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Adding Date when printing on Océ TDS700


Adding Date when printing on Océ TDS700

Hello everybody,

I need to stamp the current date on the drawings printed to the Océ
Plotter TDS700.

Pro/Engineer printing procedure is configured to generate a plt file and
the to call LPR program to do the actual printing. The plotter manual
suggest to the command STAMP as an option of the /Job Ticket/ sent to
the plotter. But I cannot understand what they mean... The plt generated
is an HPGL file with no mention of anything that can be considered a
/Job Ticket.

/I tried to insert some command I read in the manual before the .plt
file generated by Pro/ENGINEER, just as I did for driving the machine
attached to the plotter that folds the sheets, but it doesn't work.

Does anyone have some suggestion?

I understand this could be quite OT, but I hope that some of you may
help me anyway.

Thanks a lot

Stefano Berretta


CAD.I.TECH - CAD Integration Technology s.r.l
Via Montevideo 7, 16129 Genova
Tel: 010 362 62 66 - Fax: 010 362 62 67 - SKYPE: stefano.berretta <">>

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