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Margi, are you seeking general comments or something specific like CAD Assembly association? We associate CAD Docs to WTParts. With 10.1 the action "edit association" from the CAD Doc info Action menu will permit asssociation and then requires a Check In of the WTPart. The next Check In of the CAD Doc will also build the wtpart attributes noted with the prompt line in the Creo window. You'll need to understand that now the CAD Doc and WTPart must both have Check In rights once associated. If either does not then the Check In will fail. Also during the Revision actions the wtpart will collect if you start the revision tasks using the Owner CAD Doc
Regards, Jim
In Reply to Margi Korch:
Just curious if anyone would be willing to share experiences on linking CAD
data to existing WT Part structure?
Thanks in advance!!
Margi Korch
Information Technology
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Solutions
Missile Systems
Raytheon Company
+1 520.545.6097 (office)
+1 520.203.4444 (cell)
6221 S Palo Verde Rd
Tucson, AZ 85706-5093 USA
Raytheon Sustainability
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