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IoT Tips

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Install ThingWorx Kepware Server Guide    Overview   This guide will walk you through the steps to install ThingWorx Kepware Server. NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes.    Step 1: Learning Path Overview   This guide is the first on the Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment Learning Path, and it explains how to get up and running with ThingWorx Kepware Server. If you want to learn to install ThingWorx Kepware Server, this guide will be useful to you, and it can be used independently from the full Learning Path. In the next guide on the Learning Path, we will create an Application Key which is used to secure the connection between Kepware Server and ThingWorx Foundation. Later in the Learning Path, we will send information from ThingWorx Kepware Server into ThingWorx Foundation. In other guides in this Learning Path, we will use Foundation's Mashup Builder to construct a website dashboard that displays information from ThingWorx Kepware Server. We hope you enjoy this Learning Path.   Step 2: Install ThingWorx Kepware Server   ThingWorx Kepware Server includes over 150 factory-automation protocols. ThingWorx Kepware Server communicates between industrial assets and ThingWorx Foundation, providing streamlined, real-time access to OT and IT data — whether that data is sourced from on-premise web servers, off-premise cloud applications, or at the edge. This step will download and install ThingWorx Kepware Server. Download the ThingWorx Kepware Server executable installer. Select your Language and click OK 3. On the "Welcome" screen, click Next.        4. the End-User License Agreement and click Next.   5. Set the destination folder for the installation and click Next.   6. Set the Application Data Folder location and click Next. Note that it is recommended NOT to change this path. 7. Select whether you'd like a Shortcut to be created and click Next. 8. On the "Vertical Suite Selection" screen, keep the default of Typical and click Next. 9. On the "Select Features" screen, keep the defaults and click Next. 10. The "External Dependencies" screen simply lists everything that will be installed; click Next. 11. On the "Default Application Settings" screen, leave the default of Allow client applications to request data through Dynamic Tag addressing and click Next. 12. On the “User Manager Credentials” screen, set a unique strong password for the Administrator account and click Next. Note that skipping setting a password can leave your system less secure and is not recommended in a production environment. 13. Click install to begin the installation. 14. Click finish to exit the installer.     Step 3: Open ThingWorx Kepware Server   Now that ThingWorx Kepware Server is installed, you will need to open it. In the bottom-right Windows Taskbar, click Show hidden icons. 2. Double-click on the ThingWorx Kepware Server icon. 3. ThingWorx Kepware Server is now installed. 4. For additional information on ThingWorx Kepware Server, click Server Help on the Menu Bar.   Step 4: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Install ThingWorx Kepware Server guide. In this guide, you learned how to:   Download, install, and open ThingWorx Kepware Server   The next guide in the Connect and Monitor Industrial Plant Equipment learning path is Connect Kepware Server to ThingWorx Foundation.    The next guide in the Using an Allen-Bradley PLC with ThingWorx learning path is Connect to an Allen-Bradley PLC. . 
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Data Model Introduction    Overview   This project will introduce the ThingWorx Foundation Data Model. Following the steps in this guide, you will consider data interactions based on user needs and requirements, as well as application modularity, reusability, and future updates. We will teach you how to think about a properly constructed foundation that will allow your application to be scalable, flexible, and more secure. NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete this guide is 30 minutes.    Step 1: Benefits   A Data Model creates a uniform representation of all items that interact with one another. There are multiple benefits to such an approach, and the ability to break up items and reuse components is considered a best practice. ThingWorx has adopted this model at a high level to represent individual components of an IoT solution. Feature Benefit Flexibility Once a model has been created, it is simple to update, modify, or remove components without needing to rework the system or retest existing components. Scalability It’s easy to clone and modify devices that are either identical or similar when changing from a Proof of Concept or Pilot Program to a Scaled Business Model. Interoperability Seamlessly plug into other applications. Collaboration A Data Model allows pre-defined links between components, meaning that various parts can be defined when designing the model so that multiple people can work on those individual parts without compromising the interoperability of the components. Seamless platform A Data Model allows for seamless integration with other systems. A properly-formed model will make it easier to create high-value IoT capabilities such as analytics, augmented/virtual reality, industrial connectivity, etc.   Step 2: Entities   Entities   Building an IoT solution in Foundation begins with defining your Data Model, the collection of Entities that represent your connected devices, business processes, and your application. Entities are the highest-level objects created and maintained in Foundation, as explained below.     Thing Shape   Thing Shapes provide a set of characteristics represented as Properties, Services, Events, and Subscriptions that are shared across a group of physical assets. A Thing Shape is best used for composition to describe relationships between objects in your model. They promote reuse of contained Properties and business logic that can be inherited by one or more Thing Templates. In Foundation, the model allows a Thing Template to implement one or more Thing Shapes, which is similar to a class definition in C++ that has multiple inheritance. When you make a change to the Thing Shape, the change is propagated to the Thing Templates and Things that implement that Thing Shape; so, maintaining the model is quick and easy.   Thing Template   Thing Templates provide base functionality with Properties, Services, Events, and Subscriptions that Thing instances use in their execution. Every Thing is created from a Thing Template. A Thing Template can extend another Thing Template. When you release a new version of a product, you simply add the additional characteristics of the version without having to redefine the entire model. This model configuration provides multiple levels of generalization of an asset. A Thing Template can derive one or more additional characteristics by implementing Thing Shapes. When you make a change to the Thing Template, the change is propagated to the Things that implement that Thing Template; so again, maintaining the model is quick and easy. A Thing Template can be used to classify the kind of a Thing or asset class or as a specific product model with unique capabilities. If you have two product models and their interaction with the solution is the same (same Properties, Services, and Events), you could model them as one Thing Template. Classifying Thing Templates is useful for aggregating Things into collections, which are useful in Mashups. You may want separate Thing Templates for indexing, searching, and future evolutions of the products   Thing   Things are representations of physical devices, assets, products, systems, people, or processes that have Properties and business logic. All Things are based on Thing Templates (inheritance) and can implement one or more Thing Shapes (composition). A Thing can have its own Properties, Services, Events, and Subscriptions and can inherit other Properties, Services, Events, and Subscriptions from its Thing Template and Thing Shape(s). How you model the interconnected Things, Thing Templates, and Thing Shapes is key to making your solution easy to develop and maintain in the future as the physical assets change. End users will interface with Things for information in applications and for reading/writing data.   Best Practice: Create a Thing Template to describe a Thing, then create an instance of that Thing Template as a Thing. This practice leverages inheritance in your model and reduces the amount of time you spend maintaining and updating your model.   Step 3: Inheritance Model   Defining Things, Thing Templates, and Thing Shapes in your Data Model allows your application to handle both simple and complex scenarios. Entity Function Thing Shapes Assemble individual components. Thing Templates Combine those components into fully functional objects. Thing Unique representation of a set of identical components defined by the Thing Template.       In this example, there is a Parent/Child model between two related Thing Templates. NOTE: Things and Thing Templates may only inherit ONE Thing Template. Both Things and Thing Templates may inherit any number of Thing Shapes. Thing Templates employ a linear-relationship, while Thing Shapes employ a modular-relationship. Any Thing or Thing Template may have any number of sub-components (i.e. Thing Shapes), but each Thing or Thing Template is just one description of one object as a whole. How you decide to compartmentalize your Data Model into Thing Shapes and Thing Templates to create the actual Things that you’ll be using is a custom design that will be specific to each implementation.   Step 4: Scenario   The ThingWorx Data Model provides a way for you to describe your connected devices and match the complexity of a real-world scenario. Things, Thing Templates, and Thing Shapes are building blocks that define your data model.     You can define the components of Things, Thing Templates, and Thing Shapes, including Properties, Services, Events, and Subscriptions. Component Definition Properties Each Property has a name, description, and a data type (Base Type). Depending on the base type, additional fields may be enabled. A simple scalar type, like a number or string, adds basic fields like default value. More complex base types have more options. Properties can be static (i.e. Model Number) or dynamic (i.e. Temperature). Services A Service is a method/function defined by a block of code that performs logic specifying actions a Thing can take. There are several implementation methods, or handlers (for example: Script, SQLQuery, and SQL command), for services depending on the template you use. The specific implementation of a user-defined Service is done via a server-side script. The Service can then be invoked through a URL, a REST client capable application, or by another Service in ThingWorx. When you create a new service, you can define input properties and an output. You can define individual runtime permissions for each Service. Events Events are triggers that define changes of state (example: device is on, temperature is above/below threshold) of an asset or system and often require an action to correct or respond to a change. Business logic and actions in a ThingWorx application are driven by Events. Subscriptions Action associated with an Event, primary method to set up intelligence in ThingWorx model which enable you to optimize/automate. Subscriptions use Javascript code to define what you want your application to do when the Event occurs.   NOTE: Anything inherited by a Thing Template or Thing will inherit the associated Components.     This diagram shows what a specific Inheritance Model might look like for a connected Tractor. There is one master Template at the top. In this case, it’s a collection of similar types of tractors. The parent Template inherits a few Shapes - an Engine and a Deck that have been used in previous designs. Importing them as Shapes allows us to reuse previous design work and expedite the development process. One of the child Templates incorporates another Shape, this time in the form of a GPS tracking device. Then, at the bottom, there are the specific tractors with individual serial numbers that will report their connected data back to an IoT Application.   Step 5: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Data Model Introduction, and learned about: The function of a data model for your IoT application Data model components, including Thing, Thing, Shape and Thing Template How ThingWorx components correspond to connected devices Please comment on this post so we can improve this guide in future ThingWorx version iterations.   This guide is part of 2 learning paths: The next guide in the Getting Started on the ThingWorx Platform learning path is Configure Permissions.  The next guide in the Design and Implement Data Models to Enable Predictive Analytics learning path is Design Your Data Model.      
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Create Custom Business Logic    Overview   This project will introduce you to creating your first ThingWorx Business Rules Engine.   Following the steps in this guide, you will know how to create your business rules engine and have an idea of how you might want to develop your own. We will teach you how to use your data model with Services, Events, and Subscriptions to establish a rules engine within the ThingWorx platform.   NOTE: This guide's content aligns with ThingWorx 9.3. The estimated time to complete this guide is 60 minutes.    Step 1: Completed Example   Download the attached, completed files for this tutorial: BusinessLogicEntities.xml.   The BusinessLogicEntities.xml file contains a completed example of a Business Rules Engine. Utilize this file to see a finished example and return to it as a reference if you become stuck during this guide and need some extra help or clarification. Keep in mind, this download uses the exact names for entities used in this tutorial. If you would like to import this example and also create entities on your own, change the names of the entities you create.   Step 2: Rules Engine Introduction   Before implementing a business rule engine from scratch, there are a number of questions that should first be answered. There are times in which a business rule engine is necessary, and times when the work can be down all within regular application coding.   When to Create a Rules Engine: When there are logic changes that will often occur within the application. This can be decisions on how to do billing based on the state or how machines in factories should operate based on a release. When business analysts are directly involved in the development or utilization of the application. In general, these roles are often non-technical, but being involved with the application directly will mean the need for a way to make changes. When a problem is highly complex and no obvious algorithm can be created for the solution. This often covered scenarios in which an algorithm might not be the best option, but a set of conditions will suffice.   Advantages of a Rules Engine The key reward is having an outlet to express solutions to difficult problems than can be easily verifiable. A consolidated knowledge base for how a part of a system works and a possible source of documentation. This source of information provides people with varying levels of technical skill to all have insight into a business model.   Business Logic with ThingWorx Core Platform: A centralized location for development, data management, versioning, tagging, and utilization of third party applications. The ability to create the rules engine within the ThingWorx platform and outside of ThingWorx platform. Being that the rules engine can be created outside of the ThingWorx platform, third party rules engines can be used. The ThingWorx platform provides customizable security and provided services that can decrease the time in development.     Step 3: Establish Rules   In order to design a business rules engine and establish rules before starting the development phase, you must capture requirements and designate rule characteristics.   Capture Requirements The first step to building a business rules engine is to understand the needs of the system and capture the rules necessary for success.   Brainstorm and discuss the conditions that will be covered within the rules engine Construct a precise list Identify exact rules and tie them to specific business requirements.   Each business rule and set of conditions within the business rule will need to be independent of other business rules. When there are several scenarios involved, it is best to create multiple rules – one handling each. When business rules are related to similar scenarios, the best methodology is to group the rules into categories.   Category Description Decision Rules Set of conditions regarding business choices Validation Rules Set of conditions regarding data verifications Generation Rules Set of conditions used for data object creation in the system Calculation Rules Set of conditions that handle data input utilized for computing values or assessments   Designate Rule Characteristics Characteristics for the rules include, but are not limited to: Naming conventions/identifiers Rule grouping Rule definition/description Priority Actions that take place in each rule.   After this is completed, you will be ready to tie business requirements to business rules, and those directly to creating your business rules engine within the platform.   Rules Translation to ThingWorx There are different methods for how the one to one connections can be made between rules and ThingWorx. The simplified method below shows one way that all of this can be done within the ThingWorx platform:   Characteristic  ThingWorx Aspect Rule name/identifier Service Name Ruleset  Thing/ThingTemplate Rule definition  Service Implementation Rule conditions Service Implementation Rule actions Service Implementation Data management DataTables/Streams   Much of the rule implementation is handled by ThingWorx Services using JavaScript. This allows for direct access to data, other provided Services, and a central location for all information pertaining to a set of rules. The design provided above also allows for easier testing and security management.   Step 4: Scenario Business Rule Engine    An important aspect to think about before implementing your business rules engine, is how the Service implementation will flow.   Will you have a singular entry path for the entire rules engine? Or will you have several entries based on what is being requested of it? Will you have create only Services to handle each path? Or will you create Events and Subscriptions (Triggers and Listeners) in addition to Services to split the workload?   Based on how you answer those questions, dictates how you will need to break up your implementation. The business rules for the delivery truck scenario are below. Think about how you would break down this implementation.   High Level Flow 1 Customer makes an order with a Company (Merchant). 1.A Customer to Merchant order information is created. 2 The Merchant creates an order with our delivery company, PTCDelivers. 2.A Merchant order information is populated. 2.B Merchant sets delivery speed requested. 2.C Merchant sets customer information for the delivery. 3 The package is added to a vehicle owned by PTCDelivers. 4 The vehicle makes the delivery to the merchant's customer.   Lower Level: Vehicles 1 Package is loaded onto vehicle 1.i Based on the speed selected, add to a truck or plane. 1.ii Ground speed option is a truck. 1.iii Air and Expedited speed options are based on planes usage and trucks when needed. 2 Delivery system handles the deliveries of packages 3 Delivery system finds the best vehicle option for delivery 4 An airplane or truck can be fitted with a limited number of packages.   Lower Level: Delivery 1 Delivery speed is set by the customer and passed on to PTCDelivers. 2 Delivery pricing is set based on a simple formula of (Speed Multiplier * Weight) + $1 (Flat Fee). 2.i Ground arrives in 7 days. The ground speed multiplier is $2. 2.ii Air arrives in 4 days. The air speed multiplier is $8. 2.iii Expedited arrives in 1 day. The expedited speed multiplier is $16. 3 Deliveries can be prioritized based on a number of outside variables. 4 Deliveries can be prioritized based on a number of outside variables. 5 Bulk rate pricing can be implemented.   How would you implement this logic and add in your own business logic for added profits? Logic such as finding the appropriate vehicle to make a delivery can be handled by regular Services. Bulk rates, prioritizing merchants and packages, delivery pricing, and how orders are handled would fall under Business Logic. The MerchantThingTemplate Thing contains a DataChange Subscription for it's list of orders. This Subscription triggers an Event in the PTCDelivers Thing.   The PTCDelivers Thing contains an Event for new orders coming in and a Subscription for adding orders and merchants to their respective DataTables. This Subscription can be seen as the entry point for this scenario. Nevertheless, you can create a follow-up Service to handle your business logic. We have created the PTCDeliversBusinessLogic to house your business rules engine.   Step 5: Scenario Data Model Breakdown   This guide will not go into detail of the data model of the application, but here is a high level view of the roles played within the application.   Thing Shapes ClientThingShape Shape used to represent the various types of clients the business faces (merchants/customers). VehicleThingShape Shape used to represent different forms of transportation throughout the system.   Templates PlaneThingTemplate Template used to construct all representations of a delivery plane. TruckThingTemplate Template used to construct all representations of a delivery truck. MerchantThingTemplate Template used to construct all representations of a merchant where goods are purchased from. CustomerThingTemplate Template used to construct all representations of a customer who purchases goods.   Things/Systems PTCDeliversBusinessLogic This Thing will hold a majority of the business rule implementation and convenience services. PTCDelivers A Thing that will provide helper functions in the application.   DataShapes PackageDeliveryDataShape DataShape used with the package delivery event. Will provide necessary information about deliveries. PackageDataShape DataShape used for processing a package. OrderDataShape DataShape used for processing customer orders. MerchantOrderDataShape DataShape used for processing merchant orders. MerchantDataShape DataShape used for tracking merchants.   DataTables OrdersDatabase DataTable used to store all orders made with customers. MerchantDatabase DataTable used to store all information for merchants.     Step 6: Next Steps   Congratulations! You've successfully completed the Create Custom Business Logic guide, and learned how to: Create business logic for IoT with resources provided in the ThingWorx platform Utilize the ThingWorx Edge SDK platforms with a pre-established business rule engine   We hope you found this guide useful.    The next guide in the Design and Implement Data Models to Enable Predictive Analytics learning path is Implement Services, Events, and Subscriptions.     
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