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Applicable Releases: ThingWorx Platform 7.0 to 8.4   Description:   Concepts and basic Mashup design using an use case as example Following topics are covered: Recap Scenario Requirements and review concept design Introduction to Mashup Builder Design Mashup to visualize data     Related Success Service The session was recorded using the old ThingWorx Composer, but the concepts are still applicable
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Applicable Releases: ThingWorx Platform 7.0 to 8.5   Description:   Introduction to Edge connectivity in Thingworx Foundation: Edge concept and definition Available edge products Why use Edge products What is Edge Microserver and Lua Script Resource What are the SDKs What are connection servers AlwaysOn and HTTP protocols ThingTemplates to connect remote devices     The session was recorded in an old ThingWorx version, but all the concepts are still applicable
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Applicable Releases: ThingWorx Platform 8.3 to 8.5   Description:   Installation walkthrough of ThingWorx foundation using PostgreSQL, materializing some main steps that might be difficult to read in the installation guides       Reference installation guides for each version
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Applicable Releases: ThingWorx Platform 7.0 to 8.5   Description:   Concepts and methodology to design a data model using an use case as example The following topics are covered: Real-world Product Example ThingWorx Terminology and concepts Formulate an implementation Strategy       Related Success Service
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Applicable Releases: ThingWorx Platform 8.0 to 8.5; ThingWorx Navigate 1.5.0 to 8.5.0   Description:   Definition and concepts of Single Sign On (SSO), terminologies, components and architecture, as well as configuration prerequisites and high level steps to configure using PingFederation with Windchill and Navigate and main troubleshooting techniques    
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Applicable Releases: ThingWorx Platform 7.0 to 8.5   Description:   Main concepts and best practices for devops methodology such as Naming Conventions Setup and management of environments for development and testing Import/Export process and application deployment Use of Tags and Project to control your development Coding Standards Validation best practices         For project packaging and deployment, make sure to check the content about Solution Central created after this session was released
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    Hi, everyone!   In previous tech tips, I’ve introduced the ThingWorx 9.0 active-active clustering feature and provided architectural details and configurations. If you haven’t already, I recommend you check them out to learn more about how active-active clustering enables higher availability for ThingWorx: 9.0 Sneak Peek: Active-Active Clustering for ThingWorx 9.0 Sneak Peek: ThingWorx Architecture for Active-Active Clustering 9.0 Sneak Peek: Flexible Deployments of Active-Active Clustering for ThingWorx “ThingWorx on Air” Ep. 08: FAQs: ThingWorx Active-Active Clustering for Higher Availability   Today, I’ll provide more details around the load balancer in the active-active clustering architecture, some of its requirements, and a few configuration examples. Ready? Here we go! Here are the top four FAQs around the load balancer that will help you maximize your use of active-active clustering.   What do you mean by load balancing? Load balancing is the process of distributing network traffic across multiple servers. An algorithm employed by the load balancer or a proxy, determines how the traffic is distrusted. Round robin, fastest response, and least established connections are some of the most common methods of load balancing and provide different benefits, but all fundamentally ensure no single server bears too much demand. By spreading the traffic, load balancing improves application responsiveness. It also increases availability of applications and websites for users. Modern applications cannot run without load balancers. In general load balancers can run as hardware appliances or as software-defined. Hardware appliances often run proprietary software optimized to run on custom processors. As traffic increases, the vendor simply adds more load balancing appliances to handle the volume. Software defined load balancers usually run on less-expensive, standard Intel x86 hardware. Installing the software in cloud environments like Azure VMs or AWS EC2 eliminates the need for a physical appliance.   Following the seven-layer Open System Interconnection (OSI) model, load balancing occurs between layers four to seven (L4-Transport, L5-Session, L6-Presentation and L7-Application), whereas network firewalls are at levels one to three (L1-Physical Wiring, L2-Data Link and L3-Network). Load balancers have a various capabilities, which include: L4 — directs traffic based on data from network and transport layer protocols, such as IP address and TCP port. L7 — adds content switching to load balancing. This allows routing decisions based on attributes like HTTP header, uniform resource identifier, SSL session ID and HTML form data. GSLB — Global Server Load Balancing extends L4 and L7 capabilities to servers in different geographic locations. More enterprises are seeking to deploy cloud-native applications in data centers and public clouds. This is leading to significant changes in the capability of load balancers. What is a load balancer’s role in the ThingWorx Active-Active Clustering setup? As is true of any load balancer, the load balancer required in the ThingWorx Foundation active-active clustering architecture is responsible for distributing incoming traffic across the nodes within the cluster.   In the Active-Active Clustering architecture for ThingWorx, the load balancer distributes the traffic using a round-robin method. Please note that there are a several algorithms that provide load balancing techniques and this article is a good read for further understanding of it. A round-robin method rotates servers by directing traffic to the first available server and then moves that server to the bottom of the queue.   In ThingWorx clustering setup, while both WebSocket and HTTP incoming traffic are handled in a round-robin manner, they are routed differently by the load balancer.   HTTP traffic is directly distributed amongst the ThingWorx Foundation Servers within the cluster. Sticky sessions are used for the HTTP sessions—sticky via cookie, so individual users are tied directly to a single server node and see all of their changes instantaneously.   WebSocket traffic is distributed across the and is balanced via source IP to ensure each request from a device goes through the same connection server. From the ThingWorx Connection Server, the device traffic is distributed amongst the underlying ThingWorx Foundation Servers, not requiring another load balancer between the ThingWorx Connection Servers and ThingWorx Foundation Servers.   Please note that the WebSocket traffic load does not necessarily get distributed evenly nor do the incoming requests due to stickiness. For example: 2 users connect HTTP, one sends 100 requests and the other sends 2. Since they are sticky, it is not distributed evenly. 2 devices connect to a ThingWorx Connection Server. 1 is a gateway for 100 other devices, all requests fthe gateway go to the same connection server. The Connection Server does a round-robin to the underlying Foundation Servers so that the load would be better distributed across, but the load balancer is sticky to a ThingWorx Connection Server.     Which load balancer can I choose for setting ThingWorx in an Active-Active Cluster mode? ThingWorx active-active clustering is pretty much load balancer agnostic, meaning if the load balancer of your choosing that you might be using in your IT center meets the requirements, it can be utilized within the active-active clustering architecture. The load balancer is required to support the following features: Based on Layer-7 architecture Supports HTTP and WebSocket traffic Ability to support sticky sessions for  traffic and/or IP based stickiness. IP based means all traffic from a specific IP will be routed to the same server (this can be a problem with gateway type scenarios). Sticky sessions are based on a cookie, sessions are routed to same server based on cookie. Different users same IP could route to different machines. Health checking on server endpoints. (optional) It can manage SSL termination and SSL internal endpoints. Supports Path based routing. This is the ability to route to specific backends based on the URL or part of the URL. By default, all routes should go to the platform servers, but the following routes should go to the connection server: /Thingworx/WS /Thingworx/WSTunnelServer /Thingworx/WSTunnelClient /Thingworx/VWS All servers should be setup to only be part of load balancing based on their health configuration.  When configuring health check frequency, they should be run at a rate based on the tolerance for bad requests to be processed. Thingworx Foundation has a /health and /ready endpoint.   The /Thingworx/ready endpoint should be used for the load balancer.  It will return a 200 when the server is ready to receive traffic.  Connection Server checks health requests on a specific port and will return 200 when healthy. What are some of the compatible load balancers that I can use? While you can use any load balancer that satisfies the above request and meets your IT standards, below are some of the third-party load balancers that provide the features that are required of the active-active clustering architecture: HAProxy - HAProxy is a free, open source software that provides a high availability load balancer and proxy server for TCP and HTTP-based applications that spreads requests across multiple servers. It is very powerful and supports monitoring capabilities out of the box. PTC tests the clustering architecture using HA Proxy and provides a reference document for the same through the ThingWorx Foundation help center docs. Please note that it runs only on Linux environments. For a quick reference example of how to set up an HAProxy load balancer, see our Help Center here. NGINX - NGINX is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy serve. NGINX provides proxy capabilities as well as web server options. Some features like sticky sessions, advanced monitoring are not available in the opensource version and require you upgrade to NGINX Plus.  If you’re a Windows shop or already use NGINX Plus in your IT, then you may choose this load balancer offering.  However, please note that PTC doesn’t provide any official configuration steps of setting it up through our Help Center documentation. For a quick reference example of how to set up an NGNIX load balancer, see our Help Center here. AWS Application Load Balancer - Application Load Balancer (ALB) is best suited for load balancing of HTTP and HTTPS traffic and provides advanced request routing targeted at the underlying ThingWorx applications. Operating at the individual request level (Layer 7), Application Load Balancer routes traffic to targets within Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) based on the content of the request. If you’re running ThingWorx deployments on AWS, then you may choose to use AWS-offered managed load balancing services. F5: F5 Networks through its BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager solution provides advance load balancing techniques such as a full proxy where you can inspect, manage, and report on application traffic entering and exiting your network with additional features around SSL and performance optimization. Load balancers are another area where ThingWorx allows for flexibility and extensibility by enabling you to use the load balancer of your choosing that you’re most comfortable with or that best suits your needs (provided it meets the criteria above). You can also configure SSL or TLS for HAProxy when using ThingWorx HA clustering for end-to-end security. I hope this tech tip helped you develop a deeper understanding of how active-active clustering leverages load balancers to further increase your performance and thus availability and machine uptime, among many others.   If you’re not already on 9.0 and using active-active clustering, be sure to upgrade!   Stay connected, Kaya  
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Hello!   “ThingWorx on Air” Episode 9 is now available! Grab your headphones and listen to Neal, an Azure subject matter expert, and Janie, a PM focused on Azure functionality, introduce a new integration we’re working on between Kepware, Azure IoT Edge, Azure IoT Hub and ThingWorx.   Discover how you’ll be able to leverage and model OPC UA data directly in the Thing Model, how you’ll be able to connect just about any OPC UA device through the Azure stack and to the Cloud, and so much more. We can’t wait to continue to extend ThingWorx functionality to support industry standards like the OPC UA protocols.   Are you excited? Wish you could get your hands on this functionality early? You can! Reach out to Janie at to learn how you can become involved in an exclusive OPC UA & ThingWorx preview program.   Enjoy the episode and let me know what you think below!   Stay connected, Kaya
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This small tutorial enables you to manage payload decoding for Adeunis Devices within ThingWorx Composer in less than 10 minutes.  Adeunis Devices communicates on LPWAN networks (LoRaWAN / Sigfox) covering sectors such as smart building, smart industry and smart city. The encoding is also possible but it will be covered in another article.   1. Get Adeunis Codec Adeunis is providing a codec enabling payload encoding and decoding.  Download here the resource file containing the codec.  Unzip the file and edit "script.txt" with your favorite text editor. Copy all text contained in the file.   2.  Create AdeunisCodec Thing Create a Thing called "AdeunisCodec" based on the GenericThing Template.   3. Create a service called "Decode" Create a Decode Service with the following setup: Inputs: type (String), payload (String) Output as JSON Past the previously copied "script.txt" content Save   4. Correct a couple of Warnings Remove all "var codec;" occurences except first one at line 1191.  Remove semi columns at lines 985,1088, 1096 and 1172   5. Remove the following section The codec relies on implementing functions on JavaScript prototypes which is not supported by ThingWorx Rhino JavaScript Engine. See the following documentation section, here.    Remove from line 1109 to 1157.   The following classes overrides will be removed: Uint8Array.prototype.readUInt16BE Uint8Array.prototype.readInt16BE Uint8Array.prototype.readUInt8 Uint8Array.prototype.readUInt32BE Uint8Array.prototype.writeUInt16BE Uint8Array.prototype.writeUInt8 Uint8Array.prototype.writeUInt32BE 6. Add new implementations of the removed functions The functions are adapted from a JavaScript framework which contains resources that helps dealing with binary data, here. Insert the  following section at the top of the "Decode" script.         function readInt16BE (payload,offset) { checkOffset(offset, 2, payload.length); var val = payload[offset + 1] | (payload[offset] << 8); return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val; } function readUInt32BE (payload,offset) { checkOffset(offset, 4, payload.length); return (payload[offset] * 0x1000000) + ((payload[offset + 1] << 16) | (payload[offset + 2] << | payload[offset + 3]); } function readUInt16BE (payload,offset) { checkOffset(offset, 2, payload.length); return (payload[offset] << | payload[offset + 1]; } function readUInt8 (payload,offset) { checkOffset(offset, 1, payload.length); return payload[offset]; } function writeUInt16BE (payload,value, offset) { value = +value; offset = offset >>> 0; checkInt(payload, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0); if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { this[offset] = (value >>> 8); payload[offset + 1] = value; } else objectWriteUInt16(payload, value, offset, false); return offset + 2; } function writeUInt8 (payload,value, offset) { value = +value; offset = offset >>> 0; checkInt(payload, value, offset, 1, 0xff, 0); if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) value = Math.floor(value); payload[offset] = value; return offset + 1; } function writeUInt32BE (payload,value, offset) { value = +value; offset = offset >>> 0; checkInt(payload, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0); if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) { payload[offset] = (value >>> 24); payload[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16); payload[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8); payload[offset + 3] = value; } else objectWriteUInt32(payload, value, offset, false); return offset + 4; } function objectWriteUInt16 (buf, value, offset, littleEndian) { if (value < 0) value = 0xffff + value + 1; for (var i = 0, j = Math.min(buf.length - offset, 2); i < j; i++) { buf[offset + i] = (value & (0xff << (8 * (littleEndian ? i : 1 - i)))) >>> (littleEndian ? i : 1 - i) * 8; } } function objectWriteUInt32 (buf, value, offset, littleEndian) { if (value < 0) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1; for (var i = 0, j = Math.min(buf.length - offset, 4); i < j; i++) { buf[offset + i] = (value >>> (littleEndian ? i : 3 - i) * & 0xff; } }     7. Add the following function to support previous inserted functions     function checkOffset (offset, ext, length) { if ((offset % 1) !== 0 || offset < 0) throw new Error ('offset is not uint'); if (offset + ext > length) throw new Error ('Trying to access beyond buffer length'); }     8. Add the following function for casting String to Bytes     function splitInBytes(data) { var bytes = []; var bytesAsString = ''; for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < data.length; i += 2, j++) { bytes[j] = parseInt(data.substr(i, 2), 16); bytesAsString += bytes[j] + ' '; } return bytes; }     9. Remap function calls to newly inserted functions Use the built-in script editor replace feature for the following, see below:   Within the service script perform a Replace for each of the following lines. Search Replace by payload.readInt16BE( readInt16BE(payload, payload.readUInt32BE( readUInt32BE(payload, payload.readUInt16BE( readUInt16BE(payload, payload.readUInt8( readUInt8(payload, payload.writeUInt16BE( writeUInt16BE(payload, payload.writeUInt8( writeUInt8(payload, payload.writeUInt32BE( writeUInt32BE(payload,   10. At the Bottom update the following Replace : decoder.setDeviceType("temp"); By : decoder.setDeviceType(type);   11. Insert the following at the bottom var result = Decoder(splitInBytes(payload), 0);   12. Save Service and Thing   13. Create a test Service for Adeunis Temp Device Within "AdeunisCodec" Thing Create a new service called "test_decode_temp" with Output as String Insert the following code:      // result: STRING var result = me.Decode({type: "temp" /* STRING */,payload: "43400100F40200F1" /* STRING */});     Save & Execute  The expected result is:     {"temperatures":[{"unit":"°C","name":"probe 1","id":0,"value":24.4},{"unit":"°C","name":"probe 2","id":0,"value":24.1}],"type":"0x43 Temperature data","status":{"frameCounter":2,"lowBattery":false,"hardwareError":false,"probe1Alarm":false,"configurationDone":false,"probe2Alarm":false}}       Please visit the Decoder test section of Adeunis website to see the reference for the Temp device test case, here.   Spoiler (Highlight to read) The resources has been tested on ThingWorx 8.5 and with the latest and greatest ThingWorx 9...   If you are more interested in the result than in the implementation process then import the attached "Things_AdeunisCodec.xml" 😉  The resources has been tested on ThingWorx 8.5 and with the latest and greatest ThingWorx 9...  If you are more interested in the result than in the implementation process then import the attached "Things_AdeunisCodec.xml"    
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Hiya,   I recently prepared a short demo which shows how to onboard and use Azure IoT devices in ThingWorx and added some usability tips and tricks to help others who might struggle with some of the things that I did.     The good news... I recorded and posted it to YouTube here.   •Connect Azure IoT Hub with ThingWorx (to be updated soon for 9.0 release) •Using the Azure IoT Dev Kit with ThingWorx •Getting the Azure IoT Hub Connector Up and Running (V3/8.5)   Enjoy, and don't hesitate to comment with your own tips and feedback.   Cheers,   Greg
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Hi Community,   Although we have reference architectures and integration paths for connecting devices to ThingWorx through Azure IoT; no one has ever written anything about doing the same from one ThingWorx to another.  I thought I’d change that and put some ideas out there around how one might go about doing this.  Although this is not officially supported or recommended by PTC; I have consulted with a number of leading SMEs on the subject, which have participated in forming the basis of my thinking outlined here.   Components Required (in order of communication path): On-premise ThingWorx Platform Protocol Adapter Toolkit* (CXS) - MQTT Azure IoT Edge Azure IoT Hub ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector (CXS) Azure Cloud-hosted ThingWorx Platform   PAT (2) with codec to encode MQTT messages publishes to on-premise IoT Edge MQTT endpoint which handles store-and-forward of messages to IoT Hub.  An Azure IoT device would exist for each Thing you wish to represent on the ThingWorx servers.  The Azure IoT Hub Connector would pick-up the incoming messages and pass them on to the cloud ThingWorx which would decode the MQTT payload and map to Thing property updates.   The only part that I presently don’t like about this approach is that you’ll need to decode the MQTT messages on the ThingWorx platform in the cloud when they are received from the IoT Hub, and this mechanism will need to also need to handle encoding and publishing back to the IoT Hub if C2D (Cloud-to-Device) messages are to be implemented (aka bi-directional).  This is required as ThingWorx only supports AlwaysOn as an application level protocol so some form of mapping needs to be done.   * Another approach would be to replace the PAT with a custom agent which implements both the ThingWorx Edge SDK and the Azure IoT device SDK   Regards,   Greg Eva
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  Ever dreamed of participating in the design of the latest ThingWorx features? Now’s your chance! Join the UX Lab in usability and research sessions to help inform the design of your favorite ThingWorx features from the Edge to Kepware to remote monitoring to Solution Central and more!   For those of you newer to PTC, the UX Lab is an opportunity to see early views of product mockups, wireframes, etc. to provide your direct feedback; the UX Lab is part of LiveWorx, our definitive event for digital transformation, and this year both are virtual!   Click here to influence the design of Edge, Kepware, remote monitoring, Solution Central, and so much more!   Reach out with any questions!   Stay connected, Kaya
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We are bringing the Liveworx UX Lab to you this year! Contribute to the design and development of PTC’s IoT & AR products from the comfort of your home.   Participate in online 1:1 session with PTC Researchers and Designers to take our prototypes & conceptual designs for a spin, share your expertise to directly impact the experience of our future products.   For all Liveworx 2020 UX Lab sessions, click here   IoT & AR session links: SOLUTION CENTRAL: User Management SOLUTION CENTRAL: PTC Solution Deployment SERVICE: Remote Monitoring Solution THINGWORX: Managing Building Blocks in Composer THINGWORX KEPWARE EDGE: Container Based Software at Scale EDGE: Next Generation IoT Edge (Asset) Manager THINGWORX: Asset Modeling DIGITAL PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SOLUTION: Bottleneck ID & Balanced Scorecard MANUFACTURING: PTC Solution Strategy using Building Blocks IMPLEMENTING AR and IOT: Successes and Difficulties VUFORIA EDITOR: Authoring Work Instructions VUFORIA EDITOR: Authoring Work Containing Augmented Reality
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ThingWorx 8.5 Architecture Deployment Guide The ThingWorx 8.5 Architecture Deployment Guide has recently been updated with a few bug fixes and semantic corrections. Note that older guides are still available as well. Look forward to the 9.0 Deployment Guide coming soon.   Happy developing!
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Developing with Axeda Artisan (for Axeda Platform, v6.8 and later) Axeda Artisan is a development tool based on the Apache Maven build system. Artisan includes authoring, management, and deployment mechanisms that define and manage the development of Axeda Platform extension points, allowing you to flexibly install, update, and uninstall many types of objects on the Axeda Platform. The Components of Artisan The Artisan framework is comprised of several components: The Axeda Platform Each instance of the Axeda Platform contains libraries and sample Artisan Projects (archetypes) that are downloaded by developers to author and deploy their own Artisan Projects. The Artisan Project An Artisan Project is a collection of content and configuration files that are used to define a set of objects that will be installed on the Axeda Platform. The Artisan Installer The Artisan Installer is a flexible, configurable application that uses the Apache Maven build life-cycle to upload the contents of an Artisan Project to the Axeda Platform. Axeda Platform APIs The Artisan Installer interacts with the Axeda Platform and uses Axeda APIs to install, upgrade, or uninstall ArtisanProjects. How You Work With Artisan The goal of using Artisan is to develop an Artisan Project that will become an object or application that runs on the Axeda Platform. There are several phases involved in creating an Artisan Project: Preparing Your Development Environment – When first working with Artisan, you need to prepare your development environment by installing or configuring Java, Apache Maven, and any other required development tools. Creating an Artisan Project – Artisan uses archetypes as the basis for Artisan Projects. Archetypes are used to generate an Artisan Project that contains the correct type of development framework, which you then modify to create your own Artisan Project: The Hello World archetype provides a sample project you can use to create common objects on the Axeda Platform. The Machine Streams archetype provides a sample project you can use to configure machine streams for your Axeda Platform. Installing an Artisan Project on the Axeda Platform – The Artisan Installer packages the contents of the Artisan Project, and deploys them on the Axeda Platform. Testing the Artisan Project – Once installed, you can test your Artisan Project to verify its functionality and identify any issues that need to be addressed. It is common for an Artisan Project to be installed on the Axeda Platform several times as issues are identified and corrected during development. Creating a Stand-alone Installer – Once ready for deployment to production, the Artisan Installer is used to create a stand-alone installer for distributing the project contents to other instances of the Axeda Platform. Where to Go from Here To begin working with the Artisan framework to create your own projects, refer to the following: Artisan Landing Page – A page hosted on the Axeda Platform that introduces Artisan and serves as a starting point for creating an Artisan Project. The Artisan Landing Page can be found at the following location: http://instance_name:port/artisan                     Where instance_name:port/ is the ip address and port of an instance of the Axeda Platform. Axeda® Artisan Developer’s Guide – A reference that introduces Artisan, describes how to prepare your development environment, and provides detailed technical information concerning creating an Artisan Project and configuring the Artisan Installer. The Axeda® Artisan Developer’s Guide is available with all Axeda product documentation from the PTC Support site,
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Complete information about installing and using the Axeda Machine Streams Data Relay Project is available here. This page provides the files for Axeda Machine Streams Data Relay Project: For Linux users ready to run (bin) files: download the machine-streams-data-relay-1.0.3-bin.tar_.gz archive full Maven project files: download the machine-streams-data-relay-1.0.3-project.tar_.gz archive For Windows users ready to run (bin) files: download the archive full Maven project files: download the archive From the links below, select the project you want to use.
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This Zip file contains the Axeda patch (axeda-jms-plugin-<version>-machine-streams) required for proper installation and configuration of an Apache ActiveMQ server to use with the Axeda Machine Streams service (which is supported for Axeda Platform v6.8 and later). Note: Information about the Axeda Machine Streams feature is provided in the Axeda Features Guide available from the Axeda Support site, This patch overlay needs to be applied to the v5.8.0 ActiveMQ server installed as the Axeda Machine Streams endpoint broker, so that Axeda Platform can send streamed content to that server endpoint. Complete instructions for installing and configuring an Apache ActiveMQ server for Axeda Machine Streams are provided in the reference, Axeda® Machine Streams: A Guide to Setting Up Broker Endpoints. This guide is available with all Axeda product documentation from the PTC Support site.
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Joint Study by Cognizant and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) - Making products smart can deliver game-changing innovation,enriched customer experiences and new, across-the board levels of efficiency. From R&D and manufacturing, through distribution and after-sales support, product data is changing how products are built, sold and cared for. Our latest research reveals practical steps business leaders can take to benefit from this quickly intensifying and accelerating trend.
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A student in the Axeda Groovy course had some good questions. Instead of answering via email, I thought I'd answer here, so we could share the knowledge. Domain Objects - How can I customize or extend Axeda provided domain objects? (Eg., I need to store whether a user is external or internal user) How can I achieve this? This is a perfect use case for the Axeda Extended Data API. Documentation on the API can be found in the Axeda Platform v1 API Developer's Reference Guide. A good, "Getting Started," topic is available on Axeda Mentor - Getting Started With the Axeda Extended Data API. To customize/extend/decorate Axeda-provided domain objects, use Extended Objects. Extended Objects can be thought of in the abstract as a collection of custom database table rows. The analogy isn't perfect, but it helps with understanding. The use case in the question is very common. Extended Objects can stand on their own, or they can be associated with an Axeda domain object with the setInternalID() method. In the following sample code, we "decorate" an Axeda User object with two new fields, isExternalUser and companyID: private void updateAdditionalFieldsForUser(User user, boolean isExternalUser, String companyID) {   // GET OBJECT TYPE - This example assumes the ExtendedObjectType has already been created   ExtendedObjectType extObjectType = extendedObjectService.findExtendedObjectTypeByClassname("com.axeda.drm.sdk.user.User")   // GET PROPERTY TYPES   PropertyType isExternalUserPropertyType = findOrCreatePropertyType(extObjectType, "IS_EXTERNAL_USER")   PropertyType companyIdPropertyType = findOrCreatePropertyType(extObjectType, "COMPANY_ID")      /* GET THE EXTENDED OBJECT   * Note - the example provides a findExtendedObject() method that searches by INTERNAL ID. This linkage via the internal ID   * associates a domain object to an ExtendedObject, allowing us to "decorate" it with custom attributes   */   ExtendedObject extObject = findExtendedObject(extObjectType,   if (extObject == null)   {     extObject = new ExtendedObject()     extObject.setExtendedObjectType(extObjectType)     extObject.setInternalObjectId(     extObject.addProperty(createExtendedProperty(isExternalUserPropertyType, isExternalUser.toString()))     extObject.addProperty(createExtendedProperty(companyIdPropertyType, companyID))     extendedObjectService.createExtendedObject(extObject)   }   else   {     addOrUpdateExtendedProperty(extObject, isExternalUserPropertyType, "IS_EXTERNAL_USER", isExternalUser.toString())     addOrUpdateExtendedProperty(extObject, companyIdPropertyType, "COMPANY_ID", companyID)     extendedObjectService.updateExtendedObject(extObject)   } }  /**  * Adds or Updates an extended property.  *  * @param extendedObject the extended object to associate with the property  * @param propertyType the type of the property  * @param propertyName the name of the property  * @param propertyValue the value of the property  */ private void addOrUpdateExtendedProperty(ExtendedObject extendedObject, PropertyType propertyType, String propertyName, String propertyValue) {   Property extendedProperty = extendedObject.getPropertyByName(propertyName)   if (extendedProperty == null)   {   extendedProperty = createExtendedProperty(propertyType, propertyValue)   extendedObject.addProperty(extendedProperty)   }   else   {   extendedProperty.setValue(propertyValue)   } }  /**  * Retrieves and returns the extended object with the given type and internal id.  *  * @param extObjectType the type of the desired external object  * @param internalObjectId the internal id of the desired extended object  * @return the extended object matching the given details or <code>null</code> in case there's no match  */ private ExtendedObject findExtendedObject(ExtendedObjectType extObjectType, Long internalObjectId) {   ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria searchCriteria = new ExtendedObjectSearchCriteria()   searchCriteria.setExtendedObjectTypeId(extObjectType.getId())   searchCriteria.setInternalObjectId(internalObjectId)    List<ExtendedObject> extObjects = extendedObjectService.findExtendedObjects(searchCriteria, -1, 0, "name")    if (!extObjects?.isEmpty())   {    return extObjects[0]   }   return null }  /**  * Gets a property type given its name and the associated extended object type.  * If it cannot find the property type it will create it.  *  * @param extendedObjectType the associated extended object type for the property type  * @param propertyTypeName the property type name  * @return the property type  */  private PropertyType findOrCreatePropertyType(ExtendedObjectType extendedObjectType, String propertyTypeName)  {     PropertyType propertyType = extendedObjectType.getPropertyTypeByName(propertyTypeName)     if (propertyType == null)     {       propertyType = new PropertyType()       propertyType.setDataType(PropertyDataType.String)       propertyType.setName(propertyTypeName)       propertyType.setExtendedObjectType(extendedObjectType)       extendedObjectService.createPropertyType(propertyType)       extendedObjectType.addPropertyType(propertyType)     }     return propertyType  } By using Extended Objects, and associating them with Axeda domain objects via an internal ID, we can decorate/extend/customize those domain objects with use-case-specific attributes.
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  Hi everyone,   If you’ve been curious about Solution Central, our new cloud tool for application management and deployment, and wondered how it can help your existing apps, then get ready because we have a feature for you! Our initial release of Solution Central focused on deploying apps built on 8.5 or later. Today, whether big or small, round or square, red or blue, built by PTC or by you, all apps can be deployed using Solution Central. Using Operator Advisor 8.4? We got you covered. Using an old extension? No worries. Using an app built on 7.2? Not a problem. Solution Central can deploy all apps.   This ability to deploy any app, regardless of which version it was created on, is just one of the many improvements we’re releasing to help you accelerate your deployment. You can take advantage of this latest capability in ThingWorx 8.5.3 and Solution Central 1.0.3. Try it out today!   We’re not stopping there, though.   We have a lot that we’re working on and wanted to share a quick glimpse of what you can expect in the very near future: ability to manage solution lifecycle through deletion of solutions and their versions ability to secure and manage connected environments through improved activation and deactivation services advanced administrative capability to withdraw and re-initiate deployment requests   The above functionality, along with additional enhancements, are targeted for TW8.5.5 and SC1.1.0 in early April.   These improvements will help to maximize the time savings and overall value you derive from Solution Central’s unique deployment services.   As always, stay connected, Kaya
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In the archive there is an extension called​ . This extension enables the use of the Widget called Infotable Selector, which can be used to clear the selection in a grid. For how to use this widget, take a look at the picture:
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