in the field and I can not modify the configuration at all.                     -My device is a new product, so I can put whatever software I want on it.                     -I only have read access to my software system, so I must do all processing externally. If you wrote down all of those it is time to determine what are the integration options for us. The typical workflow that I follow is the next one: I look for any Out-Of-The-Box supported protocol (determined at step 3) and then implement the needed functionality in the language that is best suited for my usecase (Javascript usually). The list of protocols that the platform supports is listed in different places: -PTC Help Center Link -ThingWorx Marketplace - The key point is that the list is alive and updated by both our partners and us. Usually the preferred way to write logic is by using the Javascript services. It makes it incredibly fast to write down your business logic without having the need to recompile. The elements from the ThingWorx ecosystems that we can use are the following: -the ThingWorx server itself (it has built in support for calling external Webservices) -ThingWorx Extensions. They are Java written pieces of code that can help you achieve your usecase. To be used whenever your ThingWorx server OOTB functionality (or Marketplace Extensions) does not allow you to develop your usecase. There is no actual need to write an Extension if somebody else already developed that for you and published in the ThingWorx Marketplace      A link for understanding Extension is the following: How to rapidly develop ThingWorx IIoT Extensions -ThingWorx Integration Connectors -ThingWorx Edge Micro Server: -ThingWorx Edge SDKs: Examples: -I have an third party Server which allows me to send SMS and Voice messages through it via its Rest API.      Answer: best here is to use the OOTB Webservices support from ThingWorx, which exposes the HTTP verbs, like GET, POST, PUT, via the ContentLoaderFunctions -I have a device which has a TCP stack that is capable only to do HTTP calls.      Answer: I can point that device to do calls against the REST API of ThingWorx, in order to update data directly there. -I have a fleet of 300.000 devices which are sending their data to an MQTT server.      Answer: In this case I can use the MQTT Extension that is offered by ThingWorx -I have an external SQL server that does not accept inbound connections (behind a firewall) but I must get data from it. Network will however allow outbound connections      Answer: use the ADO.NET Edge Client that must be installed in a location accessible to that server. The ADO.NET Edge Client will connect to the Server and then to the ThingWorx platform allowing use of SQL statements directly from within the platform. -I have a device who only accepts TCP connections and I want to read data from it. It sends data only after receiving a command through TCP.      Answer: Use the TCP Extension available in the ThingWorx Marketplace. It is built specifically for this usecase -I have a device which has lots of RAM and Disk Space and I must send data from it, while allowing software updates in the future.      Answer: depending on your preferred coding language you can use either the ThingWorx Edge Microserver (for which you must write code in LUA) or write an implementation in one of the ThingWorx Edge SDKs. A key point here is to understand that the coding effort is identical in theory, and is only limited by the experience you have and the functionality that may be available easier in Java, vs LUA, vs C, vs. Net. I appreciate feedback to this article in the hope of being able to continuously improve it.
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This post will cover the challenges I've had while going through the setup of .NET SDK based ADO Service for SQL Server DB Connection. I'll be starting from the scratch on setting up the service for this to present full picture on the setup. Pre-requisite 1. Download and install Microsoft SQL Server Express or Enterprise edition, for testing I worked with Express edition : 2. Once installed, it's imperative that the TCP/IP Protocol is enabled in the SQL Server Configuration Manager for the SQL Server 3. Download ThingWorx Edge ADO Service from PTC Software download page What is ThingWorx ADO Service? An ActiveX Data Object service allowing connection to a Microsoft database source e.g. MS SQL Server, MS Excel or MS .NET application to the ThingWorx platform. It is based on the ThingWorx .NET SDK. Installing ADO Service Let me begin by saying this is just a summary, in a crude way of course, of ThingWorx Edge ADO Service Configuration Guide. So when in doubt it's strongly recommended to go through the guide,also provided together with the downloaded package. I'll be using the ThingWorx ADO Service v5.6.1, most recent release, for the purpose of this blog. Depending if you are on x86 or x64 Windows navigate to the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET for accessing the InstallUtil.exe You'll find the above specified file under following two locations, use the one that applies to your use case. i) For x64 : C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 ii) For x86 : C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 1. Copy over the desired InstallUtil.exe to the location where you have unzipped the ADO Service package, the one downloaded above. e.g. I've put mine at C:\Software\ThingWorxSoftware\ADOService\ 2. Start a command prompt (Windows Start Menu > Command Prompt) and execute the InstallUtil.exe ThingWorxADOService.exe 3. This should create a service and some additional info in the \\ADOService folder in the form of InstallUtil.InstallLog 4. Check the log for confirmation, you should see something similar Running a transacted installation. ...     .... The Commit phase completed successfully. The transacted install has completed. ​​5. In Windows Explorer navigate to the folder containing all the unzipped files, and edit the AdoThing.config 6. For this blog I've security disabled, though obviously in production you'd definitely want to enable it 7. Configure the ConnectionSettings as per your requirement (refer to the guide for more detail on settings), below I'm noting the settings that will require configuration in its most minimum form (I've also attached my complete AdoThing.config file for reference) "rows": [       {         "Address": "localhost",         "Port": 8080,         "Resource": "/Thingworx/WS",         "IsSecure": false,         "ThingName": "AdoThing",         "AppKey": "f7e230ac-3ce9-4d91-8560-ad035b09fc70",         "AllowSelfSignedCertificates": false,         "DisableCertValidation": true,           "DisableEncryption": true       }     ] 8. Configure the connection string for the SQL Server in following section, in the same file opened above     "rows": [       {         "ConnectionType": "OleDb",         "ConnectionString": "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=localhosts\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=TWXDB;Uid=sa;Pwd=login123;",         "AlwaysConnected": true,         "QueryEnabled": true,         "CommandEnabled": true,         "CommandTimeout": 60       }     ] 9. Just to highlight what's what in ConnectionString above: "ConnectionString": "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=<Machine/ClientName>\\SQLServerInstanceName;Database=<databaseName>;Uid=<userName>;Pwd=<password>;" 10. To get correct connection string syntax for different source refer to the 11. Save the file 12. Navigate to the windows services by opening Windows Start > Run > services.msc 13. Check for the service ThingWorx .NET ADO Client as you'll have to start it if it's set to Manual, like so in my case Following message will be logged on successful connection  in the DotNETSDK -X-X-X.log : [Critical] twWs_Connect: Websocket connected! At the end of the blog I'll share some of the errors that I came across while working on this and how to go about addressing them. Creating and connecting to Remote Database Thing Now, let's navigate to the ThingWorx Composer and create a Thing with RemoteDatabase Template to consume the resource created above in the form of ADO Service. I've named my thing as AdoThing while creating it in ThingWorx Composer, which matches with the ThingName used in the AdoThing.json file. If everything went through as needed you should see the isConnected = true in the AdoThing's Properties section. Since, this is a Database thing I can now go about creating all the required services concerning the Create, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations, just like for any database for created using the RDBMS Connector. Handling errors while setting up the ADO Service Here are some of the errors that I encountered while setting up the ADO service for this blog: Error 1: com.thingworx.ado.AdoThing Cannot connect to database. : System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Login timeout expired Note: Logged in DotNetSDK-X-X-X.log Cause & Resolution: - Service is not able to successfully reach or authenticate against the SQL Server Express DB instance - Ensure that the TCP/IP is enabled for the Protocols for the SQL Express, as I have shared in the screenshot above - Make sure that the username / password used for authenticating with the database is correctly provided while configuring the settings for the OLEDB section in    AdoThing.config Error 2: com.thingworx.ado.AdoThing GetTables OleDbException error : System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException Note: Logged in Application.log from ThingWorx platform Cause & Resolution - This exception is thrown when user attempts to check for the available tables, while creating the service in the ThingWorx Composer - Resolution to this is similar to that mentioned above for Error 1 Error 3: [U: SYSTEM] [O: com.thingworx.ado.AdoThing] OleDbException [code = -2147217865, message = Invalid object name 'TWXDB.DemoTable'.] executing SQL query Note: Logged in Application.log from ThingWorx platform while testing/executing the SQL service created in the ThingWorx Composer Cause & Resolution - The error is due to the usage of DB name in front of the table name, it's not required since the DB name is already selected in the connection String Error 4: [O: com.thingworx.Configuration] Could not read configuration file. : Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Bad JSON escape sequence: \S. Path 'Settings.rows[0].ConnectionString', line 656, position 71. Note: Logged in DotNetSDK-X-X-X.log Cause & Resolution - This is caused due to the "ConnectionString": "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=<machineNameOrIP>\SQLEXPRESS;Database=TWXDB;Uid=sa;Pwd=login123;", - Json requires this to be escaped thus switching to "ConnectionString": "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=<machineNameOrIP>\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=TWXDB;Uid=sa;Pwd=login123;", resolved the issue - Among many other,​ is quite helpful in weeding out the issues from the JSON syntax Error 4: [O: com.thingworx.ado.AdoClient] Error while initializing new AdoThing, or opening connection to Platform. : System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.     at com.thingworx.communications.client.TwApiWrapper.twApi_Connect(UInt32 timeout, Int32 retries)     at com.thingworx.communications.client.TwApiWrapper.Connect(UInt32 timeout, Int16 retries)     at com.thingworx.communications.client.BaseClient.start()     at Note: Logged in DotNetSDK-X-X-X.log Cause & Resolution - This error is observed when using FIPS version of the  ADO Service, esp. when downloaded from the ThingWorx Marketplace - Make sure to recheck the SSL configuration - When not using SSL check that the x64 and x86 directories only contain twApi.dll as by default FIPS version contain two additional dlls i.e. libeay32.dll & ssleay32.dll in both x64 & x86 directories
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This video is the 2nd part, of a series of two videos, walking you through the configuration of Analysis Event which is applied for Real-Time Scoring. This part 2 video will walk you through the configuration of Analysis Event for Real-Time Scoring, and validate that a predictions job has been executed based on new input data.   Updated Link for access to this video:  Analytics Manger 7.4: Configure Analysis Event & Real Time Scoring Part 2 of 2
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This video walks you through the use of Analysis Replay to execute analysis events on historic data. This video applies to ThingWorx Analytics 7.4 to 8.1   Updated Link for access to this video:  Analytics Manager : Using Analysis Replay
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This video is the 1st part of a series of two videos walking you through the configuration of Analysis Event which is applied for Real-Time Scoring. This 1st video demonstrate how to create a Template and Thing which allows the prediction model to score in real-time. Note that this video is just for demo purposes, customers who have ThingWorx, they of course already have their properties set-up. They just need to configure Analysis Event which is demonstrated in the part 2 video.   Updated Link for access to this video:  Analytics Manger 7.4: Create a Template & Thing for Real-Time Scoring Part 1 of 2
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This video will walk you through the first steps of how to set-up Analytics Manager for Real-Time Scoring. More specifically this video demonstrate how to share your predictive model from Analytics Builder into Analytics Manger -and test the shared model.   Updated Link for access to this video::  ThingWorx Analytics Manager: Publish & Test a Predictive Model
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This video will walk you through the first steps of how to set-up Analytics Manager for Real-Time Scoring. More specifically this video demonstrates how to create an Analysis Provider and start ThingPredictor Agent. NOTE: For version 8.1 the startup command for the Agent has changed view the command in PTC Help center.   Updated Link for access to this video:  ThingWorx Analytics Manager: Create an Analysis Provider & Start the ThingPredictor Agent                                  
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In this part of the Troubleshooting blog series, we will review the process on how to restart individual services essential to the ThingWorx Analytics Application within the Virtual Machine Appliance.   Services have stopped, and I cannot run my Analytics jobs! In some cases, we have had users encounter issues where a system or process has halted and they are unable to proceed with their tasks. This can be due to a myriad of reasons, ranging from OS hanging issues to memory issues with certain components.   As we covered earlier in Part II, the ThingWorx Analytics Application is installed in a CentOS (Linux) Operating System. As with most Linux Operating Systems, you have the ability to manually check and restart processes as needed.   Steps to Restart Services   With how the Application is installed and configured, the services for functionality should auto start when you boot up the VM. You will have to verify that the Appliance is functional by running your desired API call.   If a system is not functioning as expected, you will receive an error in your output when you POST an API call. Some errors are very specific and you can search the Knowledge Database for any existing Knowledge Articles that may solve the issue.   For error messages that do not have an existing article, you may want to attempted the following   Method 1:   If you are encountering issues, and are unsure what process is not working correctly, we would recommend a full Application restart. This involves restarting the Virtual Machine Appliance via the command line terminal.   We would recommend that you use the following command, as root user or using SUDO, as this is known as a “Graceful restart” ​sudo reboot -h now   This will restart the virtual machine safely, and once you are back up and running you can run your API calls to verify functionality. This should resolve any incremental issues you may have faced.   Method 2:   If you want to restart an individual service, there is a particular start order that needs to be followed to make sure the Application is operating as expected.   The first step is check what services are not running, you can use the following command to check what is running and its current status: service –status-all   The services you are looking for are the following: Zookeeper PostgreSQL Server GridWorker(s) Tomcat   If a particular service is not on the running list, you will have to manually start them by using the service start command. service [name of service] start e.g. service tomcat start You may be prompted for the root password   You can verify that the services are operating by running the status check command as described above.   If you need to restart all services, we have a specific start order, this is important to do as there are some dependencies such as Postgres for the GridWorker(s) and Tomcat to use.   The start order is as follows: Zookeeper PostgreSQL Server GridWorker(s) Tomcat   After completing the restart, and verifying that the services are running, run your desired API call.
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About This is the second part of a ThingBerry related blog post series. ThingBerry is ThingWorx installed on a RaspBerry Pi, which can be used for portable demonstrations without the need of utilizing e.g. customer networks. Instead the ThingBerry provides its own custom WIFI hotspot and allows Things to connect and send / receive demo data on a small scale. In this particual blog post we'll discuss on how to setup the ThingBerry as a WIFI hotspot to directly connect with mobile devices or other Raspberry Pis. As the ThingBerry is a highly unsupported environment for ThingWorx, please see this blog post for all related warnings. In case this guide looks familiar, it's probably because it's based on WIFI Hot Spot As the ThingBerry is currently connected via ethernet we can utilize the Raspberry Pi's WIFI connection to create a private network where all the wireless devices can connect to, e.g. another Raspberry Pi or a ESP8266 First we need to install dnsmasq and hostapd. Those will help setting up the access point and create a private DNS server to dynamically assign IP-addresses to connecting devices. sudo apt-get install dnsmasq hostapd Interfaces We will need to configure the wlan0 interface with a static IP. For this the dhcpcd needs to ignore the wlan0 interface. sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf Paste the following content to the end of the file. This must be ABOVE any interface lines you may have added earlier! denyinterfaces wlan0 Save and exit. Let's now configure the static IP. sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces Comment out ALL lines for the wlan* configurations (e.g. wlan0, wlan1). By default there are three lines which need to be commented out by adding a # at the beginning of the line. After this the wlan0 can be pasted in: allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static   address netmask network broadcast Save and exit. Now restart the dhcpcd service and reload the wlan0 configuration with sudo service dhcpcd restart sudo ifdown wlan0 sudo ifup wlan0 Hostapd Hostapd is used to configure the actual WIFI hot spot, e.g. the SSID and the WIFI password (wpa_passphrase) that's required to connect to this network. sudo nano /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf Paste the following content: interface=wlan0 driver=nl80211 ssid=thingberry hw_mode=g channel=6 wmm_enabled=1 ieee80211n=1 country_code=DE macaddr_acl=0 ht_capab=[HT40][SHORT-GI-20][DSSS_CCK-40] auth_algs=1 ignore_broadcast_ssid=0 wpa=2 wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK wpa_passphrase=changeme rsn_pairwise=CCMP If you prefer another SSID or a more secure password, please ensure updating above configuration! Save and exit. Check if the configuration is working via sudo /usr/sbin/hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf It should return correctly, without any errors and finally show "wlan0: AP-ENABLED". With this you can now connect to the "thingberry" SSID. However there's no IP assigned automatically - so that sucks​ can be improved... Stop hostapd with CTRL+C and let's start it on boot. sudo nano /etc/default/hostapd At the end of the file, paste the following content: DAEMON_CONF="/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf" Save and exit. DNSMASQ Dnsmasq allows to assign dynamic IP addresses. Let's backup the original configuration file and create a new one. sudo mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.orig  sudo nano /etc/dnsmasq.conf Paste the following content: interface=wlan0 listen-address= bind-interfaces dhcp-range=,,,12h Save and exit. This will make the DNS service listen on and assign IP addresses between and with a 12 hour lease. Next step is to setup the IPV4 forwarding for the wlan0 interface. sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf Uncomment the following line: You can search in nano with CTRL+W net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 Save and exit. Hostname translation To be able to call the ThingBerry with its actual hostname, the hostname needs to be mapped in the host configuration. sudo nano /etc/hosts Search the line with your hostname and update it to the local IP address (as configured in the listen-address above), e.g. thingberry Save and exit. Please note that this is the hostname and not the SSID of the network! Finalizing the Configuration Run the following command to enable the fowarding and reboot. sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" sudo reboot Optional: Internet Access The ThingBerry is independent of any internet traffic. However if your connected devices or the ThingBerry itself need to contact the internet, the WIFI connection needs to route those packages to and from the (plugged-in) ethernet device. This can done through iptables sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE  sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT  sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT All traffic will be internet related traffic will be forwarded between eth0 and wlan0 and vice versa. To load this configuration every time the ThingBerry is booted, it needs to be saved via sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat" Run this file by editing sudo nano /etc/rc.local Above the line exit 0 add the following line: iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.ipv4.nat Save and exit. Verification Connect to the new WIFI hotspot via the SSID and the password configured earlier through any WIFI capable device. When connecting to your new access point check your device's IP settings (in iOS, Android or a laptop / desktop device). It should show a 192.168.0.x IP address and should be pingable from the ThingBerry console. Connect to or http://<servername>/Thingworx to open the Composer.
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1. Add an Json parameter Example: { ​    "rows":[         {             "email":""         },         {             "name":"Qaqa",             "email":""         }     ] } 2. Create an Infotable with a DataShape usingCreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params) 3. Using a for loop, iterate through each Json object and add it to the Infotable usingInfoTableName.AddRow(YourRowObjectHere) Example: var params = {     infoTableName: "InfoTable",     dataShapeName : "jsontest" }; var infotabletest = Resources["InfoTableFunctions"].CreateInfoTableFromDataShape(params); for(var i=0; i<json.rows.length; i++) {     infotabletest.AddRow({,}); }
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There are multiples approaches to improve the performance Increase the NetWork bandwidth between client PC and ThingWorx Server Reduce the unnecessary handover when client submit requests to ThingWorx server through NetWork Here are suggestions to reduce the unnecessary handover between client and server Eliminate the use of proxy servers between client and ThingWorx It is compulsory to download file when the first time to load mashup page (TTFB and Content Download time). Loading performance is affected by using of proxy servers between client and ThingWorx Server. This is testing result with proxy server set up This is the test result after eliminiating proxy server from the same environment Cut off extensions that not used in ThingWorx server After installed extensions, the size of increased Avoid Http/Https request errors There is a https request error when calling Google map. It takes more than 20 seconds
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ThingWorx 7.4 covers the following areas of the product portfolio:  ThingWorx Analytics, ThingWorx Utilities and ThingWorx Foundation which includes Core, Connection Server and Edge capabilities. Key Functional Highlights Highlights of the release include: Source Integration: Improved integration framework making it easy to connect with external systems, including a standard Windchill connector, to retrieve data on demand. Industrial Connectivity: New Industrial Gateway and Discover navigation tool simplifying the mapping of tags to properties, including performance enhancements for data updates. Edge/CSDK: Build process improvements, Subscribed Property Manager (SPM) enhancements, asynchronous service requests and TLS updates to increase developer productivity, improve application performance and strengthen security. AWS IoT Connector: The latest version 1.2 of the Connector allows customers to more fully leverage their investment in AWS IoT. It features improved deployment automation via CloudFormation and automatic extension installation, ThingWorx Edge JavaScript SDK for use with the Connector with support for properties, services and events, and just-in-time certificate registrations. Contextualize Next Generation Composer: Re-imagined Composer using modern browser concepts to improve developer efficiency including enhanced functionality, updated user interface and optimized workflows. Engage These features will be available at the end of March 2017. Advanced Grid: New grid widget with improved design, context menu, multi-column sorting, global search and many more common grid-related features. Tree Grid: New tree-grid widget with same features as advanced grid plus ability to pre-load tree levels, dynamically load child data and auto expand all nodes to build more powerful mashups. Administer & Manage MS SQL Server: New persistence provider for model and run-time data providing customers an alternative to PostgreSQL. Security: ThingWorx worked with industry standard security scanning and auditing tools to identify and correct all non-trivial, and many trivial, vulnerabilities to ensure secure software best practices. Licensing: Link ThingWorx to PTC systems of record to manage user entitlement and provide usage information and auditing capability critical to TWX, PTC and its partners.  Documentation ThingWorx 7.4 Reference Documents ThingWorx Core 7.4 Release Notes ThingWorx Core Help Center ThingWorx Edge SDKs and WebSocket-based Edge MicroServer Help Center ThingWorx Connection Services Help Center ThingWorx Utilities Help Center Additional information ThingWorx eSupport Portal ThingWorx Developer Portal ThingWorx Marketplace Download ThingWorx Platform – Select Release 7.4 ThingWorx Edge C SDK 1.4 – Select Most Recent Datecode, C-SDK-1-4-0 ThingWorx AWS IoT Connector 1.2 – Select Release 7.4 ThingWorx Utilities – Select Release 7.4
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ThingWorx 7.4 introduces a new licensing system. A license file (license.bin) needs to be placed in the ThingworxPlatform folder. A new license file is also required if you upgrade from 7.4  to a major or minor release (not service pack-level releases). For example: • If you are using version 7.3, a license is not required. • If you upgrade from version 7.4.1 to version 7.4.2, a license upgrade is not required. • If you upgrade from version 7.4.3 to version 7.5.2, a license upgrade is required. Refer to the Installing ThingWorx 7.4 guide or Upgrading ThingWorx 7.4 guide for detailed process steps. Paid customers would have unlimited use of entities for 7.4.0. As currently a license file is locked to  version rather than SCN/host and is part of download package on  PTC Support, customers can use the same downloadable for multiple instances. Developer Trial Edition provides a constrained license file (5 users, 100 things, 120 days), and the license file is part of on premise download package on Dev Portal. Developer Trial Edition for Manufacturing (Kinex) provides a constrained license file (5 users, 100 things, no Composer access), and license file is part of download package on Kepware Portal. A new Licensing Subsystem is now available. Licensing subsystem services include: -AcquireLicense– service allows for retrieval of feature entitlements in license.bin, used when new license dropped in folder (no need to instance restart) –GetCurrentLicenseInfo – returns info on current license file –GetRemainingDaysInLicense –used for trial editions –GetLicenseUsageData – returns nformation about user’s license usage –PurgeLicenseUsageData –deletes the license usage data that is two years and older
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The following code snippet will retrieve a months worth of data from the system and return it as a CSV document suitable for import into your spreadsheet or reporting tool of choice. import static com.axeda.sdk.v2.dsl.Bridges.* import com.axeda.drm.sdk.Context import import* import com.axeda.sdk.v2.exception.* def ac = new AuditCriteria() ac.fromDate = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd', '2017-03-01') ac.toDate   = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd', '2017-03-31') def retString = '' tcount = 0 while ( (results = auditBridge.find(ac)) != null  && tcount < results .totalCount) {   results.audits.each { res ->     retString += "${res?.user?.id},${res?.asset?.serialNumber},${res?.category},${res.message},${}\n"     tcount++   }   ac.pageNumber = ac.pageNumber + 1 } return retString
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This is using the simplest structure to do a look through an infotable.  It's simple but it avoids having to use row indexes and cleans up the code for readability as well.   //Assume incoming Infotable parameter names "thingList" for each (row in thingList.rows) {      // Now each row is already assigned to the row variable in the loop      var thingName =; }   You can also nest these loops (just use a different variable from "row").  Also important to note to not add or remove row entries of the Infotable inside the loop.  In this case you may end up skipping or repeating rows in the loop since the indexes will be changed.
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