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Hello everyone,   After a recent presales experience, I wanted to make my knowledge available to you. The core of this article is to demonstrate how you can format a Flux request in Thingworx and post it to InfluxDB, with the aim of reporting the need for performance in calculations to InfluxDB. The following context is renewable energy. There is no detail about Kepware and how to connect to InfluxDB. As a prerequisite, you may like to read this article: Using Influx to store Value Stream properties from... - PTC Community     Introduction   The following InfluxDB usage has been developped for an electricity energy provider We deal with Wind farm, Solar farm and Battery Storage.   Technical Context Kepware is used as a source of data. A simulation for Wind assets based on excel file is configured, delivering sata in realtime. SQL Database also gather the same data than the simulation in Kepware. It is used to load historical data into InfluxDB, addressing cases of temporary data loss. Once back online, SQL help to records the lost data in InfluxDB and computes the KPIs. InfluxDB is used to store data overtime as well as calculated KPIs. Invoicing third party system is simulated to get electricity price according time of the day.   Orchestration between TWX and InfluxDB Thingworx v9.4.4 Set the numeric property to log Maintain control over execution logic Format Flux request with dynamic inputs to send to Influx DB  InfluxDB Cloud v2 Store logged property Enable quick data read Execute calculation Note: Free InfluxDB version is slower in write and read, and only 30 days data retention max.     Thingworx model and services   Thingworx context Due to the fact relevant numeric properties are logged overtime, new KPIs are calculated based on the logged data. In the following example, each Wind asset triggered each minute a calculation to get the monetary gain based on current power produced and current electricity price. The request is formated in Thingworx, pushed and executed in InfluxDB. Thus, Thingworx server memory is not used for this calculation.   Services breakdown CalculateMonetaryKPIs Entry point service to calculate monetary KPIs. Use the two following services: Trigger the FormatFlux service then inject it in Post service. Inputs: No input Output: NOTHING FormatFlux _CalculateMonetaryKPI Format the request in Flux format for monetary KPI calculation. Respect the Flux synthax used by InfluxDB. Inputs: bucketName (STRING) thingName (STRING) Output: TEXT PostTextToInflux Generic service to post the request to InfluxDB, whatever the request is Inputs: FluxQuery (TEXT) influxToken (STRING) influxUrl (STRING) influxOrgName (STRING) influxBucket (STRING) thingName (STRING) Output: INFOTABLE   Highlights - CalculateMonetaryKPIs Find in attachments the full script in "CalculateMonetaryKPIs script.docx". Url, token, organization and bucket are configured in the Persitence Provider used by the ValueStream. We dynamically get it from the ValueStream attached to this thing. From here, we can reuse it to set the inputs of two other services using “MyConfig”.   Highlights - FormatFlux_CalculateMonetaryKPI Find in attachments the full script in "FormatFlux_CalculateMonetaryKPI script.docx". The major part of this script is a text, in Flux synthax, where we inject dynamic values. The service get the last values of ElectricityPrice, Power and Capacity to calculate ImmediateMonetaryGain, PotentialMaxMonetaryGain and PotentialMonetaryLoss.   Flux logic might not be easy for beginners, so let's break down the intermediate variables created on the fly in the Flux request. Let’s take the example of the existing data in the bucket (with only two minutes of values): _time _measurement _field _value 2024-07-03T14:00:00Z WindAsset1 ElectricityPrice 0.12 2024-07-03T14:00:00Z WindAsset1 Power 100 2024-07-03T14:00:00Z WindAsset1 Capacity 150 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z WindAsset1 ElectricityPrice 0.15 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z WindAsset1 Power 120 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z WindAsset1 Capacity 160   The request articulates with the following steps: Get source value Get last price, store it in priceData _time ElectricityPrice 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z 0,15 Get last power, store it in powerData _time Power 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z 120 Get last capacity, store it in capacityData _time Capacity 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z 160 Join the three tables *Data on the same time. Last values of price, power and capacity maybe not set at the same time, so final joinedData may be empty. _time ElectricityPrice Power Capacity 2024-07-03T14:00:00Z 0,15 120 160 Perform calculations gainData store the result: ElectricityPrice * Power _time _measurement _field _value 2024-07-03T15:00:00Z WindAsset1 ImmediateMonetaryGain 18 maxGainData store the result: ElectricityPrice * Capacity lossData store the result: ElectricityPrice * (Capacity – Power) Add the result to original bucket   Highlights - PostTextToInflux Find in attachments the full script in "PostTextToInflux script.docx". Pretty straightforward script, the idea is to have a generic script to post a request. The header is quite original with the vnd.flux content type Url needs to be formatted according InfluxDB API     Well done!   Thanks to these steps, calculated values are stored in InfluxDB. Other services can be created to retrieve relevant InfluxDB data and visualize it in a mashup.     Last comment It was the first time I was in touch with Flux script, so I wasn't comfortable, and I am still far to be proficient. After spending more than a week browsing through InfluxDB documentation and running multiple tests, I achieved limited success but nothing substantial for a final outcome. As a last resort, I turned to ChatGPT. Through a few interactions, I quickly obtained convincing results. Within a day, I had a satisfactory outcome, which I fine-tuned for relevant use.   Here is two examples of two consecutive ChatGPT prompts and answers. It might need to be fine-tuned after first answer.   Right after, I asked to convert it to a Thingworx script format:   In this last picture, the script won’t work. The fluxQuery is not well formatted for TWX. Please, refer to the provided script "FormatFlux_CalculateMonetaryKPI script.docx" to see how to format the Flux query and insert variables inside. Despite mistakes, ChatGPT still mainly provides relevant code structure for beginners in Flux and is an undeniable boost for writing code.  
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The natively exposed ThingWorx Platform performance metrics can be extremely valuable to understanding overall platform performance and certain of the core subsystem operations, however as a development platform this doesn't give any visibility into what your built solution is or is not doing.   Here is an amazing little trick that you can use to embed custom performance metrics into your application so that they show up automatically in your Prometheus monitoring system. What you do with these metrics is up to your creativity (with some constraints of course). Imaging a request counter for specific services which may be incredibly important or costly to run, or an exception metric that is incremented each time you catch an exception, or a query result size metric that informs you of how much data is being queried from the database.   Refer to Resources > MetricsServices: GetCounterMetric GetGaugeMetric IncrementCounterMetric DecrementCounterMetric SetGaugeMetric You'll need to give your metric a name - identified by key - and this is meant to be dotted notation* which will then be converted to underscores when the metric is exposed on the OpenMetrics endpoint.  Use sections/domains in the dotted notation to structure your metrics in-line with your application design.   COUNTER type metrics are the most commonly used and relate to things happening through time.  They are an index which will get timestamped as they're collected by Prometheus so that you will be able to look back in time and analyse and investigate what happened when and what the scale or impact was.  After the fact functions and queries will need to be applied to make these metrics most useful (delta over time, increase, rate per second).   Common examples of counter type metrics are: requests, executions, bytes transferred, rows queried, seconds elapsed, execution time.     Resources["MetricServices"].IncrementCounterMetric({ basetype: "LONG", value: 1, key: "__PTC_Reported.integration.mes.requests", aggregate: false });     GAUGE type metrics are point-in-time status of some thing being measured.   Common gauge type metrics are: CPU load/utilization, memory utilization, free disk space, used disk space, busy/active threads.     Resources["MetricServices"].SetGaugeMetric({ basetype: "NUMBER", value: 12, key: "__PTC_Reported.Users.ConnectedOperatorCount", aggregate: true });     Be aware of the aggregate flag, as it will make this custom metric cluster level which can have some unintended consequences.  Normally you always want performance metrics for the specific node as you then see what work is happening where and can confirm that it is being properly distributed within the cluster.  There are some situations however where you might want the cluster aggregation however, like with this concurrently connected operators.   Happy Monitoring!  
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Note: The following tutorial are based on a Thingworx/CWC 9.5. Steps and names may differ in another version. Context As a human reaction, the tracked time displayed may be misperceived by the Operator. It can lead to a reject of the solution. CWC doesn’t have (yet?) the capability to configure the visibility to hide the timer. The purpose of this tutorial is to create a quick and straight to the point customization to hide the timer in the execution screen. All other features, services and interfaces are left untouched.   As a big picture, here are the 6 modifications you will need to do: Modify the 4 mashups Modify 2 values in 2 tables of the MSSQL database   Status The mashup containing the timer is PTC.FSU.CWC.Execution.Overview_MU. It is easy to duplicate it and hide the timer widget (switch the visible property to false). But now, how to set it in the standard interface? In order to do it, you need to duplicate the mashups linked to the Execution.Overview_MU mashup. PTC.FSU.CWC.Execution.Overview_MU is directly referenced by the following entities: PTC.FSU.CWC.Authoring.Preview_MU PTC.FSU.CWC.Execution.WorkInstructionStart_MU PTC.FSU.CWC.GIobalUI.ApplicationSpecificHeader_HD PTC.FSU.CWC.WorkDefinitionExecution.StationSelectionContainer_EP   Customization Duplicate all those mashups except Authoring.Preview_MU because we will focus only on the authoring side of CWC. Hereafter it will be called the same as the original + _DUPLICATE. Perform the following modifications.   Open PTC.FSU.CWC.GlobalUI.ApplicationSpecificHeader_HD_DUPLICATE, then in Functions: open the expression named NavigateToStationSelection. Change the name of the mashup to the relevant one, example: PTC.FSU.CWC.WorkDefinitionExecution.StationSelectionContainer_EP_DUPLICATE open the validator named ShowRaiseHand. Change the name of the 2 mashups to the relevant ones, example: PTC.FSU.CWC.Execution.WorkInstructionStart_MU_DUPLICATE and PTC.FSU.CWC.Execution.Overview_MU_DUPLICATE open the validator named ShowStationSelection. Change the name of the 2 mashups to the relevant ones, example: PTC.FSU.CWC.Execution.WorkInstructionStart_MU_DUPLICATE   Open PTC.FSU.CWC.Execution.Overview_DUPLICATE, then in Functions: open the expression named SetMashupToWorkInstructionStart. Change the name of the mashup to the relevant one, example: PTC.FSU.CWC.Execution.WorkInstructionStart_MU_DUPLICATE open the expression named SetMashupToStationSelection. Change the name of the mashup to the relevant one, example: PTC.FSU.CWC.WorkDefinitionExecution.StationSelectionContainer_EP_DUPLICATE   Open PTC.FSU.CWC.Execution.WorkInstructionStart_MU_DUPLICATE, then in Functions: open the expression named NavigateToStart. Change the name of the mashup to the relevant one, example: PTC.FSU.CWC.Execution.Overview_MU_DUPLICATE open the expression named NavigateToStationSelection. Change the name of the mashup to the relevant one, example: PTC.FSU.CWC.WorkDefinitionExecution.StationSelectionContainer_EP_DUPLICATE   Open PTC.FSU.CWC.WorkDefinitionExecution.StationSelectionContainer_EP_DUPLICATE, in functions: open the expression named NavigateToStart. Change the name of the mashup to the relevant one, example: PTC.FSU.CWC.Execution.Overview_MU_DUPLICATE open the expression named NavigateToWorkInstructionStart. Change the name of the mashup to the relevant one, example: PTC.FSU.CWC.Execution.WorkInstructionStart_MU_DUPLICATE   Now, let’s change the database value. In MSSQL, navigate to the thingworxapps database, and edit the table. Look the line for AssemblyExecution (by default line 22) and look the value in column targetmashuplink. Switch the original value PTC.FSU.CWC.WorkDefinitionExecution.StationSelectionContainer_EP to the name of the duplication of this mashup. Lastly, edit the dbo.menucontext table. Look the line related to CWC (application UID = 5) and look the value in column targetmashuplink. Switch the original value PTC.FSU.CWC.GlobalUI.ApplicationSpecificHeader_HD to the name of the duplication of this mashup.   Result After this modification, you can start and check an operation. You should see the following result:
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As of May 24, 2023, ThingWorx 9.4.0 is available for download!  Here are some of the highlights from the recent ThingWorx release.   What’s new in ThingWorx 9.4? Composer and Mashup Builder  New Combo chart and Pie chart based on modern Web Components architecture along with several other widget enhancements such as Grid toolbar improvements for custom actions, highlighting newly added rows for Grid widget and others Ability to style the focus on each widget when they are selected to get specific styling for different components Absolute positioning option with a beta flag to use by default is available now Several other Mashup improvements, such as Export function support is made available; improved migration dialogue (backported to 9.3 as well) to allow customers to move to new widgets; and legacy widgets language changes   Foundation  Heavily subscribed events could now be distributed across the ThingWorx HA cluster nodes to be scaled horizontally for better performance and processing of ThingWorx subscriptions. Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flex Server GA support with ThingWorx 9.4.1 for customers deploying ThingWorx Foundation on their own Azure Cloud infrastructure Improved ThingWorx APIs for InfluxDB to avoid Data loss at a high scale with additional monitoring metrics in place for guardrails Several security fixes and key third-party stack updates   Remote Access and Control (RAC) Remote Service Edge Extension (RSEE) for C-SDK, currently under Preview and planned to be Generally Available (GA) by Sept 2023, would allow ThingWorx admins to use Remote Access and Control with the C-SDK based connected devices to use Global Access Server (GAS) for a stable, secure, and large number of remote sessions With 9.4, a self-signed certificate or certificate generated by the trusted certificate authority can be used for RAC with the ThingWorx platform Ability to use parameter substitution to update Auto Launch commands dynamically based on data from the ThingWorx platform is now available   Software Content Management  Support for 100k+ assets with redesigned and improved performance on Asset Search Better control over package deployment with redesigned package tracking, filtering, and management Improved overall SCM stability, performance, and scalability and a more user-friendly and intuitive experience   Analytics  Improvements to the scalability of property transforms to enable stream processing of the larger number of properties within a ThingWorx installation Refactoring of Analytics Builder UI to use updated widgets and align with the PTC design system Updates to underlying libraries to enable the creation and scoring of predictive models in the latest version of PMML (v4.4) End of Support for Analytics Manager .NET Agent SDK     View release notes here and be sure to upgrade to 9.4!     Cheers, Ayush Tiwari Director, Product Management, ThingWorx      
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Learn how to use the DBConnection building block to create your own DB tables in ThingWorx.
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ThingWorx Monitoring and Alerting, Part 1 Using Prometheus and Grafana By Tori Firewind, IoT EDC Introduction and Getting Started     As ThingWorx has become a more mature product during the lifetime of the IoT EDC, so too have our dev ops recommendations. As we’ve stated throughout many posts now, testing is a key part of ensuring enterprise readiness, and it occurs at every stage of the process: from unit testing to preserve individual service logic, to integration tests which preserve the functionality of the application as a whole, to user and edge load testing and user experience testing, which ensure enterprise readiness. So testing is a critical component, but the process of dev ops never stops. In order to effectively test the system, a comprehensive monitoring solution is also required.     Once the application is tested and the changes pushed into production, there is no knowing with certainty that everything will run smoothly indefinitely. Random spikes in usage, server bandwidth or availability, any unforeseeable factors like these can come along and cause issues for a system. If these issues aren’t detected and addressed early, then they can very rapidly morph into much larger problems: outages, data loss, inflated data tables which are hard to revert due to their size. It is critical to detect performance issues on a system as early as possible, to have as much information as is necessary to figure out where the problem is heading, and what may have started it. Monitoring is key to a healthy system. CI/CD stands for “Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment”, a never-ending cycle of improvement. Testing just once before the initial go live isn’t enough. Each system should have automated tests that run continuously, as well as monitors and alerts which reveal problems sooner. Diagnostic tools play a role as well, being the bridge from the end of the dev ops process cycle back to the beginning (monitoring into planning). A good CI/CD dev ops process will ensure that problems are found earlier, fixed more rapidly, and fixed for everyone using the system.       In a fully mature dev ops pipeline, issues are anticipated, discovered and researched before they become production outages or critical issues. These investigations or testing follow-ups produce development tasks (usually bugs, but also features at times) which then start the dev ops cycle all over again. This is why a good, efficient dev ops pipeline is needed, one which allows changes to quickly and safely go from development to production.     This is also why diagnostic tools play a role in the monitoring piece of the dev ops process. They are the bridge between monitoring and planning. Tools like Dynatrace can be configured to provide call stacks and take thread dumps when issues start to occur, before the system is performing so poorly it needs a restart, which happens automatically in a cluster and can clear out any trace of the issue.     Thread dumps are often necessary to diagnosing the root cause of the issue (to permanently fix it), and doing so quickly ensures application stability and availability. That is, after all, the purpose of the dev ops process. Diagnostics is therefore an equally important piece of the dev ops Figure-8-shaped pie, and one which deserves its own spotlight in an article to come.     Every piece of the dev ops process must be viewed as equally important in its own way, lest the dev ops cycle get hung up on bottlenecks of its own. A safe and stable system is not one which never experiences issues, it is one which has a good, efficient plan in place to handle recovery and prevention of repetition. A wholesome dev ops process is a happy dev ops process.   The Monitoring Stack     There are many monitoring options available, but in our experience one of the easiest and most effective monitoring stacks to use with ThingWorx is Prometheus for metrics gathering with Grafana for metrics analysis and review. In a mature monitoring stack, Telegraf is also commonly installed on each VM/host to gather the system metrics (like CPU and Memory usage, things we’ve stated are good metrics of system performance and stability in past articles on scale and size testing) and output them in Prometheus format.     Prometheus is a highly scalable open-source monitoring framework that contains out of the box monitoring and alert capabilities for Kubernetes-based deployments (not covered in this article). Using Prometheus is very simple because the ThingWorx application exposes a metrics endpoint which is formatted directly for use by Prometheus. There is also built-in alerting in Prometheus, but not the ability to form dashboards for reviewing data or screenshotting it for documentation purposes. That’s where Grafana comes into play. Grafana has a preconfigured Prometheus-type data source and many preconfigured dashboard templates for various applications and services. Telegraf is also easily imported into Grafana, as is shown in the section below. The Prometheus targets in the larger diagram are expanded out on the left. For each target, some tool exports the data in a syntax which Prometheus can scrape. For VMs, this can be Telegraf, for Kubernetes, the Node Exporter. JVM has a JMX Exporter, and other tools like CX Server use Graphite. Many apps already have a Prometheus endpoint built-in, like ThingWorx and Zookeeper. Telegraf is not strictly necessary; the node exporter can also be used on VMs, but Telegraf is the more common choice since it is a more mature dev ops tool.     Once Prometheus is scraping the targets, alerting on them can be done with OOTB Prometheus functionality, and dashboards for monitoring can be made easily in Grafana (with built-in support as well). This stack does not include the diagnostics piece, something which triggers thread dumps or the like when issues do occur. There are too many ways to conduct a successful diagnostic piece to cover here.   How to Get Started     Getting started monitoring a ThingWorx application is incredibly easy in the latest versions. Simply open up a browser, and type in the ThingWorx URL, followed by “/Metrics”. At this endpoint, there is a specially formatted response that can automatically be read by the Prometheus monitoring software which contains subsystem and service data. In addition to the application metrics, Prometheus can be configured to collect metrics from a node exporter at the (virtualized) operating system or container (Kubernetes) level as well.     If you haven’t already, install Grafana, install Telegraf as a service, and install Docker Desktop. These are the tools required (in addition to ThingWorx of course) to set-up a simple sandbox system for familiarization with the monitoring stack recommended by PTC. The easiest way to try Prometheus on a local Windows instance is to use Docker. The command for that will be found below, but first open up Docker Desktop to set contextual parameters that the command line will need. Then, modify the configuration file for Telegraf or create one (called telegraf.conf in the same folder as the exe file), and put the following into the file (or uncomment it; the default config file has thousands of lines, so just search for “prometheus”):             Output plugin [[outputs.prometheus_client]] listen = ""             Alternatively, install the Prometheus Node Exporter tool, which will likely require some additions to the Prometheus config file (not covered here) which we are about to create.     Then, create a configuration file (called prom_config_localhost_scraper.yml in the command to come), add the following (assuming a standard localhost installation of ThingWorx):             # my global config global: scrape_interval: 45s evaluation_interval: 30s scrape_timeout: 30s # scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s). rule_files: - prom_config_rules.yml scrape_configs: - job_name: thingworx static_configs: - targets: ['host.docker.internal:8080'] basic_auth: username: "Administrator" password: "admin!123456789" metrics_path: /Thingworx/Metrics scheme: http params: x-thingworx-session: - "false" - job_name: prometheus static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9090'] - job_name: Telegraf # If telegraf is installed, grab stats about the local # machine by default. static_configs: - targets: ['host.docker.internal:9125']                 This example script file uses the host.docker.internal instead of localhost for the server target for ThingWorx because it is running outside of the Docker container which contains Prometheus. This yml file configures Prometheus to monitor both ThingWorx and itself, as well as the server metrics coming from Telegraf (as long as they are configured to push). It’s a sandbox-only configuration, really, as you wouldn’t want to use the Administrator user, or have the password printed in plain text in the config file in a real system. Also note the need for the x-thingworx-session parameter, as runaway sessions which spawn every 30s or so (whatever the scrape interval is) will result in memory issues over time (so we don’t want to use sessions here).     The rules file given here (prom_config_rules.yml) needs to be created separately. This is where all of the alert rules will be defined. This will determine if an alert state is happening, but without configuring the alert manager, there won’t be any notification. That isn’t covered here but is covered extensively in the Grafana docs. Here is an alert example:             groups: - name: alert.rules rules: # Alert for any instance that is unreachable for >5 minutes. - alert: HighMemory expr: mem_used > 14000000 for: 1s labels: severity: page annotations: summary: "High Memory" description: "Localhost Memory Usage is High"             Now, save these files and use Powershell to run the Docker container:             docker run -p 9090:9090 -v C:\<path_to_document>\prom_config_localhost_scraper.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus                 It should download Prometheus and install it in that container (if this is the first time), allowing you to very rapidly deploy it to an endpoint of localhost:9090 by default. If there is an error like the one shown below, this means that you forgot to start Docker Desktop (the application) before opening Powershell. Docker Desktop sets system parameters required for containers to run in a command line (in Linux, it should work if Docker is installed for use by the command line, simple as that).     The localhost endpoints are accessible in a browser. ThingWorx defaults to localhost:8080 endpoint. Prometheus defaults to localhost:9090. Telegraf is on port 9125. Open any of these in a browser tab to see the full monitoring stack. You can see easily if Prometheus is working by clicking “Status” > “Targets” at localhost:9090:     If all of the targets appear as blue and say “last scrape” and a time stamp, then they’re working as expected. If they don’t, ensure you have the right ports, that there aren’t any firewall issues (if things aren’t all on localhost), and that everything is running without errors.     The last step in the process here is to install a dashboard tool like Grafana. Once this is installed and running on localhost:3000 (by default), you can display the data from Prometheus with a few configuration steps the Grafana UI. Highlight over the settings icon in the bottom left of the screen, and then click on “Data sources”. Select the “Add data source” button, and then click on Prometheus. You have to type the URL again  (localhost:9090), but most of the defaults will be ok here, and all you have to do is click “Save and test”.     Now both targets should appear within Grafana, with their metrics showing up throughout the Grafana UI. This data source is what allows for the building of monitoring dashboards.    
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This video is Module 11: ThingWorx Analytics Mashup Exercise of the ThingWorx Analytics Training videos. It shows you how to create a ThingWorx project and populate it with entities that collectively comprise a functioning application. 
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This video concludes Module 9: Anomaly Detection of the ThingWorx Analytics Training videos. It gives an overview of the "Statistical Process Control (SPC) Accelerator"
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This video continues Module 3: Data Profiling of the ThingWorx Analytics Training videos. It describes metadata, and how it is used to ensure that your data is handled appropriately when running Signals, Profiles, Training, Scoring, and other jobs inside ThingWorx Analytics.
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This video begins Module 3: Data Profiling of the ThingWorx Analytics Training videos. It describes the process of examining your data to make sure that it is suitable for the use case you would like to explore.
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Welcome to the ThingWorx Analytics Training Course! Through these 11 modules, you will learn all about the functionality of this software, as well as techniques to help you build a successful and meaningful predictive analytics application.
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Pre-built apps for manufacturing operations that rapidly deliver value.   Overview   Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast   Getting started on an industrial IoT project can be daunting, especially deciding where and how to begin. After collecting the experiences gained by working with over 1500 companies on IIoT applications, PTC has made the process to get up and running easier. By grouping IIoT capabilities together in functionally oriented programs, PTC built out-of-the-box applications that rapidly deploy and scale across new or existing system infrastructure. Instead of starting from scratch, you can use ThingWorx ready-to-configure apps to quickly lay the foundation for industrial transformation and implement IIoT solutions in as little as 90 days. ThingWorx Apps offer a comprehensive, basic IIoT scheme to connect to your equipment, collect real-time data, create notification work flows, deliver role based dashboards, and more. Need something more tailored to your operation? No problem. You can iteratively extend and customize ThingWorx Apps into additional use cases for continuous innovation.     Manufacturing Apps   Manufacturers are under constant pressure to minimize downtime, improve quality, and respond faster to individual customer requirements, all while lowering costs. The ThingWorx Manufacturing Apps are pre-built solutions that can be tried in less than 60 minutes without disrupting production. These apps provide manufacturers with real-time visibility into factory floor operations, from individual PLCs to assets to plants to enterprise-wide operations.   ThingWorx Connected Work Cell   Connected Work Cell streamlines how information is delivered to frontline workers by aggregating critical data from multiple data siloes into a simplified visual application. It presents step-by-step work instructions with accurate, up-to-date information to drive efficiency, links instructions to work orders, assigns resources, and validates proper execution to ensure quality. Capabilities Lite work instruction authoring with multiple step types and versioning Workpiece routes editor and work order scheduling Step-by-Step tracking of operator execution  Smart tool configuration Work station dashboard display File storage and document management Benefits Present accurate, up-to-date work instructions using 3D models Aggregate work requirements from multiple sources into one simplified display at the work station Increase workforce flexibility by reducing upfront training before being assigned to a new work cell Improve quality by collecting actual tool use data Rapid implementation and fast time to value   ThingWorx Real-Time Production and Performance Monitoring   Real-Time Production and Performance Monitoring provides manufacturing executives and plant managers with top-down, real-time visibility into consistent KPIs such as overall equipment effectiveness, mean time between failure, and mean time to repair.   Capabilities Connect existing assets and gather real-time data View overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), mean time between failure (MTBF), and mean time to repair (MTTR) in real-time  Compare geographically separated assets, lines, or products based on date, time, shift or crew Benefits Improve operational performance of existing assets by increasing throughput and decreasing waste Balance labor vs. capital expenditures to meet production needs Determine true overall equipment effectiveness for multiple facilities   ThingWorx Asset Monitoring and Utilization   Asset Monitoring and Utilization helps manufacturers connect to existing assets, remotely monitor them in real-time, generate alerts based on abnormal conditions, and deliver critical insights with data trending and analysis tools.   Capabilities Performance Dashboards with real-time access to open alarms Email and SMS distribution rules for messaging and alarm acknowledgment Integration to maintenance systems Detailed screens showing asset health, configuration parameters, and sensor trends  Benefits Quickly identify anomalous data trends and perform Root Cause Analysis Maximize asset uptime and availability with alerts on critical issues before they impact performance Rapidly connect to and catalog existing assets Quickly Identify Anomalous Data Trends and perform Root Cause Analysis  
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Learning Paths combine guides into one experience to teach related skills efficiently from start to finish. Begin your learning journey to reduce time to proficiency to get up and running with ThingWorx quickly.   Featured Learning   Utilizing ThingWorx to Secure Your Aerospace and Defense Systems Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment Vehicle Predictive Pre-Failure Detection with ThingWorx Platform   Industry Solutions   Complex and Automatic Food and Beverage Systems Connect and Configure Industrial Devices and Systems Medical Device Service Monitor Factory Supplies and Consumables Using an Allen-Bradley PLC with ThingWorx   Learn ThingWorx   Getting Started on the ThingWorx Platform Design and Implement Data Models to Enable Predictive Analytics Customize UI and Display Options to Deploy Applications Azure MXChip Development Kit    
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Challenges Manufacturers of factory equipment often rely on manual processes to maintain adequate supply levels of consumables in equipment at customer sites. But a clipboard-and-pen process for ordering supplies are error prone, and can quickly grow wrought with problems that often go unreported until they affect assembly line production, resulting in unexpected costs—such as overnight shipping charges—and risking downtime, which ultimately leads to customer dissatisfaction.   Solution One such manufacturer implemented ThingWorx to connect to equipment installed at customer sites, and created a custom web application using ThingWorx Foundation to remotely monitor supply levels. ThingWorx Industrial Connectivity provides the bi-directional connection to send data that is displayed in graphs on the web application created using ThingWorx Mashup Builder. Features of ThingWorx Analytics were used to generate alerts before maintenance problems affected production.   Outcomes The manufacturer is able to monitor supply levels to more effectively anticipate when consumables will need to be replenished. Supplies are now consistently ground shipped on time to meet assembly line demand, reducing interruptions to operations and allowing expansion to multiple plants with improved service level.   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 120 minutes.   1. Implement Services, Events, and Subscriptions  Part 1 Part 2 2. Build a Predictive Analytics Model  Part 1 Part 2
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This video begins Module 1: ThingWorx Analytics Overview of the ThingWorx Analytics Training videos. It covers some of the functionality of the ThingWorx platform, as well as ThingWorx Analytics capabilities.
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Use Rockwell Automation's Connected Components Workbench to connect an Allen-Bradley PLC for use with the ThingWorx Platform. This Learning Path will guide you through installation of Rockwell Automation and ThingWorx applications, connecting ThingWorx to the Allen-Bradley PLC, and how to configure, monitor, and control the PLC from ThingWorx.   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 240 minutes.   This learning path assumes that ThingWorx has already been installed   1, Install Rockwell Connected Components Workbench 2. Install ThingWorx Kepware Server 3. Connect to an Allen-Bradley PLC 4. Create An Application Key 5. Model an Allen-Bradley PLC 6. Visualize an Allen-Bradley PLC  Part 1 Part 2
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Design and implement a full application that runs without human interaction in the food and beverage world   NOTE: Complete the following guides in sequential order. The estimated time to complete this learning path is 3 hours.     1. ThingWorx Solutions in Food Industry Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 2. Factory Line Automation Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 3. Automated Distribution and Logistics  Part 1 Part 2 4. Securing Industry Data 
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    Step 5: Create Event   Events are automatic analysis jobs which are submitted based on a pre-defined condition. In this step, we'll configure an Analysis Event which will execute automatically whenever there is a datachange in our simulated engine.   On the ThingWorx Composer Analytics tab, click ANALYTICS MANAGER > Analysis Events.   Click New....   In Source, search for and select AMQS_Thing. In Event, select DataChange. In Property, select FlipFlop. In Provider Name, select Vibration_Provider. In Model Name, select the published Model.   Click Save.     Map Event Data   Map the Properties of AMQS_Thing, to the fields required to evoke an Analysis Job.   Select the previously-created Event, and click Map Data....   Click Inputs Mapping.   In Source Type, select Thing. In Source, search for and select AMQS_Thing.   On the left, select s1_fb1, one of the sub-fields of AMQS_Thing's InfoTable Property. On the right, select _s1_fb1, the first frequency band required for the Model to make a prediction.   Click the Map button in the center.   Repeat this mapping process for for s1_fb2 through s1_fb5.   Map causalTechnique in the same manner. This is a String Property in AMQS_Thing with a Default Value of FULL_RANGE, the same technique we used in our earlier true/false testing. Map goalName to goalField in the same manner. This is a String Property in AMQS_Thing with a Default Value of low_grease, the same goal we used in our earlier testing.   Click Results Mapping on the left.   Map _low_grease to Result_low_grease.   Map _low_grease_mo to Result_low_grease_mo.   Click Close to close the mapping pop-up.   Enable Event   Now that we've done the mapping from Foundation to Analytics, let's confirm that everything is correct.   If so, we'll then Enable the Analysis Event so that it can automatically generate and process Analysis Jobs.   Select the mapped Analysis Event.   Click View....   Click Inputs Mapping and confirm that all mappings are correct.   Click Results Mapping and confirm that all mappings are correct.   At the top-left, expand the Actions... drop-down.   Select Enable.   Now that you have enabled the Analysis Event, whenever AMQS_Thing's InfoTable Property changes, the new data will be submitted to Analytics Manager.   An Analysis Job will automatically run, with a predictive score sent back and stored in AMQS_Thing's Result_low_grease (Boolean) and Result_low_grease_mo (Number) Properties.       Step 6: Test Model   In this step, we'll confirm that the automatic analysis of information coming from remote devices is operational.   On the ThingWorx Composer Analytics tab, click ANALYTICS MANAGER > Analysis Jobs.   Uncheck Filter Completed Jobs.   Select a Job and click View.... Click Results. NOTE: You will see true or false, just as when you manually tested the Model, so you know that Analytics Manager is now automatically submitting and completing jobs with a resulting prediction. Test Mashup   Follow these steps to confirm that the results are being sent back to ThingWorx Foundation in a way in an actionable way.   Return to the AMQS_Mashup browser tab. Wait at least ~20 seconds to see multiple cycles of good and bad data (which should generate a false or true result from Analytics Manager). Note the Text Field Widgets on the right now have data.   This analytical result is coming from Analytics Manager, and is the exact same output you saw in ANALYSIS JOBS.   Using this technology, you could create a paid customer service, where you offered to monitor remote engines, in return for automatically shutting them down before they experience catastrophic engine failure.   For that example implementation, you would utilize the AMQS_Thing.Result_low_grease BOOLEAN Property to trigger other actions.   For instance, you could create an Alert Event which would be triggered on a true reading.   You could then have a Subscription which paid attention to that Alert Event, and performed an action, such as sending an automatic shutdown command to the engine when it was experiencing a likely low grease event.   NOTE: We recommend that you return to the ThingWorx Composer Analytics > ANALYTICS MANAGER > Analysis Events tab and Disable the Event prior to continuing. Since the simulator generates an Event every ~10 seconds, this can create a large number of Events, which can fill up your log.       Step 7: Next Steps   Congratulations. You've completed the Operationalize an Analytics Model guide. In this guide you learned how to:   Define an Analysis Provider that uses the built-in Analytics Server Connector Publish a Model from Analytics Builder to Manager Create an Analysis Event which takes data from ThingWorx Foundation and decides whether or not a failure is likely   This is the last guide in the Design and Implement Data Models to Enable Predictive Analytics learning path.   Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:       Capability Guide Build Implement Services, Events, and Subscriptions Guide   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:       Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support Analytics Manager Help Center
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    Build a remote monitoring application with our developer toolkit for real-time insight into a simulated SMT assembly line.   Guide Concept   This project will introduce methods to creating your IoT application with the ability to analyze real time information as the goal. Following the steps in this guide, you will create an IoT application with the ThingWorx Java SDK that is based on the functionality of an SMT assembly line. We will teach you how to use the ThingWorx Java SDK, ThingWorx Composer, and the ThingWorx Mashup Builder to connect and build a fully functional IoT application running numerous queues and "moving parts".   You'll learn how to   Use ThingWorx Composer to build an application that uses simulated data Track diagnostics and performance in real-time   NOTE: The estimated time to complete this guide is 60 minutes       Step 1: Completed Example   Download the completed files for this tutorial attached here:   In this tutorial, we walk through a real-world scenario for a Raspberry Pi assembly line. The file provided to you contains a completed example of an SMT application. Utilize this file to see a finished example and return to it as a reference if you become stuck creating your own fully flushed out application. Keep in mind, this download uses the exact names for Entities used in this tutorial. If you would like to import this example and also create Entities on your own, change the names of the Entities you create. The download contains the following Java classes that support this scenario:    Name                          Description Motherboard Abstract representation of a Thing inheriting from a MotherboardTemplate AssemblyLine Abstract representation of a Thing inheriting from a SMTAssemblyLineTemplate AssemblyMachine Abstract representation of a Thing inheriting from a AssemblyMachineTemplate   Once you complete the Java environment setup by installing a Java JDK, import the Entities/ThingWorxEntities.xml file into ThingWorx Composer. This file contains various Data Shapes, Mashups, Value Streams, Things, and Thing Templates necessary to support the application. The more important Entities are as follows:    Feature                                                 Entity Type          Description RaspberryPi 1 - 6 Thing Things that inherit from the motherboard template SolderPasteAssemblyMachine Thing A Thing that inherits from the assembly machine template PickPlaceAssemblyMachine Thing A Thing that inherits from the assembly machine template ReflowSolderAssemblyMachine Thing A Thing that inherits from the assembly machine template InspectionAssemblyMachine Thing A Thing that inherits from the assembly machine template RaspberryPiSMTAssemblyLine Thing A Thing that inherits from the assembly line template MotherboardTemplate ThingTemplate A template used for building motherboard devices AssemblyMachineTemplate ThingTemplate A template used to create the various types of SMT assembly machines SMTAssemblyLineTemplate ThingTemplate A template used to represent the entire assembly line and all devices in it Advisor User User created to be used with the Java SDK examples   NOTE: An Application Key is NOT included in the zip file you downloaded. You will need to create your Application Key and assign it to the Advisor user provided in the ThingWorxEntities.xml file, the Administrator (which is not recommended for production applications), or any user you've created. If you do not know how to create one or just need a refresher, visit the Create An Application Key guide, then come back to this guide.       Step 2: Run Application   The Java code provided in the download is pre-configured to run and connect to the entities in the ThingWorxEntities.xml file. Open the Executable/Script in a text editor, and edit the script with your host and port.  Operating System   File Name Mac/Linux Windows Script.bat Update the <HOST> and <PORT> arguments to that of your ThingWorx Composer and update the Application Key argument to the one you have created. Use the examples in the file for assistance. NOTE: If you are using the hosted trial server, follow the HTTPS example and use 443 as the port. After updating the script that pertains to your operating system, double-click or run (Linux, Mac) or Script.bat (Windows) to run the Java program. In your browser, proceed to the following URL (replace the host field with your ThingWorx Composer host) in order to see the application work:   <host>/Thingworx/Runtime/index.html#master=AssemblyLineMaster&mashup=RaspberryPiAssemblyLine   You can also open the RaspberryPiAssemblyLine Mashup in the Composer and click View Mashup.   You should be able to see rows of assembly machines with buttons. Click the Start button to start the assembly line. Click the Add Board button to add Raspberry Pi motherboards.   NOTE: The screen will not update and properties cannot be changed until the Java backend starts running. Ensure the connection is made before attempting to start the assembly line.   Functional Breakdown   At runtime, the Mashup executes the following functions:                Mashup Component        Function 1  Assembly Machines Selecting an assembly machine will provide you with information on the diagnostic status of that assembly machine and access to charts highlighting its performance. 2  Start Button Start up the assembly line and all assembly machines. 3  Shutdown Button Stop the assembly line and shutdown all assembly machines. Queues will not be purged. 4  Motherboard Add Dropdown A dropdown that shows the available motherboards that can be added to the assembly line. 5  Add Boards Button If a MotherboardTemplate Entity is selected in the Motherboard Add dropdown, that Raspberry Pi will be added to the assembly line. If no Motherboard is selected, this will add a new Raspberry Pi Thing to the assembly line. 6  Motherboard Image Show all motherboards currently inside the assembly line queue of Raspberry Pi. 7  Motherboard Pick Up Dropdown A dropdown that shows the motherboards in the assembly line that are not in a Complete Stage. 8  Add Pick Up Button If a MotherboardTemplate entity is selected in the Motherboard Pick Up dropdown, that Raspberry Pi will be removed from the assembly line and no longer be available. This can be done if a Raspberry Pi is slowing down the other queues. 9  Box Image Show all motherboards currently in the Complete Stage.         Step 3: Services and Java Implementation   JavaScript using ThingWorx Services   To support and run the application quickly, ThingWorx Services are utilized as much as possible. This ensures the speed and quality of the application are maintained while also ensuring code changes can be made quickly.   Opening and Starting Up   Open the RaspberryPiAssemblyLine Mashup by going to the URL provided in the last section. The machines will all be in a shut-down (RED) state. This is ensured by a call to the Shutdown service within the SMTAssemblyLineTemplate ThingTemplate. This method begins the process of resetting the Motherboards to their default states and AssemblyMachines to a shutdown state.   Click the Start button to call the StartUp Service. This call will notify the Java Code to turn the simulated machines on and begin waiting for any motherboards to be added to the queue.   INFO: The StartUp and Shutdown services call other services, some of which can be overrided. If you would like to make a change to the implementation, make the change in an implementation of the SMTAssemblyLineTemplate ThingTemplate. You can use RaspberryPiSMTAssemblyLine as an example.   New Raspberry Pi Names   The CommonServices Entity provides services that can be reused by other entities easily. The GenerateRandomThingName service is utilized to create a psuedo-random name for a new Motherboard. You can use this service to create names - names may start with “Raspberry,” but not necessarily - they are based on how you set the parameters.   Creating and Adding Boards   Select the Add Board button to make a call to the AddBoard service of the SMTAssemblyLineTemplate ThingTemplate. This service will call the CommonServices Thing to create a new name for the Motherboard, then begin the process of creating, enabling, and adding that Motherboard to the simulated devices in the Java code.   Pickup Boards   Select the Pickup Board button to make a call to the PickUpMotherboard service of the SMTAssemblyLineTemplate ThingTemplate. This service will remove a Motherboard from the assembly line, update the status to having been picked up, and ensure the simulated devices are updated with this new information.   Queue Processing   Add a Motherboard to the available queue of a machine when the Motherboard is ready to be worked on that machine. A machine will NOT know information about a Motherboard until that motherboard is ready for that stage of processing.   The Motherboard is then added to the internal queue of the machine based on the size of the internal queue of that machine. Being in the internal queue of a machine does not mean it is being worked on. The Motherboard is ONLY being worked on when the machine has added the Motherboard to it’s working queue. The size of the working queue is based on the machine’s placement heads. You can play with these values to increase or descrease queue performance.   INFO: The heads, speeds, and queue sizes of the machines are created in the RaspberryPiSMTAssemblyLine Thing. To change these configurations, update the AddStartingMachines service with new values or new machines.   Java Implementation using ThingWorx Java SDK   The Java code we created for the Assembly Line scenario creates a connection to the ThingWorx Composer as any ThingWorx SDK utility would. This code is used to allow extended functionality for the application, and mimics the behavior of devices or machines connected to the ThingWorx Composer.   Motherboard Class   The Motherboard Class contains several methods to ensure the location of the motherboard is known at all times. It also updates the status level from 0 to 100 as the motherboard is being assembled.   AssemblyMachine Class   The fields in the AssemblyMachine class ensure that the queues handled by the machine are working correctly. When an AssemblyMachine is created, it will load both the available queue and the internal queue if the machine will be the first stage in the assembly line (Soldering). If not a solder machine, the queues will be empty, as no device is pending its task. If the machine is on, it will continue to work based on its current status of the motherboards in its queue. When a machine is turned on or the current task is complete, the AssemblyMachine will re-evaluate the queues to optimize timing and decrease idle time.   Challenge: Find a way to improve the timing of the queue and reduce the idle time even more. Think of a problem an assembly line might have when machines are waiting on a prior machine to complete a task.   SMTAssemblyLine Class   The SMTAssemblyLine class handles the overall process and controls how motherboards are handled when entering and exiting the assembly line. There are also listeners to start up the assembly machines.   When a board is added to the queue of the assembly line, it will instantly be added to the available queue for a solder machine to begin processing. This is the only machine that will have immediate access to the motherboard. When a board is picked up from the assembly line queue, the status of the board is set to “PICKED UP”. That motherboard will be available later for processing by the assembly line.     Click here to view Part 2 of this guide.  
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Learn how to create a web application to monitor and control an Allen-Bradley PLC.   GUIDE CONCEPT   This guide will create a ThingWorx Foundation Mashup GUI to monitor and control an Allen-Bradley PLC connected via ThingWorx Kepware Server.   YOU'LL LEARN HOW TO   Create a Mashup Add Widgets Access backend data via Mashup Data Services Tie data to Widgets Create a simple web application that monitors and controls a PLC   NOTE:  The estimated time to complete all parts of this guide is 30 minutes.     Step 1: Learning Path Overview   Assuming you are using this guide as part of the Rockwell Automation Learning Path, then you have now completed each of the following installations:   Connected Components Workbench ThingWorx Kepware Server ThingWorx Foundation (for Windows)   You've also connected an Allen-Bradely PLC to Connected Components Workbench and then to ThingWorx Kepware Server.   You have propagated that information further from ThingWorx Kepware Server into Foundation.   In this final step, we'll create a simple Mashup to visualize the interface from Foundation to ThingWorx Kepware Server to the PLC.   NOTE: Both Rockwell Automation's Connected Components Workbench and ThingWorx Kepware Server are time-limited trials. If significant time has passed while persuing this Learning Path, you may need to reinitialize them. Consult the Troubleshooting step of this guide for more information.       Step 2: New Mashup   A Mashup is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to interact with your application.   In this step, you will create a new, blank Mashup. You will later populate it with Widgets (graphical elements) and tie those elements to data.   In the top-left of ThingWorx Composer, click the Browse folder icon. Click VISUALIZATION > Mashups.   Click + New.   Select Responsive, then click OK. A new Mashup tab will open.     In the Name field, enter RWLP_Mashup. If Project is not already set, click the + in the Project text box and select the PTCDefaultProject. At the top, click Save.     Step 3: Add Widgets   Widgets are drag-and-drop, stand-alone, graphical elements which you can add to your Mashup to represent certain pieces of backend data.   In this step, you will add a pair of Checkboxes to represent the PLC functionality.   At the top of the RWLP_Mashup tab, click Design. It may take a few moments for the Mashup Builder interface to load.     Click The Widgets tab, then In the Filter field on the left, enter check. Drag-and-drop a Checkbox widget onto the central Canvas area.   Drag-and-drop a second Checkbox onto the Canvas.   At the top, click Save.     Step 4: Add Data    To have the Checkbox Widgets actually interact with the PLC, you need to bind them to the backend data.   To do so, you will make use of a Mashup Data Service from the previously-created PLCcoils Thing. At the top-right, click the Data tab, then click the + symbol.   In the Add Data pop-up window, enter plc in the Entity Filter search box.   Select the PLCcoils Thing. In the Services Filter search box, search for getprop.   Click the right arrow to select GetProperties. Check the box for Execute on Load under Selected Services. This causes the Service to be automatically executed upon the Mashup being loaded. In the Services Filter search box, search for setprop. Click the right arrow to select SetProperties. Note that you should keep Execute on Load un-checked for this Service, as we do NOT want it to automatically execute on Mashup load.     Click Done, then click the > to expand both GetProperties and SetProperties.   At the top, click Save.     Click here to view Part 2 of this guide.
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    Step 8: Verify Connectivity   The EMS is now attempting to talk to ThingWorx Foundation.   However, ThingWorx does not have detailed information about the Edge device that is attempting to connect to it, so it will show up in the Unbound category of Remote Things.   Open ThingWorx Composer.     On the left, click Monitoring.   Click Status -> Remote Things.     Click Unbound.     Confirm that you see the PiThing listed in the Unbound section. NOTE: The name PiThing comes from the config.lua script. PiThing is simply the name that is in that script, hence the name that you see in ThingWorx. To change the name of the device, you could stop both wsems and luaScriptResource, edit config.lua to use a different Thing name other than PiThing, and then restart both of the EMS programs. At that point, the Thing showing up in Remote Things -> Unbound would be whatever name you changed to in config.lua.   Create a Remote Thing   Now that the EMS is communicating with ThingWorx Foundation, let's create a Remote Thing to which Foundation can tie said connection.   In ThingWorx Composer, click Browse > Modeling > Things.     At the top-left, click + New.       In the Name field, enter PiThing. Note that the name must match the spelling and capitalization of the Thing's name that you entered in the EMS's config.lua for it to auto-connect.   If Project is not already set, search for and select PTCDefaultProject. In the Base Thing Template field, search for remotethingwith.     Select RemoteThingWithTunnelsAndFileTransfer. At the top, Click Save. Note the status-indication pop-up indicating that PiThing is now connected.       Use Services to Explore EMS Files   Now that your Remote Thing is Saved and Connected, we can use some of the built-in Services to explore the EMS folders and files which we previously created for testing purposes.   At the top of PiThing, click Services.   Under the Execute column, click the Play Symbol for BrowseDirectory.   In the top-left path field, type / and click the bottom-right Execute button. Note the other and tw folders which we previously created for testing.   In the top-left path field, type /tw and click the bottom-right Execute button. Note the tw_test_01.txt file which we previously created for testing.     As the tw_test_01.txt file (and its parent folder) were items which we custom-created for this guide, you should now be 100% convinced that connectivity between Foundation and the EMS is dynamically working.   If so desired, you could explore into other folders (or even add additional files to these folders), run the BrowseDirectory Service again, and confirm that Foundation is now aware of the EMS and actively communicating.     Step 9: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Setup a Raspberry Pi as an IoT Device guide, and learned how to:   Set up Raspberry Pi Install, configure, and launch the EMS Connect a remote device to ThingWorx   The next guide in the Medical Device Service learning path is Medical Data Storage and Display.    Learn More   We recommend the following resources to continue your learning experience:   Capability Guide Manage Data Model Introduction Connect Connect Industrial Devices and Systems   Additional Resources   If you have questions, issues, or need additional information, refer to:   Resource Link Community Developer Community Forum Support ThingWorx Edge MicroServer (EMS) Help Center External Raspberry Pi Documentation
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