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We were going to connect a Schneider-electic Modbus Device to Thingworks.
We have install the Thingworks foundation and die Industrial Connectivity 8.
This manual was used:
After Connect this Error in Industiral Connectivity:
Date Zeit Ebene Quelle Ereignis
05.04.2019 10:41:56 Fehler ThingWorx Industrial Connectivity\Runtime Versuch, das Element 'NNN.P1.Register1' hinzuzufügen, ist fehlgeschlagen.
05.04.2019 10:41:56 Fehler ThingWorx Native Interface Fehler beim Hinzufügen des Elements. | Elementname = 'NNN_P1_Register1'.
The Schneider Component:
Can anyone help us with this problem?
Hi mwalisk,
How are you connecting the device?
Can we have any log from the device side.
Thank you,
Hello gnandyala,
die Device ist connected over Modbus TCP/IP.
From the Device, we can't have any Log.
Hi mwalisk,
Were you able to connect Modbs to kepware without any issue.
In this case can you provide me kepware logs when connecting to TWX
Hi mwalisk,
Did you get the change to view the question from gnandyala?
Do you still face the issue? Or did you manage to fix it? If yes, kindly provide information about how the issue got fixed, this will benefit other community members.;o)
Thank you.